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Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Do you think somebody's trying to tell us something? Ninja

I don't know, what could it possibly be....... Glance

I really can't imagine - I mean, surely everybody loves Sree Ninja

'bites tongue, reminds self to be nice to the deluded' Big Grin

You protest too much Razzer
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Do you think somebody's trying to tell us something? Ninja

I don't know, what could it possibly be....... Glance

I really can't imagine - I mean, surely everybody loves Sree Ninja

'bites tongue, reminds self to be nice to the deluded' Big Grin

You protest too much Razzer

Grrrr Mad I see you are jumping ship for the invidible HM. Laugh
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Hi guys wavey

I couldn't find this thread earlier. Shake Head

Nice to see nothing has changes around here. Big Grin

I have suggested to Strike that we should start a Support group for Hira. What does everyone think? Should we?Big Grin

hiya BD. Missed you on the thread. Hope you are well.

I am all for the new Hira thread BD. Why don't you start one yourself, in competition with strike's sree thread. See who can keep it at the top of the first page the longest ......

Hi Tw, I would start one if I could log on regularly. I have been a bit busy with work and a few days off with visiting relatives. My Brother and his daughter are visiting from far away lands which leave me little time to get on here. Roll Eyes

So, why don't you start one or nominate Ducky to do it.Ninja Big Grin

I did miss you on this thread BD. I thought you might be on hols. The Hira thread has really taken off, with Strike as Head Bombardier once again. From little acorns .. her little dance done it. She really is quite a sweet girl with not a bad bone in her body.

You sound as if you're having a lovely time with all your relatives. Come on when you can. We have two ace threads going now.

Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Do you think somebody's trying to tell us something? Ninja

I don't know, what could it possibly be....... Glance

I really can't imagine - I mean, surely everybody loves Sree Ninja

'bites tongue, reminds self to be nice to the deluded' Big Grin

You protest too much Razzer

Grrrr Mad I see you are jumping ship for the invidible HM. Laugh

I don't think I have a lot of choice Ninja
Because everyone likes a bit of glitter
And messes off to Hira's thread with a titter
Spare a thought for this lonely thread
Before you all just sod off to bed

I am loving being number four
No more lying on the floor
Kicking and Screaming for number three
So much so, that I did a wee
Back then I was ambitious and Twee
But now I love being four for Sree
And back to fun loving Twee for Sree
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Because everyone likes a bit of glitter
And messes off to Hira's thread with a titter
Spare a thought for this lonely thread
Before you all just sod off to bed

I am loving being number four
No more lying on the floor
Kicking and Screaming for number three
So much so, that I did a wee
Back then I was ambitious and Twee
But now I love being four for Sree
And back to fun loving Twee for Sree

Nice, deluded but nice Big Grin
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Because everyone likes a bit of glitter
And messes off to Hira's thread with a titter
Spare a thought for this lonely thread
Before you all just sod off to bed

I am loving being number four
No more lying on the floor
Kicking and Screaming for number three
So much so, that I did a wee
Back then I was ambitious and Twee
But now I love being four for Sree
And back to fun loving Twee for Sree

Nice, deluded but nice Big Grin

thank you for that lovely compliment menty. Unfortunately, the poems have to stop now as Strike is pulling the mat again. I may have to start my own poem thread in the Lounge now where only I can post, my poems, for my own enjoyment.

I could cry tbh Crying
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by scatterby:
Lovely poem Twee - you might as well carry on doing them in here Shake Head

scatters, my talent is wasted in here, strike doesn't appreciate my crappy lovely poems. He said I could only do two a week in the Hira thread, also.

tbh, strike doesn't appreciate bad good poetry, even if it came up and kicked him up the arse.

No, he will have to request my poems in future scatts. My poetic pride is hurt. He can whistle for poetry for all I care. He can go and just do one. But I will still love Sree and will post about Sree, praise Sree, be devoted to the Sree Supporters Club but I just wont poem about Sree. Fans of Sree come in all shapes and sizes, badtalented poets included (me). Lord Byron or Wordworth didn't have these problems. It's a disgrace.

