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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

Little House on the Prairie for me...

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

Little House on the Prairie for me...

Loved them both ..........................we get constant re runs of Friends and Gilmore Girls .............why wont they re run those two? I'd be in my element!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

PMSL! I'm still ere too! 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

Little House on the Prairie for me...

Loved them both ..........................we get constant re runs of Friends and Gilmore Girls .............why wont they re run those two? I'd be in my element!

Me too, and I'd run out of kitchen roll, or kleenex....

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

Little House on the Prairie for me...

Loved them both ..........................we get constant re runs of Friends and Gilmore Girls .............why wont they re run those two? I'd be in my element!

Me too, and I'd run out of kitchen roll, or kleenex....

And never get any work done  I've run out of kitchen roll today ..........had to have my cat put to sleep sad - God Bless Willum RIP

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

And never get any work done  I've run out of kitchen roll today ..........had to have my cat put to sleep sad - God Bless Willum RIP

Awwww Soozy  xxxxx, I remember Pussy Cat Willum on the telly.

Not many people do. She was named after Pussy Cat Willum even though she was a girl ..........she just looked so much like him.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Jonsey and the owl has spoilt it now. I don't want him to go, whatever name he used to be, he's been a nice person for weeks.

 He has  

I am a nice person, just that one night of forum friendships against a load of women = ban. but a permanent ban? Bit too harsh imo. I am sorry to all i offended and it wasn't that bad as far as bans go- ask Low as she was the one i had the argument with. we made up shortly after but things run deep according to others. Me and Low still chat and i still care about her and chatted in her forum yesterday. I wish others could see that i am a caring person from the past and forget about the things that have gone on. Baz-Ros-Weesmurf_ Marge-Rosie_Tates I loved talking with you lot but i seem to have been given the cold shoulder nowadays. Anyway none of this counts now as i am sure to be banned again, so hope you all and your loved ones live long and prosper.  PS This years BB have not heard the last from me as i will protest on FB and Twitter for LF to come back.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

Little House on the Prairie for me...

Loved them both ..........................we get constant re runs of Friends and Gilmore Girls .............why wont they re run those two? I'd be in my element!

Me too, and I'd run out of kitchen roll, or kleenex....

And never get any work done  I've run out of kitchen roll today ..........had to have my cat put to sleep sad - God Bless Willum RIP

Oh dear Sooz   I've been there....twice, so I no what it's like. You'll have good memories though 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Nite nite Soozy, Sprout, Cologne.......(I'm staying up tho)... 

I said IF..............i think I'm up for a while - maybe.


G'night John Boy, G'night Mary Ellen, G'night Erin, G'night Pa, G'night Ma, G'night Jim Bob, etc. etc. ......................I just loved the Waltons

Little House on the Prairie for me...

Loved them both ..........................we get constant re runs of Friends and Gilmore Girls .............why wont they re run those two? I'd be in my element!

Me too, and I'd run out of kitchen roll, or kleenex....

And never get any work done  I've run out of kitchen roll today ..........had to have my cat put to sleep sad - God Bless Willum RIP

Oh dear Sooz   I've been there....twice, so I no what it's like. You'll have good memories though 

Yep ................lovely memories. I'm feeling sad but at the same time i keep having a little snigger. My mum really irked me earlier - she called in and I said 'I wasn't going to say anything coa I didn't want to upset you bt we are taking Willum to the vets at three o'clock'


Without missing a beat her reply was ' Can I take all that cat food and give it to my next door neighbour'


Do you think people get more insensitive as they get older? She used to be a big softie and I was actually worried that she might be upset!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Yep ................lovely memories. I'm feeling sad but at the same time i keep having a little snigger. My mum really irked me earlier - she called in and I said 'I wasn't going to say anything coa I didn't want to upset you bt we are taking Willum to the vets at three o'clock'


Without missing a beat her reply was ' Can I take all that cat food and give it to my next door neighbour'


Do you think people get more insensitive as they get older? She used to be a big softie and I was actually worried that she might be upset!

Daft though it may seem, I actually think they do 


In a way that's funny, but really it's not 


Yep ................lovely memories. I'm feeling sad but at the same time i keep having a little snigger. My mum really irked me earlier - she called in and I said 'I wasn't going to say anything coa I didn't want to upset you bt we are taking Willum to the vets at three o'clock'


Without missing a beat her reply was ' Can I take all that cat food and give it to my next door neighbour'


Do you think people get more insensitive as they get older? She used to be a big softie and I was actually worried that she might be upset!

