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He's certainly a character so he's good for tv. I've been around Bible pushers and it can get intense especially the born again ones. In some ways they're no different from the JW's or the Mormons. Have come up against them all and stood my ground without slamming the door on them or being rude about their beliefs, each to their own...had the JW's round last week, a sweet elderly couple so I just let them talk for a while without interrupting, have heard it all before, and eventually without getting argumentative smilingly mentioned I had my own beliefs and wouldn't be changing them and said nice talking to you but I have to go now, wonder if they'll come back again lol.
Yellow Rose
Reference: Rev
Evangelists give people who want to quietly enjoy their religion a bad name.
That's right. I'm not at all religious, but I have no problem with people who are - as long as they have no problem with me not being.

My mother-in-law is a believer, who goes to mass every Sunday and also plays organ in her local church. She's known me for 15 years, yet has never even asked what my beliefs (or lack of) are, let alone tried to influence them. She's never been anything but kind and caring towards me, without ever once judging me.

Then again, unlike Stephen, she knows morals aren't exclusive to religious folk, and that "Christian virtues" are nothing of the sort, if you brag about having them.
I agree with someone up above ^^^ - wish someone in there had the brains to challenge him on the bible and where it came from, who wrote it etc..... erm.... man wrote it yeah?
did Jesus have a beard????  was he white/black/brown???? was he long-haired etc??? - you know that sort of thing - how does one know for FACT eh?  Why did he only choose MEN as his disciples??????
(and this is coming from a god-fearing person I might add)...
Oh there's far worse you could challenge SB with BarmyBrummie. But I'm speaking as an aetheist.
I'd like to challenge him about the similarities between Christian fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalism.Had SB been raised in the middle east he'd no doubt be exhorting his offspring to strap explosives to themselves in the name of Allah rather than insisting random idiot shoots his daughter for failing to denounce the existence of some deity. Sheesh, if it worked for Peter...

But hey ... let's count ourselves lucky eh? Imagine if there was ever a President of the US mindless enough to share those views. Just imagine what might happen if he was ever in charge when all hell broke loose?

Oh - hang on.
I don't know if he's actually that mad or is pretending to be that mad to make a living by way of reality TV, either way I can't suffer the guy.  I know he's entertaining but I am almost pulling my hair out every time I have to watch the imbecile open his outrageously excruciating mouth.  The sight of him makes my blood boil.  By the way, I am self moderating.  I have deleted about 100 swear words.  He winds me up so much
Not disagreeing at all Cariad.... so who is right then????  THAT is what I'm saying????
WIsh someone would speak up for themselves and their own self beliefs
Who is right and who is wrong??
I have my own beliefs that I have been brought up with, and will probably die by - but my eyes arent shut.... we all believe in something at the end of the day
who says I'm right
who says he/she is wrong?

someone needs to have a word with Father Stephen  - trip him up (so to speak)

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