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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I was that 'terrible mum' four times.


My third has Hayfever. 

*puts Blizzie in the stocks and pelts her with rotten tomatoes*


Ditty and Cinds, there is no such thing as a perfect mum.

Most of us do the very best we can for our kids, making small and sometimes big mistakes along the way.


well im certainly not the perfect mum, but im sorry, as far as smoking goes Im at a total loss to why anyone would want to sit and inhale smoke into their own lungs yet alone make a new baby suffer it.  I suppose thats one thing I really do not understand, I am very OCD about smoking though, and if i had my way id make it illegal  


*gets coat*

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My mother smoked whilst pregnant with me smoker in those days gave up while they were pregnant. I think that GJ was simply saying there are a lot of survivors out there ....................Stacey obviously knows it's not right to smoke whilst pregnant but it is an addiction's her life - it's her baby - people are just so nasty - she feels bad enough without everyone getting on her back! Pious bloody people having a go.

You are right but I thought that a mother would put the health of her baby before her need to smoke.

Completely agree.  

And I agree with Kattymiaow that if you're unable to give up smoking, then don't be so selfish as to inflict it on an unborn baby!  Seriously, the excuses that some people come up with to make it sound 'OK' to smoke while they're pregnant (like 'it's ok because my mum did!'  ) is shocking.  Whilst I agree that it's a drug and people 'can't help being addicted,' anyone who tries to plead that it's virtually OK to smoke whilst pregnant needs a kick up the backside.  (And I know PLENTY of people who seem to think it's Ok and people need to 'mind their own business!)  How selfish are these women?  The woman CHOOSES to put this filth into their body; the baby does not.


I do think that the media need to lay off Stacey a bit though: at least she is acknowledging that she is doing wrong.  And she isn't a 'terrible mum;' that is very harsh and people DO do worse things, and people who smoke aren't terrible mums!  But for goodness sake, anyone JUSTIFYING it, and making out that people are making a massive fuss about nothing, is in denial imo ...  And I think if you WANT to give up smoking, you CAN (I did - 20 years ago! and so have many people I know... yes, I'm a pious ex-smoker, so shoot me; but at least MY 2 kids didn't smoke before they were born!)  As I said, I believe if you WANT to give up smoking, you CAN, and surely if a woman wants a child, she should WANT to give up smoking, for the well-being off the child.  IMO, it's just plain selfish to carry on smoking when you're pregnant: especially as EVERYone knows the risks now, to the unborn child!  

I can't believe how narrow minded and ignorant some people are, to think that smoking has no effect on the baby...  and some people DO think this!  They're so wrapped up in how 'addicted' they are and how hard it is to give up, that they convince themselves it's somehow OK, and that it probably isn't doing THAT much harm to the baby... (I mean, their mum smoked while they were pregnant, and their mum before them did too, so that makes it OK right?!)  There has been conclusive evidence, time and time again that it causes premature births, glue ear, asthma, a weaker immune system, and long-term health problems for the child, that will live with them their whole life.  


Smoking continually whilst pregnant has even been linked with children having learning difficulties, or struggling to pick things up as easily as children whose mother did NOT smoke.  Not that ALL children of smoking mothers will suffer this, but they are more LIKELY to.  I also think you can't compare smoking whilst pregnant with 'having chemicals around the house;' the two don't even compare; you're inhaling the tar and nicotine directly into your bloodstream; ergo; it goes into the placenta and directly into the baby and it's brain and lungs and ultimately, its immune system .  No way is that the same IMO.

Last edited by Former Member

yeah I think I got the point you was trying to make there


hope you don't end up like me when the menopause starts to kick in and get permanent PMT with no relief whatsoever. . your keyboard will catch on fire.. 


talking of the olden days and women smoking thru pregnancy. . my mother was a smoker but couldn't touch one when pregnant it made her go green just at the thought of it . .but it was the first thing she craved after the birth tho

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by sparkles:


Smoking continually whilst pregnant has even been linked with children having learning difficulties, or struggling to pick things up as easily as children whose mother did NOT smoke.  Not that ALL children of smoking mothers will suffer this, but they are more LIKELY to.  I also think you can't compare smoking whilst pregnant with 'having chemicals around the house;' the two don't even compare; you're inhaling the tar and nicotine directly into your bloodstream; ergo; it goes into the placenta and directly into the baby and it's brain and lungs and ultimately, its immune system .  No way is that the same IMO.

Class rant sparkles! ! I love reading your posts  

There's growing evidence though that chemicals from everyday products , like shampoo, do directly affect babies in the womb ..

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

yeah I think I got the point you was trying to make there


hope you don't end up like me when the menopause starts to kick in and get permanent PMT with no relief whatsoever. . your keyboard will catch on fire.. 


talking of the olden days and women smoking thru pregnancy. . my mother was a smoker but couldn't touch one when pregnant it made her go green just at the thought of it . .but it was the first thing she craved after the birth tho

Yup, same with my mum .. she ate coal instead ! 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by sparkles:


Smoking continually whilst pregnant has even been linked with children having learning difficulties, or struggling to pick things up as easily as children whose mother did NOT smoke.  Not that ALL children of smoking mothers will suffer this, but they are more LIKELY to.  I also think you can't compare smoking whilst pregnant with 'having chemicals around the house;' the two don't even compare; you're inhaling the tar and nicotine directly into your bloodstream; ergo; it goes into the placenta and directly into the baby and it's brain and lungs and ultimately, its immune system .  No way is that the same IMO.

Class rant sparkles! ! I love reading your posts  

There's growing evidence though that chemicals from everyday products , like shampoo, do directly affect babies in the womb ..

Oh I didn't know that.  Still, I do find it hard to believe that any of those things can be half as bad as directly inhaling cigarette smoke into your body.  JMO of course.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

yeah I think I got the point you was trying to make there


hope you don't end up like me when the menopause starts to kick in and get permanent PMT with no relief whatsoever. . your keyboard will catch on fire.. 


HAHAHA  I do really go off one one sometimes.  I think it IS my age (47.)  I can't imagine getting worse!  God help my hubby!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by erinp:

It's not a hanging offence but to smoke when you are pregnant is wrong IMHO.

Yes! I think we know that now.

My point being that those of us of a certain age shouldn't be here. Everyone smoked. Smoking was good for you.

Stupid me ,oh to be as smart as you Garage Joe.Do me a favour put me on ignore.I will not be replying to any of your future posts,cheers. 


Erm...err....what? How? *Rawky is confused*




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