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Honestly!! tTo much effin pressure is put on pregnant mums now a days! Walk the wrong way and you're a really bad mum ffs... Stacey is only a few weeks pregnant.. ****ing give her a chance people. Give her a chance to change her lifestyle to accommodate a pregnancy!


You don't just wake up and think oow i feel pregnant i must stay away from raw eggs and with out any prep/warning quit them addictive ciggs!



Stacey Solomon has been axed from a bingo brand's 'Celebrity Mum of the Year' competition.
The former X Factor star was among the 18 famous mothers nominated for the award, which she won in 2011. Her removal comes after she was caught smoking while pregnant with her second child.

Stacey Solomon, Foxy Bingo mag

ÂĐ Foxy Bingo mag

"Stacey has apologised and is sorry and embarrassed by her actions. We understand Stacey is doing everything she can to stop smoking and in recent times has cut back dramatically.
"She's naturally disappointed but accepts the decision," a statement said.
Speaking via telephone on ITV's Loose Women this afternoon, Solomon said that she could "accept" the response the images had generated.
"All of the responses are something that I deserve," she said.
"I don't for one minute think I can sit here and say it is okay - so I can accept that kind of criticism and although it's not nice to hear [the health risks] I know that it's true, and maybe that will give me more power to stop it and nip it in the bud.
"There's ups and downs to people being critical because it makes you think, 'Oh my God, I really must sort this out'. And you feel even more guilty than you already do because, don't get me wrong, I felt guilty before all of this came out.
"But there is a little a bit of you that thinks I love my children with all my heart so some of the comments are a little bit harsh."
Solomon, who is due to give birth to her second child in early May, added: "It's absolutely devastating not just because I saw [the pictures] in the paper - it's something I'm not proud of and I'm really, really struggling with in general.
"It's not just because everyone knows now. It's something that I don't want to do and that I'm not happy doing so it's horrible."
Discussing her efforts to give up, she said: "I really have been and am in the process of [giving up] before these pictures came out. It's a horrible habit and I care more about my children than anything in the whole wide world so anything I can do to give up means more to me than anything else or what anyone thinks."

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by erinp:

It's not a hanging offence but to smoke when you are pregnant is wrong IMHO.

Yes! I think we know that now.

My point being that those of us of a certain age shouldn't be here. Everyone smoked. Smoking was good for you.

Stupid me ,oh to be as smart as you Garage Joe.Do me a favour put me on ignore.I will not be replying to any of your future posts,cheers. 


My mother smoked whilst pregnant with me smoker in those days gave up while they were pregnant. I think that GJ was simply saying there are a lot of survivors out there ....................Stacey obviously knows it's not right to smoke whilst pregnant but it is an addiction's her life - it's her baby - people are just so nasty - she feels bad enough without everyone getting on her back! Pious bloody people having a go.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My mother smoked whilst pregnant with me smoker in those days gave up while they were pregnant. I think that GJ was simply saying there are a lot of survivors out there ....................Stacey obviously knows it's not right to smoke whilst pregnant but it is an addiction's her life - it's her baby - people are just so nasty - she feels bad enough without everyone getting on her back! Pious bloody people having a go.

You are right but I thought that a mother would put the health of her baby before her need to smoke.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My mother smoked whilst pregnant with me smoker in those days gave up while they were pregnant. I think that GJ was simply saying there are a lot of survivors out there ....................Stacey obviously knows it's not right to smoke whilst pregnant but it is an addiction's her life - it's her baby - people are just so nasty - she feels bad enough without everyone getting on her back! Pious bloody people having a go.

You are right but I thought that a mother would put the health of her baby before her need to smoke.

Of course but's probably not as simple as that. She is probably from a family of a long line of smokers is an addiction. It's not good for the baby obviously but it's not imminent death! It was common place years ago ....................I think the reaction towards her is sad TBH ..........she knows it's not good but who the eff are people to judge her!

Soozy Woo

There's a huge list of chemicals found in everyday household products that are known to be potentially harmful to unborn children ( found in shampoo, mascara, lipsticks etc ) - they're used on a regular basis throughout pregnancy so have a cumulative effect . Not seen any shock horror headlines about " Stacey Solomon washes her hair!!!!111 " etc !

( not condoning for one minute smoking whilst pregnant, it's one of my pet hates, but there are other substances just as, or more, harmful - maybe just less awareness of them, as was the case with smoking not all that long back   ) 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

There's a huge list of chemicals found in everyday household products that are known to be potentially harmful to unborn children ( found in shampoo, mascara, lipsticks etc ) - they're used on a regular basis throughout pregnancy so have a cumulative effect . Not seen any shock horror headlines about " Stacey Solomon washes her hair!!!!111 " etc !

( not condoning for one minute smoking whilst pregnant, it's one of my pet hates, but there are other substances just as, or more, harmful - maybe just less awareness of them, as was the case with smoking not all that long back   ) 

Also been blamed for the rise in Asthma and Allergies in children.


