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Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
I've got my ladder, rope and net ready, if he says it one more time I'll be over that wall, snare him, hog tie him and have him back over that wall faster than I can down a brandy!

Please make sure you do that when Live Feed is on. Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up is the net big enough to catch Borin too?
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
he's obsessive and treating her like his property.....demanding she does what he wants.....behaves how he wants......

if she wants to get her top bollocks out for a can of lager so what?'s none of his business.....yet he threw a 2yr old tantrum over it.....

he watches her every move.....criticises her when he feels she hasn't behaved to his standards.....then when she tells him to back off he plays the victim card.....

i don't particularly like her.....he on the other hand is just a nightmare.....

That's how I'm seeing it. noirin hasn't been allowed to develop in there because of his obsession ............whatever she does from now on she's gonna get criticised. He really should be pulled up sharp on his behaviour as he's being waaaaaaaay out of line.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
Originally posted by mozart:
it says on DS that sree has been having intetviews with immigration officers, could it be that he HAS got to leave?
na that is because he forgot to sign some important paperwork b4 he went into the house

it says that his application for his visa was turned down, therefor he is probably here illegally. but who knows what the truth is
Originally posted by mozart:
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
Originally posted by mozart:
it says on DS that sree has been having intetviews with immigration officers, could it be that he HAS got to leave?
na that is because he forgot to sign some important paperwork b4 he went into the house

it says that his application for his visa was turned down, therefor he is probably here illegally. but who knows what the truth is

AHA ....that explains why he fell for Noirin ..........he probably wants a quickie marriage so he can gain residency here.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
he's obsessive and treating her like his property.....demanding she does what he wants.....behaves how he wants......

if she wants to get her top bollocks out for a can of lager so what?'s none of his business.....yet he threw a 2yr old tantrum over it.....

he watches her every move.....criticises her when he feels she hasn't behaved to his standards.....then when she tells him to back off he plays the victim card.....

i don't particularly like her.....he on the other hand is just a nightmare.....

Agree! Thumbs Up
"top bollocks", lol..
Chesticles Nod
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
I've got my ladder, rope and net ready, if he says it one more time I'll be over that wall, snare him, hog tie him and have him back over that wall faster than I can down a brandy!

Please make sure you do that when Live Feed is on. Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up is the net big enough to catch Borin too?

If everyone gives me a list, I'll take anyone out who's on it. Glance
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by fz:
Please let lisa spread the word and they can nominate him.

She is digging a hole for Marcus; Sree will prove to be a good foot soldier for Lisa to get her revenge from Marcus. She was praising Sree for having told Marcus in front of everyone to brush his teeth because he stinks. She said everyone says it but you said it to his face.
Exactly my thoughts. She indulges his attention seeking so she can wind him up and use him against Marcus.
captain marbles
Originally posted by cologne1:
If he's here on a student visa, how is he allowed to spend the summer in the BB house? Surely he's not using the visa for it's rightful purpose.

As long as he is here on a student visa he is allowed o work for only a short period during term. However in the holidays he is free to work as many hours as are legal, thats the way i remember it anyway Smiler
Originally posted by canaryisle:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Sree mate hang in there, Noreen's time to leave will come soon enough, just stay away from the wannabe prom queen. Thumbs Up

Nod Thumbs Up

I really dont like Sree, what he is doing is tantamount to stalking brrrrrrrrrr. As for Noirin being a victim, i dont think so. Sree was always a gropey, touchy, feely, slimey guy, he was like that with ALL the girls when he first went in. However Karly and Sophie managed to set boundaries and he soon got the message, Noirin accepted him with cuddles and chats, now we know she wasn't leading him on but he read it that she thought he was superman? Noirin should have done what the other girls did at the start, now she's just going to have to tell him to F off out of her sight and she cant stomach him. Something tells me its coming to that but she wont want the camera's to pick it up Wink Wink
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
well.... IMO Norin is a sneaky bitch - she knows that at long as shes got Sree stalking her (supposedly - HE knows what its all about too) - she's got airtime - otherwise she would have told by now to feck off in no uncertain terms...

Sree is as bit a gameplayer and is playing HER as well, so to hedge her bets (or whatever u call it) Norin has now latched onto Marcus.... I'm sure Marcus will become a stalker before the next week is out.

I dont trust Norin one little bit...

OR.... erm.... Kris/Sofi/Charli/Lisa

those are the ones that spring to mind anyhow..

think Freddi is great Clapping - Angel is mad Crazy - Carly is a v. dark horse... and... AND.... and Rodrigo looks like a v. young Nadal Big Grin

have I missed anyone... oh yeah shave-the-tash.... Roll Eyes anyone else?

Could'nt have put it better myself Thumbs Up Clapping Big Grin
Scooby doo

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