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Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Noreen is playing him, can't you lot see it?

She wont tell him to get lost because she needs the Sree/Noreen story line to be of any interest in the house.

Sree really likes her.

Nah I totally disagree. You really think Noirin would pick a storyline with Sree? The guy is a total psycho.

I don't feel sorry for him at all. He always cries when he can't get his way. Noirin is under no obligation to melt into his arms. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by stonks:
I wonder how many more women he's stalked in his time.... Ninja

Well here's a few more:

There is another (longer) version of that video where Sree gropes a woman between the legs during a dance, the woman wags her fingers at him and moves away from him.

Wags her finger at him ...? Disappointed

I would have kicked him in the nuts ... preferably wearing a pair of stillettos .... and then I would have had him charged with sexual assault ....
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by stonks:
I wonder how many more women he's stalked in his time.... Ninja

Well here's a few more:

There is another (longer) version of that video where Sree gropes a woman between the legs during a dance, the woman wags her fingers at him and moves away from him.

Wags her finger at him ...? Disappointed

I would have kicked him in the nuts ... preferably wearing a pair of stillettos .... and then I would have had him charged with sexual assault ....

Me too.
Originally posted by brisket:
You can actually see him NOT listening, if you know what I mean.
There is little sign of paying attention to whoever is speaking. He is already in the middle-distance with his next remark at the ready.
You can observe him NOT listening.

I know what you mean, he doesn't even glaze over he just really doesn't pay attention and says 'yeah..ok' before they've even finished talking to him.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Noreen is playing him, can't you lot see it?

She wont tell him to get lost because she needs the Sree/Noreen story line to be of any interest in the house.

Sree really likes her.

well, tonight lying in bed fiddling with her hair whilst sree is talking to her....her body language is not much help in getting her 'space'

Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Noreen is playing him, can't you lot see it?

She wont tell him to get lost because she needs the Sree/Noreen story line to be of any interest in the house.

Sree really likes her.

Nah I totally disagree. You really think Noirin would pick a storyline with Sree? The guy is a total psycho.

Absoloutely ...........she is desperately trying not to hurt his feelings ........he's stifling her. She needs to tel him in no uncertain terms to eff off ..............I'm sure she will eventually.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Mercedes78:
She's playing him Confused i haven't seen that, all i've seen is her trying to get him off her back for the past week, because she told him she needs space, he thinks she's playing him?

She's only been trying for the last 2 days and I really think if she wanted him to stop, she could tell him to feck off and not keep giving him cuddles whenever he asks for it.
cologne 1
I hated Sree a couple of days ago and in last nights HL show he did himself no favours with his jelous and possesive behaviour. But i actually feel a bit sorry for him now. Its obvious Marcus & Noirine were playing with him last night. I think hes a bit young in the head and maybe he actually thought he and Noirine would fall in love and live happily ever after.

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