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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by DI S Array (machel):
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I shall have the last laff when you've had too much of me 

You can never have too many sprouts!


*boil the buggers silly*

Some of us are silly enough already I'll have you know,and we don't need to be any sillier 


Brussel Sprout

When I was just a little lad, 
Certain things made me mad.
Mum, she’d scream, dad he shouts, 
“Eat your bleedin’ Brussel Sprouts! ”

So I’d place one in my mouth.
Down my throat heading south, 
Hit my Stomach and of course, 
Brussel Sprout: heading north.

like a bullet it flew out, 
That bleedin’ rotten Brussel Sprout.
Across the table it did fly, 
Hit my father in the eye.
Then my father gave a clout, 
I didn’t eat, that Brussel Sprout.

Now; mum and dad they don’t shout, 
“Eat that bleedin Brussel Sprout! ”
With mum and dad I’ve made some deals
No more Sprouts with my meals. 

James Asher
Submitted: Friday, July 02, 2010
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Sprout:  



Nobody likes me, everybody hates me.......

See, it's all that wailing and a-weeping that makes you soggy!

You just gotta be less mushy   


ignites 17 Bunsen burners 

I never had you down for the Heston style of cooking, Damesy!  Wouldn't a gas or leccy hob be quicker?  

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Hang on a minute, someone has a short memory.


I started a pro sprout thread - in fact it turned out the vast majority of people love sprouts.







We hadn't forgotten, EC 


We're just picking on and victimising Sprouty 


I have a lot of love for Sprouty, so will leave you all to the sprout baiting 


It's a good job you are all friends 



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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