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I hate him! i hate him! i hate him!
What a nasty piece of work!
Telling Noirine on last night HL show that she obviously doesn't value friendship because she doesn't like him. Its like he has to turn it round on her making her out to be the bad guy Mad
The garlic incident.
Firstly ran to Kris and crew for back up when Freddie was making a valid point and Kris & Charlie knew it. Then making nasty remarks to Freddie trying to humiliate him in front of the others.

Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad

Cant wait for the "crew" to turn on him Big Grin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
I don't feel rage. I find him amusing to watch actually. He'll be gone soon enough Kelly.
Cool ya rods!

Cant help in Towno. Iv never hated a hm this much. Well maybe except Mickey last year Big Grin

I've had my moments over the years. I couldn't stand Jason, wasn't too fussy on Pete, didn't get Mikey at ALL either. Nikki G was possibly the one i disliked most, ooh hang on Charley Uchea was rotton too. Now I'm forgetting Maxwell, and that Stuart from BB2. Come to think of it, there have been a lot but nobody this year has me blood boiling..... yet Wink
Towno :)
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
There's one every year that I can't stand watching:

Stuart Hoskins BB2
Adele BB3
BB4? Didn't register enough to like or dislike.
Jason BB5
Craig BB6
Nikki BB7
Chanelle BB8
Alex / Dennis BB9
Sree BB10

(In retrospect, Craig was funny but at the time he was cringeworthy).

Craig was villified something rotton on the forum. It was hilarious reading some of the threads about him. He couldn't say anything without another thread going up.

He was tripple cringe as the twins would say(!) But an hilarious housemate.

He was gutted when he came out and learned of the way he had been portrayed in the house wasn't he! I can't get the image of him holding that bowl for Anfoney out of my mind. Or the Myra Hindley wig he wore that time. It makes me LOL each time. Laugh
Towno :)
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
he proved himself to be highly unitelligent when he threw Freddie's dyslexia in his face. It really was the final straw for me - Sree needs to p1ss off outta my show!!!!!

I missed that MM what did he do?

when they were arguing about the garlic? Sree said to begin with " go pack ur suitcase" (hateful) then when Freddie kept on at him he said something about " i know you are from oxford university with your dyslexic brain, do this then whats 15 and 15.... there you can't answer " - was really horrible to him, trying to make Freddie out as a thicko compared to him ... nasty man thing
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Sree makes me sick with anger.
I agree with you Kelly about the incident with Noirin you refer to. Always always always he will turn it back onto the person like that. It's called passive aggressive I believe? Though i'm not sure, can anyone else clarify that?
Just oogled.
Passive aggressive traits.

*FEAR OF DEPENDENCY - Unsure of his autonomy & afraid of being alone, he fights his dependency needs - usually by trying to control you.

*FEAR OF INTIMACY - Guarded & often mistrusful, he is reluctant to show his emotional fragility. He's often out of touch with his feelings, reflexively denying feelings he thinks will "trap" or reveal him, like love. He picks fights to create distance.

*FEAR OF COMPETITION - Feeling inadequate, he is unable to compete with other men in work and love. He may operate either as a self-sabotaging wimp with a pattern of failure, or he'll be the tyrant, setting himself up as unassailable and perfect, needing to eliminate any threat to his power.

*OBSTRUCTIONISM - Just tell a p/a man what you want, no matter how small, and he may promise to get it for you. But he won't say when, and he"ll do it deliberately slowly just to frustrate you. Maybe he won't comply at all. He blocks any real progress he sees to your getting your way.

*FOSTERING CHAOS - The p/a man prefers to leave the puzzle incomplete, the job undone.

*FEELING VICTIMIZED - The p/a man protests that others unfairly accuse him rather than owning up to his own misdeeds. To remain above reporach, he sets himself up as the apparently hapless, innocent victim of your excessive demands and tirades.

*MAKING EXCUSES & LYING - The p/a man reaches as far as he can to fabricate excuses for not fulfilling promises. As a way of withholding information, affirmation or love - to have power over you - the p/a man may choose to make up a story rather than give you a straight answer.

*PROCRASTINATION - The p/a man has an odd sense of time - he believes that deadlines don't exist for him.

*CHRONIC LATENESS & FORGETFULNESS - One of the most infuriating & inconsiderate of all p/a traits is his inability to arrive on time. By keeping you waiting, he sets the ground rules of the relationship. And his selective forgetting - used only when he wants to avoid an obligation.

*AMBIGUITY - He is master of mixed messages and sitting on fences. When he tells you something, you may still walk away wondering if he actually said yes or no.

*SULKING - Feeling put upon when he is unable to live up to his promises or obligations, the p/a man retreats from pressures around him and sulks, pouts and withdraws.

A passive-aggressive man won't have every single one of these traits, but he'll have many of them. He may have other traits as well, which are not passive-aggressive.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Sree makes me sick with anger.

