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Hiya all Sree supporters, LTNS Scatts, is it safe for me to enter this thread? Is Strike about? < is that a ninja or a glance, I'm not sure now because they don't tell us anymore. How's you Scatts? Have you settled in our new home? Have you any news of Sree? So many questions that need answers. Do tell .....
lol, Hi Twee You're okay - strike isn't about at the mo!   I wouldn't say I'm completely settled, but am willing to give it a go and hope everybody else stays here too.  I actually had a dream about Sree last night - I was on the phone to him and he was telling me all about his new term at Uni - it was fascinating!   This really is true, I felt quite weird when I woke up and wondered what on earth had made me dream that!

Anyway, how are you settling in - do you like it?
Reference: scatterby
lol, Hi Twee You're okay - strike isn't about at the mo! I wouldn't say I'm completely settled, but am willing to give it a go and hope everybody else stays here too. I actually had a dream about Sree last night - I was on the phone to him and he was telling me all about his new term at Uni - it was fascinating! This really is true, I felt quite weird when I woke up and wondered what on earth had made me dream that! Anyway, how are you settling in - do you like it?
You must have eaten cheese or summat to make you have a nightmare dream about Sree.  Let me try and translate your dream for you, using my magic dream manual.  First of all you must have seen/heard something that triggered off a memory of Sree yesterday.  It could just be a passing thought or a picture, anything Sree related.  Then you ate the cheese.  As you drifted off into dreamland, that memory came back and embedded itself in your subconscious.  Don't read too much into the telephone bit, that is just a secondary thing to your dream really.  Because you knew he was at university anyway, that was bound to come into it.  The final analysis on this is that you had a nighmare of gigantic proportions lovely dream about a lovely person.  Baby Scatts was probably re-arranging himself/herself about a bit and it might have led to unusual brain patterns.  Nothing to worry about Scatts. 

Anyway, before I can poem on this new site, I have to get my bearings and stuff.  Nothing rhymes at the minute.  I am stepping on egg shells, afraid to move anywhere in case I get lost.  It must be this move that has stopped the flow of poetry.  Who can tell?   So far, I quite like the new forum.  It is bright and nice.  It will take me ages to get used to it but I will probably only just use the forum bit.  The add-ons are not something I would use.  And the writing is good and big and easy to read.   It is good poeming territory I think lol.

Hope you are well and Sree/Sreeanne  Baby Scatts is  not keeping you awake at nights, kicking and stuff.  It can't be long now Scatts.
Twee Surgeon
You must have eaten cheese or summat to make you have a nightmare dream about Sree. Let me try and translate your dream for you, using my magic dream manual. First of all you must have seen/heard something that triggered off a memory of Sree yesterday. It could just be a passing thought or a picture, anything Sree related. Then you ate the cheese. As you drifted off into dreamland, that memory came back and embedded itself in your subconscious. Don't read too much into the telephone bit, that is just a secondary thing to your dream really. Because you knew he was at university anyway, that was bound to come into it. The final analysis on this is that you had a nighmare of gigantic proportions lovely dream about a lovely person. Baby Scatts was probably re-arranging himself/herself about a bit and it might have led to unusual brain patterns. Nothing to worry about Scatts. Anyway, before I can poem on this new site, I have to get my bearings and stuff. Nothing rhymes at the minute. I am stepping on egg shells, afraid to move anywhere in case I get lost. It must be this move that has stopped the flow of poetry. Who can tell? So far, I quite like the new forum. It is bright and nice. It will take me ages to get used to it but I will probably only just use the forum bit. The add-ons are not something I would use. And the writing is good and big and easy to read. It is good poeming territory I think lol. Hope you are well and Sree/Sreeanne Baby Scatts is not keeping you awake at nights, kicking and stuff. It can't be long now Scatts.
  That's amazing, truly amazing.  They do say that at this stage of pregnancy you can get terrible nightmares unusual dreams, don't they?  This must be it.  I actually did have a little cheese, so you could also be on to something there.  Sree obviously just sticks in your mind and won't go no matter how much you try to forget about him (for purposes of your own sanity obviously - I mean it wouldn't be good to be getting obsessive about him, would it?).

lol, well I for one look forward to the first of your poems in our new home, when we have settled in a bit of course.  It's true, it does take a while to get used to new places and I was quite attached to the old one, but hay ho - I'm sure we'll forget about it soon

It's lovely to see you here anyway.
Reference: scatterby
That's amazing, truly amazing. They do say that at this stage of pregnancy you can get terrible nightmares unusual dreams, don't they? This must be it. I actually did have a little cheese, so you could also be on to something there. Sree obviously just sticks in your mind and won't go no matter how much you try to forget about him (for purposes of your own sanity obviously - I mean it wouldn't be good to be getting obsessive about him, would it?). lol, well I for one look forward to the first of your poems in our new home, when we have settled in a bit of course. It's true, it does take a while to get used to new places and I was quite attached to the old one, but hay ho - I'm sure we'll forget about it soon It's lovely to see you here anyway.
I don't like to boast Scatts, but it is a bit of a gift being able to read dreams. 