I hate to laugh Soozy, but I have to PMSL at your Mum... ....

Originally Posted by Syd:

Yep ................lovely memories. I'm feeling sad but at the same time i keep having a little snigger. My mum really irked me earlier - she called in and I said 'I wasn't going to say anything coa I didn't want to upset you bt we are taking Willum to the vets at three o'clock'


Without missing a beat her reply was ' Can I take all that cat food and give it to my next door neighbour'


Do you think people get more insensitive as they get older? She used to be a big softie and I was actually worried that she might be upset!

I hate to laugh Soozy, but I have to PMSL at your Mum... ....

I know ......................i was livid for a while but on the way back from the vets me and Mr woo were fighting back the tears and I suddenly burst out laughing. For the past five years or so she really has moved into a different realm from the rest of us. I keep saying I should write down the things she says - some of it is quite unbelievable 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I hate to laugh Soozy, but I have to PMSL at your Mum... ....

I know ......................i was livid for a while but on the way back from the vets me and Mr woo were fighting back the tears and I suddenly burst out laughing. For the past five years or so she really has moved into a different realm from the rest of us. I keep saying I should write down the things she says - some of it is quite unbelievable 

I know Soozy, I have those sort of memories of my Mum, and as long as you can laugh and remember, Happy days.....xxxxxx 




Originally Posted by Jonesy:

I wish others could see that i am a caring person from the past and forget about the things that have gone on. Baz-Ros-Weesmurf_ Marge-Rosie_Tates


Maybe this is exactly why they can't forget....cos you don't give them chance to?!


You are deluded if you think people can't be bothered anymore because of "one night". It was night after night after night after night.


I'll be brutally honest with you Real.....maybe it will help...


I can't talk for those you have mentioned.... but I can tell you how you made me feel back then.....and I was only an onlooker.....DRAINED! People just can't keep having the same conversations year after year if nothing changes. You are a high maintenence friend Real. It took a lot to give you the support you needed, but it was given generously and genuinely and would have continued to be ...but unfortunately for everyone it was thrown back in their faces too often. Not once. Too often! 


BUT....and you REALLY need to listen to this if you want any chance of Lori not banning you now. NONE of those you have mentioned have ever given you a second of grief in here! Despite endless provocation.....veiled references to old friends who won't live and let live being just one minor example....slagging off their so called sad and pointless thread being another..... they have left you alone, and just carried on being the nicest group of forum members ever. Maybe it's time to take a leaf out of their book?


I can quite understand why you miss them Real...... they're great people....but YOU were the one that blew it, not them. So if you truly want people to forget the past... you need to drop this martyr act, just hold your hands up to the mistakes you've made, and stop EXPECTING people to instantly respect you....go and earn it back!


First step.... how about you start being that "caring person" you insist you are, and stop implying they have done something wrong, and are being harsh on you.


And for what it's worth......I think everyone's ok with you being here (as long as YOU live and let live), you have as much right as anyone else to be here, and I don't think you should have a perma-ban.


Just move on,  post, and have must be exhausting worrying about it all so much!



(Oh.....and Lori didn't ban you because of one night.... you had been given numerous warnings about bringing fights from other forums onto here. She gave you a lot of chances.... but you continued to do it. I personally don't like perma-bans..... but you didn't leave her a lot of choice in the end. )

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Soozy, sorry about Willum xx

Thank you  - she was seventeen years old and had been wasting away for some time - it's a decision we've been putting off for about a year. I'm incredibly sad but I know it was the right thing to do. We are on holiday tomorrow and although my kids would look in on her they wouldn't be able to give her the care and cleaning up after that she needed. The vet said she must have been incredibly weak as it didn't take hardly any of the anasthetic to knock her out.


I'm very sad but - I knew it was coming.

Soozy Woo

Lori if the perma bans are hard to enforce why not do week, month etc type of bans. .that way you know who has been norty and to keep an eye on them when they are allowed back as they'll still have the same usernames so you can nip any potential problems in the bud straight away... plus there's less chance of the 'newbie' situation occurring with the 'how do I do this' threads from people everyone knows isn't a newbie..


Thing is a lot of people have known all the FM's for a very long time, going back to C4 forums, and they know the posting styles so it's easy to spot a non newbie .. I know you need definite proof but if you use my suggestion above you wouldn't need that cos they'd still have the same name. .and also they couldn't start the I am a newbie  threads either which tend to start the problems off in the first place.. 


Just a suggestion

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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