I agree with you Kelly about the incident with Noirin you refer to. Always always always he will turn it back onto the person like that. It's called passive aggressive I believe? Though i'm not sure, can anyone else clarify that?

"Living with the Passive-Aggressive Man"

FEAR OF DEPENDENCY - Unsure of his autonomy & afraid of being alone, he fights his dependency needs - usually by trying to control you.

*FEAR OF INTIMACY - Guarded & often mistrusful, he is reluctant to show his emotional fragility. He's often out of touch with his feelings, reflexively denying feelings he thinks will "trap" or reveal him, like love. He picks fights to create distance.

*FEAR OF COMPETITION - Feeling inadequate, he is unable to compete with other men in work and love. He may operate either as a self-sabotaging wimp with a pattern of failure, or he'll be the tyrant, setting himself up as unassailable and perfect, needing to eliminate any threat to his power.

*OBSTRUCTIONISM - Just tell a p/a man what you want, no matter how small, and he may promise to get it for you. But he won't say when, and he"ll do it deliberately slowly just to frustrate you. Maybe he won't comply at all. He blocks any real progress he sees to your getting your way.

*FOSTERING CHAOS - The p/a man prefers to leave the puzzle incomplete, the job undone.

*FEELING VICTIMIZED - The p/a man protests that others unfairly accuse him rather than owning up to his own misdeeds. To remain above reporach, he sets himself up as the apparently hapless, innocent victim of your excessive demands and tirades.
MAKING EXCUSES & LYING - The p/a man reaches as far as he can to fabricate excuses for not fulfilling promises. As a way of withholding information, affirmation or love - to have power over you - the p/a man may choose to make up a story rather than give you a straight answer.

*PROCRASTINATION - The p/a man has an odd sense of time - he believes that deadlines don't exist for him.

*CHRONIC LATENESS & FORGETFULNESS - One of the most infuriating & inconsiderate of all p/a traits is his inability to arrive on time. By keeping you waiting, he sets the ground rules of the relationship. And his selective forgetting - used only when he wants to avoid an obligation.

*AMBIGUITY - He is master of mixed messages and sitting on fences. When he tells you something, you may still walk away wondering if he actually said yes or no.

*SULKING - Feeling put upon when he is unable to live up to his promises or obligations, the p/a man retreats from pressures around him and sulks, pouts and withdraws.

A passive-aggressive man won't have every single one of these traits, but he'll have many of them. He may have other traits as well, which are not passive-aggressive.

interesting reading is that Sree
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Sree makes me sick with anger.
I agree with you Kelly about the incident with Noirin you refer to. Always always always he will turn it back onto the person like that. It's called passive aggressive I believe? Though i'm not sure, can anyone else clarify that?

"Living with the Passive-Aggressive Man"

FEAR OF DEPENDENCY - Unsure of his autonomy & afraid of being alone, he fights his dependency needs - usually by trying to control you.

*FEAR OF INTIMACY - Guarded & often mistrusful, he is reluctant to show his emotional fragility. He's often out of touch with his feelings, reflexively denying feelings he thinks will "trap" or reveal him, like love. He picks fights to create distance.

*FEAR OF COMPETITION - Feeling inadequate, he is unable to compete with other men in work and love. He may operate either as a self-sabotaging wimp with a pattern of failure, or he'll be the tyrant, setting himself up as unassailable and perfect, needing to eliminate any threat to his power.

*OBSTRUCTIONISM - Just tell a p/a man what you want, no matter how small, and he may promise to get it for you. But he won't say when, and he"ll do it deliberately slowly just to frustrate you. Maybe he won't comply at all. He blocks any real progress he sees to your getting your way.

*FOSTERING CHAOS - The p/a man prefers to leave the puzzle incomplete, the job undone.

*FEELING VICTIMIZED - The p/a man protests that others unfairly accuse him rather than owning up to his own misdeeds. To remain above reporach, he sets himself up as the apparently hapless, innocent victim of your excessive demands and tirades.

MAKING EXCUSES & LYING - The p/a man reaches as far as he can to fabricate excuses for not fulfilling promises. As a way of withholding information, affirmation or love - to have power over you - the p/a man may choose to make up a story rather than give you a straight answer.

*PROCRASTINATION - The p/a man has an odd sense of time - he believes that deadlines don't exist for him.

*CHRONIC LATENESS & FORGETFULNESS - One of the most infuriating & inconsiderate of all p/a traits is his inability to arrive on time. By keeping you waiting, he sets the ground rules of the relationship. And his selective forgetting - used only when he wants to avoid an obligation.

*AMBIGUITY - He is master of mixed messages and sitting on fences. When he tells you something, you may still walk away wondering if he actually said yes or no.

*SULKING - Feeling put upon when he is unable to live up to his promises or obligations, the p/a man retreats from pressures around him and sulks, pouts and withdraws.