Crazy Crying Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Lovely poem Twee - you might as well carry on doing them in here Shake Head

scatters, my talent is wasted in here, strike doesn't appreciate my crappy lovely poems. He said I could only do two a week in the Hira thread, also.

tbh, strike doesn't appreciate bad good poetry, even if it came up and kicked him up the arse.

No, he will have to request my poems in future scatts. My poetic pride is hurt. He can whistle for poetry for all I care. He can go and just do one. But I will still love Sree and will post about Sree, praise Sree, be devoted to the Sree Supporters Club but I just wont poem about Sree. Fans of Sree come in all shapes and sizes, badtalented poets included (me). Lord Byron or Wordworth didn't have these problems. It's a disgrace.

Crazy Crying Laugh

I must admit I think you're right - strike just doesn't know a good poem when he sees one - perhaps he needs to be educated in this area - I think yours are wonderful and in fact, if were on general release, would be awarded praise and trophies, perhaps? (not sure if they award trophies for poetry, but if they did - yours would deffo get one).

Please carry on with your poetry or I will Crying
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Lovely poem Twee - you might as well carry on doing them in here Shake Head

scatters, my talent is wasted in here, strike doesn't appreciate my crappy lovely poems. He said I could only do two a week in the Hira thread, also.

tbh, strike doesn't appreciate bad good poetry, even if it came up and kicked him up the arse.

No, he will have to request my poems in future scatts. My poetic pride is hurt. He can whistle for poetry for all I care. He can go and just do one. But I will still love Sree and will post about Sree, praise Sree, be devoted to the Sree Supporters Club but I just wont poem about Sree. Fans of Sree come in all shapes and sizes, badtalented poets included (me). Lord Byron or Wordworth didn't have these problems. It's a disgrace.

Crazy Crying Laugh

I must admit I think you're right - strike just doesn't know a good poem when he sees one - perhaps he needs to be educated in this area - I think yours are wonderful and in fact, if were on general release, would be awarded praise and trophies, perhaps? (not sure if they award trophies for poetry, but if they did - yours would deffo get one).

Please carry on with your poetry or I will Crying

Scatts .. The highest honour for poetry is Poet Laureate but as Carole Ann Duffy now has the job, I am in the wilderness. I should have written a letter to the Queen like Rodrigo has done, and asked her for the job. But it's too late now. Thank you anyway for the lovely words of encouragement and appreciation for my work. Crying

No, I've decided to poem in private. I did say I might start my own thread in the Lounge but you never know who would come in posting in it and I could never guarantee that the poems were as bad good as mine.

Unless and until strike reinstates my right to poem in this 'fred, as and when I please, I will not poem. That is my final word. Laugh

Hope you and likkle Scatts are ok xx
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Lovely poem Twee - you might as well carry on doing them in here Shake Head

scatters, my talent is wasted in here, strike doesn't appreciate my crappy lovely poems. He said I could only do two a week in the Hira thread, also.

tbh, strike doesn't appreciate bad good poetry, even if it came up and kicked him up the arse.

No, he will have to request my poems in future scatts. My poetic pride is hurt. He can whistle for poetry for all I care. He can go and just do one. But I will still love Sree and will post about Sree, praise Sree, be devoted to the Sree Supporters Club but I just wont poem about Sree. Fans of Sree come in all shapes and sizes, badtalented poets included (me). Lord Byron or Wordworth didn't have these problems. It's a disgrace.

Crazy Crying Laugh

I must admit I think you're right - strike just doesn't know a good poem when he sees one - perhaps he needs to be educated in this area - I think yours are wonderful and in fact, if were on general release, would be awarded praise and trophies, perhaps? (not sure if they award trophies for poetry, but if they did - yours would deffo get one).