While there's no need to pillory the woman, it goes without saying that the time in the womb is probably the one of most important times of a person's life, arguable the most important.  If you're going to have them, then you might as well do it properly!  It's a new human being that will probably live for the next 60+ years.  Most parents would want to bring into the world a healthy child with as much going for it as possible.  Smoking and drinking will compromise that. 


Parents can only do as much as the current medical advice advises them, In the forties, fifties and sixties mothers puffed away medically oblivious to the potential harm smoking in pregnancy could cause. We have better knowledge now and know the risks.  It's pretty selfish to ignore what are pretty serious down sides to smoking while pregnant.


Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

There's a huge list of chemicals found in everyday household products that are known to be potentially harmful to unborn children ( found in shampoo, mascara, lipsticks etc ) - they're used on a regular basis throughout pregnancy so have a cumulative effect . Not seen any shock horror headlines about " Stacey Solomon washes her hair!!!!111 " etc !

( not condoning for one minute smoking whilst pregnant, it's one of my pet hates, but there are other substances just as, or more, harmful - maybe just less awareness of them, as was the case with smoking not all that long back   ) 

Also been blamed for the rise in Asthma and Allergies in children.

i too come from a  time where everyone smoked even down to the guy reading the news on the tellybox or discussion programmes.. my own doctor used to cadge a fag off me when I visited too..


funny thing is I only knew of one kid in school that had asthma and there wasn't anybody that had any allergies apart from a few hayfever sufferers. . everybody seems to have one or other of those nowadays. . maybe cos we spent most of our time outside back then instead of in closed up stuffy centrally heated houses.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I have never smoked, am passionately anti-smoking and there is no doubt that smoking during pregnancy is not advisable.

However, I am certain that Stacey Solomon is a good mum who is well aware of the risks to herself and her unborn child and would give up smoking completely, if she felt able.

The stress she must now be under, due to people who are vilifying her and telling her she is unfit to be a mum, is probably causing more harm to her unborn child than the 1 or 2 cigarettes she is smoking on a daily basis.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I have never smoked, am passionately anti-smoking and there is no doubt that smoking during pregnancy is not advisable.

However, I am certain that Stacey Solomon is a good mum who is well aware of the risks to herself and her unborn child and would give up smoking completely, if she felt able.

The stress she must now be under, due to people who are vilifying her and telling her she is unfit to be a mum, is probably causing more harm to her unborn child than the 1 or 2 cigarettes she is smoking on a daily basis.

I agree with you Yogi, and that is a good point you make at the end there about the stress to the baby. Someone said earlier about changing your lifestyle to accommodate the pregnancy which made me think - now, I've never been pregnant but I remember talking to a girl at work when she was pregnant about all the food that she could no longer eat and I was shocked at this mahoosive list of things that were banned effectively, it was all the good stuff! I know that I would struggle to give up tasties like rare meat, unpasteurised cheese and dippy eggs (ooohhh I love a dippy egg yolk) and that is just stuff that i LIKE, not stuff that I'm addicted to It must be really hard...

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

oh, why is liver banned? I thought it would be good cos of the iron Are you actually allowed to eat ANYTHING?!

Not a lot!

Apparently, liver has a lot of Vitamin A, and too much Vitamin A isn't good for the unborn child.

In my day, they told you to eat liver because it was full of iron, which pregnant women need.


I don't like the idea of smoking when pregnant although I couldn't completly kick it when I was pregnant with my 2nd but was down to 2 a day, some days none.  NOW......I know this sounds really really silly but I have said it before, I gave up smoking with my first baby and he is asthmatic since birth (hospitalised so many times with breathing problems and then finally diagnosed with asthma when he was 2) and the other wee boy doesn't have asthma.


I know that's just a coincidence but I really do feel the whole 'don't do this, don't do that' carry on when pregnant is off the scale these days.  As someone else pointed the days when pregnant mothers were allowed to smoke without a bashing from all ends, there were far fewer babies born without asthma and now it's as common as a cold!  


What really does my head in about all this is that there are bad parents out there...   people that neglect their kids... AND WORSE.


Stacy Solomon is very obviously a very loving mum..  but shock horror... she is not perfect.    So what?   News Flash..  none of us are. 


If the daytime telly watching public wanna go on a witch hunt for a bad mother then surely they could do better than this?   Most of us know kids from questionable homes, well, certainly most of us with kids do (you only have to have read Cinds thread about the lad she has taken in, and the responses from other FMs that have done similar things)..  


She had a cigarette!!!      


I feel dead sorry for her..    she didn't need public scourn to feel bad... she'll have felt bad when & after she had the cigarette...    she loves her unborn more than anyone else..    


Maybe its cos I am a Mum (& was a single Mum)..  that it feels like we are always such an easy target..    and the saddest thing is... its usually other women that are firing the bullets

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



Maybe its cos I am a Mum (& was a single Mum)..  that it feels like we are always such an easy target..    and the saddest thing is... its usually other women that are firing the bullets

Ahhh but ditty, we can only hope that we will one day be one of those 'perfect mothers' 


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