A passive-aggressive man won't have every single one of these traits, but he'll have many of them. He may have other traits as well, which are not passive-aggressive.

interesting reading is that Sree
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
he proved himself to be highly unitelligent when he threw Freddie's dyslexia in his face. It really was the final straw for me - Sree needs to p1ss off outta my show!!!!!

I missed that MM what did he do?

when they were arguing about the garlic? Sree said to begin with " go pack ur suitcase" (hateful) then when Freddie kept on at him he said something about " i know you are from oxford university with your dyslexic brain, do this then whats 15 and 15.... there you can't answer " - was really horrible to him, trying to make Freddie out as a thicko compared to him ... nasty man thing

Ergh, Sree is quite horrible. But he made a complete fool of himself by trying to make Freddie out like he was stupid. I lovd the way Fredie just turned Sree's 'I'm a maths genius' impression on his by making the point HE was making into a maths question! I hope Freddie gets his wish and is up against Sree this week.
Hes a marvellous HM and I would hope that anyone who sees themselves even a tiny little bit like him will do some real work on themselves.

Sree is a classic example of someone in denial of their problem.He has great self esteem problems and covers up by boasting and putting on a facade.

Thing is everyone can see it but him! Self reflection is the key.But he wont listen to anyone as hes too busy thinking up excuses.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Does "learning to swim" include grabbing onto Sophie's inflatables? Ninja
My favourite scenario this week would be Freddie, Sree and Lisa up - and a double eviction Devil
I hope they are all up. Then the public really decideds. Show the hms who they really hate then watch as they try scwirming back into Freddie & his freaks good books Big Grin
Originally posted by captain marbles:
He's the President of the Students Union or summat at the University of Hertfordshire isn't he? How many thousands turned that job down before it got to Sree?

Ahem, I went to UH and still know people who work there and a very fine institution it is too. Sree is however, off his chump when he talks about it in the same breath as Oxford!

Also, if you look on their SU website, it is quite clear that Sree is NOT the president!! I think he is just one of the campus reps.

He is a big LIAR!!!!
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
he proved himself to be highly unitelligent when he threw Freddie's dyslexia in his face. It really was the final straw for me - Sree needs to p1ss off outta my show!!!!!

I missed that MM what did he do?

when they were arguing about the garlic? Sree said to begin with " go pack ur suitcase" (hateful) then when Freddie kept on at him he said something about " i know you are from oxford university with your dyslexic brain, do this then whats 15 and 15.... there you can't answer " - was really horrible to him, trying to make Freddie out as a thicko compared to him ... nasty man thing

Not quite.

He said "I know you are the dyslexia student from Oxford" and then went on to try to prove that this didn't make Freddie better than himself, by throwing a maths question at him.

Sree has called Freddie 'the dyslexia student' in a totally different, and friendly, context. He actually is impressed by it and did not mean it as an insult.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
he proved himself to be highly unitelligent when he threw Freddie's dyslexia in his face. It really was the final straw for me - Sree needs to p1ss off outta my show!!!!!

I missed that MM what did he do?

when they were arguing about the garlic? Sree said to begin with " go pack ur suitcase" (hateful) then when Freddie kept on at him he said something about " i know you are from oxford university with your dyslexic brain, do this then whats 15 and 15.... there you can't answer " - was really horrible to him, trying to make Freddie out as a thicko compared to him ... nasty man thing

Not quite.

He said "I know you are the dyslexia student from Oxford" and then went on to try to prove that this didn't make Freddie better than himself, by throwing a maths question at him.

Sree has called Freddie 'the dyslexia student' in a totally different, and friendly, context. He actually is impressed by it and did not mean it as an insult.

Blizzie, I thought he meant everything he said in that little exchange in an insulting way.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Blizzie, I thought he meant everything he said in that little exchange in an insulting way.

Well, it certainly wasn't a good tempered exchange, but it's purely the use of the word 'dyslexia' which has been misconstrued.

He wasn't trying to belittle or insult Freddie for having dyslexia, but was implying that Freddie thought he was better than Sree because he had dyslexia and yet managed to overcome it and get into Oxford.

That is when he fired off the maths question to Freddie, in a feeble attempt to prove that at least he was better than Freddie at maths!

He used the same term, 'dyslexia student', during a friendly conversation with Freddie, the next night, in a totally different context. It confirmed to me that it was not meant to insult those with dyslexia, but is Sree's way of saying 'someone with dyslexia, who is a student'!
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Hmmmmm, I'm not convinced.
Coming in practically the same sentence as "go and pack your case", I think there was nothing but malice intended.

The whole conversation was full of malice.

Translated from Sree Script, he was trying to say - "You may have overcome your difficulties with dyslexia, and managed to get into Oxford, but you are no better than me. Can you multiply fifteen by fifteen? No, I thought not. I am therefore a maths genius compared to you, and can knick your bleedin garlic, any time I choose!" Crazy

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