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 I am not going to tease you about your fear of Spiders.  Last time I did that to someone I found 3 in my house that were huge!!  One in the kitchen on the roof, one in the bathroom under the sink and the worst one.....on the ceiling above the stairs so there was no avoiding that one and I was scared it would jump on me because I teased someone so much about her being scared


I didn't tease her because I'm dead brave and don't mind spiders.....I just thought it was funny when she posted on fb that the massive spider she had on her wall was now gone and she could sleep better I posted that that meant that it was more than likely in her bed right now beside her (she was posting from bed).  She slept on the sofa that night

Last edited by Ells

The really big ones that we usually see sprinting across the floor in autumn live the rest of the year in our houses (usually in the wall cavities).


your one obviously fancied living it up a bit in your DVD case.


I too am not keen on them...    I scream as loud as the next girly...   but I don't like to see them hurt



You'd appreciate your big hairy spider if you'd had an investation of False Widow spiders like we had last year!!   They're our countries most poisonous spider & I was freaking right out.  


I'm afraid they didn't live to tell the tale (couldn't risk them biting the dog)

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Let us know when you see a Puff Adder in the cd's.


Jeez...a spider 

right VD

we had a snake go missing a couple of years back..and we've never found it..i dont mind snakes..i mean, i wouldnt want one crawling up me leg in the middle of the night, but like you, ive held a few snakes in my

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm not terrified of spiders but ...............I really don't like them. I have no qualms in putting a glass over them - sliding a bit of card underneath and putting them outside. I used to scream and jump about - I just do it now! As for spiders being seasonal .......................we have them all year round!

Snap Soozy...... sorry I never read down before I posted


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