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Originally Posted by Sprout:

So.............I need (along with the obvious)  bacon, potatoes, rice with peas in and onions and brown sauce right? 

If you are making bubble and squeak you don't need rice, just potatoes. I tend to favour onions (fried off) bacon and I know it's a bit mad to some but I add frozen peas near the n unless there are peas left over from the previous meal.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I'm going to have to change that .5 to the next whole number.  I don't like sprouts but I did ONCE taste them and thought ooohh nice, so made them again and they were rank!  


I'd have one...maybe 2 if they were available on xmas day but I won't be cooking them myself.


So I ummm....don't particularly like them but would eat try them again.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

You can still go back and add poll details - remember to tick the box to allow multiple answers. (For those who are neither avid likers or dislikers.)

I think this topic may be exhausted now Fluffs, but if I get another bright idea like this I will be sure to add a poll and avoid mathematics 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Deep fried is meant to be amazing

Would that be in batter?

As a Scot and therefore resident 'in batter' expert I have to say no.... only things that are trying to kill you anyway should be fried in batter, things like pizza and mars bars and burgers and king ribs ... fish is the only exception to this rule.


As for sprouts.   I love them.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Deep fried is meant to be amazing

Would that be in batter?

As a Scot and therefore resident 'in batter' expert I have to say no.... only things that are trying to kill you anyway should be fried in batter, things like pizza and mars bars and burgers and king ribs ... fish is the only exception to this rule.


As for sprouts.   I love them.


But what about tempura, there are all sorts of nice stuff 'tempura'd'



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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