Please carry on with your poetry or I will Crying

Scatts .. The highest honour for poetry is Poet Laureate but as Carole Ann Duffy now has the job, I am in the wilderness. I should have written a letter to the Queen like Rodrigo has done, and asked her for the job. But it's too late now. Thank you anyway for the lovely words of encouragement and appreciation for my work. Crying

No, I've decided to poem in private. I did say I might start my own thread in the Lounge but you never know who would come in posting in it and I could never guarantee that the poems were as bad good as mine.

Unless and until strike reinstates my right to poem in this 'fred, as and when I please, I will not poem. That is my final word. Laugh

Hope you and likkle Scatts are ok xx

Carole Ann Duffy...pah - nothing compared to yours Shake Head

I am sorry that you feel unable to post your poems here at the moment - I will be having words with strike - I feel that as No. 2, I should have some influence over what comes in and out of this thread Nod
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Lovely poem Twee - you might as well carry on doing them in here Shake Head

scatters, my talent is wasted in here, strike doesn't appreciate my crappy lovely poems. He said I could only do two a week in the Hira thread, also.

tbh, strike doesn't appreciate bad good poetry, even if it came up and kicked him up the arse.

No, he will have to request my poems in future scatts. My poetic pride is hurt. He can whistle for poetry for all I care. He can go and just do one. But I will still love Sree and will post about Sree, praise Sree, be devoted to the Sree Supporters Club but I just wont poem about Sree. Fans of Sree come in all shapes and sizes, badtalented poets included (me). Lord Byron or Wordworth didn't have these problems. It's a disgrace.

Crazy Crying Laugh

I must admit I think you're right - strike just doesn't know a good poem when he sees one - perhaps he needs to be educated in this area - I think yours are wonderful and in fact, if were on general release, would be awarded praise and trophies, perhaps? (not sure if they award trophies for poetry, but if they did - yours would deffo get one).

Please carry on with your poetry or I will Crying

Scatts .. The highest honour for poetry is Poet Laureate but as Carole Ann Duffy now has the job, I am in the wilderness. I should have written a letter to the Queen like Rodrigo has done, and asked her for the job. But it's too late now. Thank you anyway for the lovely words of encouragement and appreciation for my work. Crying

No, I've decided to poem in private. I did say I might start my own thread in the Lounge but you never know who would come in posting in it and I could never guarantee that the poems were as bad good as mine.

Unless and until strike reinstates my right to poem in this 'fred, as and when I please, I will not poem. That is my final word. Laugh

Hope you and likkle Scatts are ok xx

Carole Ann Duffy...pah - nothing compared to yours Shake Head

I am sorry that you feel unable to post your poems here at the moment - I will be having words with strike - I feel that as No. 2, I should have some influence over what comes in and out of this thread Nod

what the rubber duck Mad

evening ladies wavey
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Blush er, evening strike Wave

scatters if i could remember yours and Twee's numbers there would HAVE been demotions but as i don't, Wave

Well, I for one, am not going to remind you today. However, I would just like to request that a certain amount of poetry is allowed in this thread - for cultural reasons you understand!
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Blush er, evening strike Wave

scatters if i could remember yours and Twee's numbers there would HAVE been demotions but as i don't, Wave

Well, I for one, am not going to remind you today. However, I would just like to request that a certain amount of poetry is allowed in this thread - for cultural reasons you understand!

i've just had a thought, i could demote you two in the Hira club Big Grin
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Blush er, evening strike Wave

scatters if i could remember yours and Twee's numbers there would HAVE been demotions but as i don't, Wave

Well, I for one, am not going to remind you today. However, I would just like to request that a certain amount of poetry is allowed in this thread - for cultural reasons you understand!

i've just had a thought, i could demote you two in the Hira club Big Grin

I can't believe that our self-esteem is going to be battered in two places at once - I think we will have to forum a union.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Blush er, evening strike Wave

scatters if i could remember yours and Twee's numbers there would HAVE been demotions but as i don't, Wave

Laugh Laugh

ello Blue wavey
a trusted Sree supporter Nod

Awe, thank you sir. Blush

Creep Big Grin

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