I know this is old news but when I watched the last BBBM, I thought Sree looked very sad.  He is obviously finding it quite tough outside the house.  His eyes looked sad and it upset me a bit to see him so obviously unhappy.  I hope he has managed to pull it round now but I'm sure the others are being kind to him as it doesn't need to be said how unhappy he looks.  I hope they all rally round Sree because he is not a bad lad.  He is probably missing his family to start with. 

Like you, I do miss the old format we were used to in the old place, but I will get used to this one if it kills me.  Otherwise, we would all lose touch.  It feels like old times being able to talk to you about the wonderful Sree.  Who knows, I may start poeming again.  Hopefully Strike will stay away long enough to allow me to get my bearings and allow me to branch out poetically in the future.  With a bit of luck, Strike might be finding it hard to get his bearings.  That would give me a golden opportunity to 'strike' when the iron is hot, so to speak.  But I noticed he was on yesterday, so he must have sussed out the new forum already .. drat!
Twee Surgeon
I don't like to boast Scatts, but it is a bit of a gift being able to read dreams. I know this is old news but when I watched the last BBBM, I thought Sree looked very sad. He is obviously finding it quite tough outside the house. His eyes looked sad and it upset me a bit to see him so obviously unhappy. I hope he has managed to pull it round now but I'm sure the others are being kind to him as it doesn't need to be said how unhappy he looks. I hope they all rally round Sree because he is not a bad lad. He is probably missing his family to start with. Like you, I do miss the old format we were used to in the old place, but I will get used to this one if it kills me. Otherwise, we would all lose touch. It feels like old times being able to talk to you about the wonderful Sree. Who knows, I may start poeming again. Hopefully Strike will stay away long enough to allow me to get my bearings and allow me to branch out poetically in the future. With a bit of luck, Strike might be finding it hard to get his bearings. That would give me a golden opportunity to 'strike' when the iron is hot, so to speak. But I noticed he was on yesterday, so he must have sussed out the new forum already .. drat!

Don't let him stop your poetic leanings - we all enjoy it and as I still think I'm no. 2, I'm still in charge and I say "WE WANT POEMS".

I agree about Sree, I know we take the mick and that, but he did look really unhappy didn't he - I agree and hope he sorts himself out and is looked after. 

Please produce a poem soon
There once was a forum member called Twee
Who had a great loving for Sree
The need to be free
From wanting to be Number Three
Was all done for Sree
And you would all agree
It was worth it for Sree
It wasn't all me me me
Shouting from the highest tree

When we moved over from GaGa
I nearly said TaTa
Something called me back
I couldn't keep track
My affection for Sree
I can only agree
Made for a return of the Twee
To poem free
It wouldn't be like me to leave Sree


Scatts, not quite my usual standard I agree, but this is just a test run poem until I get my muse back.  It kinda left me for a bit, but it's creeping back.

I hope Strike appreciates my latest offering but, knowing him, he will pull the mat just as I am getting back into the flow ...
Twee Surgeon
I know Scatts, it's not bad but not really up to my high standards. 

There is something missing and I think I know what it is.  Danger.  The danger of Strike catching me poeming actually has the effect of me being a better poet.  Maybe Strike really is my muse and I don't realise it.  Unless he is around hounding me poetically, I seem to run out of rhyming words.  Just a thought.  This last poem lacks depth imo. 

Anyway, I haven't seen Strike at all.  He is the elusive butterfly, just like he was over on the old forum.  Coming in, giving out his orders, expecting us wimmin to bow down to his superior knowledge *cough* and generally being the Big I Am.  I expect he will come in shortly lording over us and laying down Laws about poems, and stuff.

I refuse to be intimidated by him, absolutely and utterly.  As Number Two, I appreciate you giving your permission to allow poeming to continue but expect to be over-ruled Scatts.  It's the nature of the beast.
Twee Surgeon
Well you do know what they say about power Scatts .. 'power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely' .. I think that is the saying, but it sums up our leader very well.  He seized the power, ran with it, made an example of us by promoting and demoting at will .. like some superior being in charge of lesser mortals.  It's disgusting how it went to his head and, like you said, it happened so quickly that none of us noticed it was happening.  I jump thru hoops when he appears, and he stops my poetry.  How did he get to such a place of power I ask myself.  We need to ponder on this Scatts and perhaps we should have rebelled properly way back in the day when we had the chance.  I blame myself for not standing proud with a freedom banner and hitting him squarely on the head with it, but it's too late now.  Alas, he is unbeatable now.
Twee Surgeon
hiya Strike

It's so wonderful to see you again, over in the Cloudy place.  I was wondering if you had forsaken us.  We are all delighted to see you.  All, being me and Scatts of course.  This talk of demotion and promotion doesn't hold water Strike.  There's only three of us so, by my reckoning, I am Number Three by default.  I cannot be replaced or demoted, but I can be promoted

Has Scatts gone to bed yet, I wonder?

Twee Surgeon
Well, hello there strike
The person I like
Trying to poem like me
In a thread for Sree
Trying to out-do Twee
Well bluddy well feel free ..

Scatts knows I don't want her Number Two
If I tried to take it I would feel kinda blue
Sree/Sreeanne being ready to appear
And everything happening that Scatts holds dear
Accusing me of wanting promotion at such a time
Is below the belt, when nothing rhymes

Because we are a set of three
Strike and Scatters and the lovely Twee
It means that our positions cannot change
Unless you, strike, can re-arrange
I would refuse to be Number Two
And this really is my cue
I want to be Twee, at number three, for the lovely Sree, so will you agree?

I refuse to bow down to threats of demotion Strike, I cannot go down the greasy pole any lower.  Unless you recruit more members to this lovely thread, my position remains unbreakable and unchangeable and utterly unequivocal, and unexampled and unforgettable and unimpeachable.  (I got those big words from the 'un' section in the dictionary btw).
Twee Surgeon
Reference: scatters
I really don't want to upset you all, but I have decided against Sree/Sreeanne as a name ...but it's been kicking well today thanks
Well scatts, if you have already chosen a name who are we to change your mind?  We just thought it would be a constant reminder to you of the lovely person who has kept you company all the way thru your pregnancy .. well at least the last four months of it.  We are disappointed in the thread of course, but we will abide by your decision. 

Did you notice Strike stirring it again?  He thinks I'm ambitious to be Number Two.  I soundly put that one to bed in my last poem, so I hope he takes appropriate notice and stops stirring the pot. 

I hope you are well scatts.  You cannot be far off your due date now.  When I don't see you online, I always think Baby Scatts has arrived and you are pre-occupied.  Let us know whenever the happy event occurs, wont you? 

Twee Surgeon
yes Menty, it's still here .. it turns up like a bad penny every time!

Glad you have come onto LiveCloud.  Is there a safe and secure place here for you to escape Strike's clutches?  He has come over from GaGa forum raring to go, laying down the law, stopping poeming .. all the usual old stuff. 

I'm glad you're here to make up the numbers Menty, even tho I know you will never submit to Sree numbering per se.  Strike has a dimella on his hands .. there are only three current members in the thread and he would just lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve to demote me, but there is nowhere for me to go .. tee hee.  FGS don't join or he will make an example of me and use you to do it
Twee Surgeon
Menty, that's the ticket.  Refuse numbers and then old Strikey boy will be snookered.  He is lumbered with me at number three and he canna do a fing about it

F****** is in the USA on holiday.  Darlo has posted some brill videos in the F****** thread of his antics across the pond.  Go have a peek.

You do know it's against Strike's rules to mention F****** in this thread, so I have starred all mentions of him in case Strike gets out the cell keys again and locks you in the LiveCloud specially adapted cell for dissenters.
Twee Surgeon
 That poem is rather funny Twee I must say.  What with Menty showing up, will that not mess up our numbering?...lovely though it is to see you Ments - knew you couldn't keep away from talk of the Sree.

menty, I just wish I had your nerve.  Posting willy nilly about F******, fearless towards Strike's strike, and sticking your neck out so bravely.  I admire you and respect you for your stance against Strike's authority. 

However ..  this makes me think that I myself might have been brainwashed by Strike at some stage of the Sree thread.  Why has he got so much power over me?  Why do I starr F******'s name for fear of reprisals?  Why do I stop poeming when he says so? 

I think I need to address this mindsett.  I will be back when I set my mind to thinking about why I allow Strike this mind control in my particular case.  Watch this space ...
Twee Surgeon
hiya Scatts   Still here I see, so obviously nothing to report Baby Scatts-wise.

Tis great to see Menty back in the Sree thread.  It has a pull for us all, and I expect Ducky will come back in and see us shortly.  What I'm afraid of is that Strikey Boy will convince someone to take a number, and then he can whizz me down and away from Number Three.  It could be precarious for me if anyone else joins, numberwise. 

I'm glad you like the poem.  I agree, it's getting better.  I'm nearly back to full strength. 

Scatts, I am surprised that you have typed so many names that Strike has an aversion to, at the bottom of your post.  This is a dangerous position to take, bearing in mind his propensity for demoting.  Are you not taking a big chance that he could swap us about .. ie  you down to three, me up to two?    *rubs hands with glee*
Twee Surgeon

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