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Originally Posted by erinp:

12.32am: Speidi, who have been mingling all evening, are apologising to Claire for their initial reaction about losing her letter



12.35am: Claire says she'd much rather everyone was talking. Tricia says she's hated the icy atmosphere. Heidi says she's really sorry.


 Yeah, course she is, so, looks like they've worked out that they've dropped a real clanger with this one then. They really have been losing their 'reality pro' touch the last few days.

Or perhaps they got driven 50ft in a golf buggy to watch Emma on BB saying that they'll have lost the support of all the mums out there and the audience saying that they'd gone way too far this time

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

12.32am: Speidi, who have been mingling all evening, are apologising to Claire for their initial reaction about losing her letter



12.35am: Claire says she'd much rather everyone was talking. Tricia says she's hated the icy atmosphere. Heidi says she's really sorry.


 Yeah, course she is, so, looks like they've worked out that they've dropped a real clanger with this one then. They really have been losing their 'reality pro' touch the last few days.

Or perhaps they got driven 50ft in a golf buggy to watch Emma on BB saying that they'll have lost the support of all the mums out there and the audience saying that they'd gone way too far this time

or perhaps it's todays script for Tuesday HL show .


Day 19: Heidi apologies for clapping

11 mins ago

It was the clap that caused a House of strife, and tonight, Heidi has finally come clean about that ill-timed hand movement.
Chatting to the housemates in the kitchen, Heidi admitted that she hadn't meant to cause offence with her reaction. She reasoned that she just got caught up in everyone clapping and that her response was a gesture to show that she was supporting her marriage and their decision not to be separated for a task.
"I was clapping our decision to stick together, as I thought we'd be separated for days like the basement task... I didn't think about what I was doing at the time", she offered to the group.
Explaining why he clapped along with his wife, Spencer rationalised that he knew Heidi hadn't meant to clap and that he was just backing her up, "We're in the same boat. We gotta go down together".
Apologising profusely to Claire and telling all who would listen that the situation had been misconstrued, Heidi stated, "You think you're in a game, but you're not" adding, "I've got the worst timing..."
Lucky for them, the housemates are a pretty forgiving bunch, as they whole-heartedly accepted the couple's apology. Even Rylan, who was the most vocal after the clap-incident, said how glad he was to clear the air, saying he just wants to leave the House with everyone talking.
"We're all human beings, we should be talking to each other" Tricia gushed, before awkwardly hugging the pair and professing that they were both 'lovely people'.
We know what you're thinking - what a turn out for the books! We certainly didn't think we'd see a untied, happy House again, but there we go...
Is it too cynical for us to ask how long it'll last?


Load of shoite..Speidi's weirdo relationship is doing my head in its creepy, why the feck can't they have a relationship and be individual, they are not sorry for pain caused, they're sorry that they came across as arse holes..


And as for Trisha, she's spent most of BB in A&E getting the splinters removed from her arse for fence sitting and burns cream for her chest for trying to fly that low under the radar she's got carpet burns on her chest..she says how discusted she is with them then when they're sitting opposite her she does that stupid fake laugh and says she really likes no time for the no mark....

Originally Posted by EOC:

Wonder did they realize that they had went to far or had Big Brother a word in their ear???? I think Big Bro had a word in their shell like, you could see from tonights bit on the side that everyone knew they had just gone to far for they keep saying is ONLY A GAME'

I think they knew they went too far but would'nt be surprised if they'd been shown the error of their nasty ways..


Welcome to the forum EOC....

Originally Posted by stonks:

Load of shoite..Speidi's weirdo relationship is doing my head in its creepy, why the feck can't they have a relationship and be individual, they are not sorry for pain caused, they're sorry that they came across as arse holes..


And as for Trisha, she's spent most of BB in A&E getting the splinters removed from her arse for fence sitting and burns cream for her chest for trying to fly that low under the radar she's got carpet burns on her chest..she says how discusted she is with them then when they're sitting opposite her she does that stupid fake laugh and says she really likes no time for the no mark....

This is exactly how i feel about Speidi and lol @ the Trisha stuff, so true!

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Load of shoite..Speidi's weirdo relationship is doing my head in its creepy, why the feck can't they have a relationship and be individual, they are not sorry for pain caused, they're sorry that they came across as arse holes..


And as for Trisha, she's spent most of BB in A&E getting the splinters removed from her arse for fence sitting and burns cream for her chest for trying to fly that low under the radar she's got carpet burns on her chest..she says how discusted she is with them then when they're sitting opposite her she does that stupid fake laugh and says she really likes no time for the no mark....

This is exactly how i feel about Speidi and lol @ the Trisha stuff, so true!

I'd be very surprised if their relationship was real Jen, just seems like a business to me and all their cleanliness stuff is a gimic..notice since BB stopped secretly feeding them in the basement that they've stopped calling the plates filthy and have started eating anything put in front of them and noway would anyone with cleanliness issues lie on the bed with their shows on..


Chatting to the housemates in the kitchen, Heidi admitted that she hadn't meant to cause offence with her reaction. She reasoned that she just got caught up in everyone clapping and that her response was a gesture to show that she was supporting her marriage and their decision not to be separated for a task.

Awww that's just so beautiful I got all choked up reading that


Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by stonks:

Load of shoite..Speidi's weirdo relationship is doing my head in its creepy, why the feck can't they have a relationship and be individual, they are not sorry for pain caused, they're sorry that they came across as arse holes..


 Couldn't agree more Stonks and really hope the others don't fall for their bullshine. And is that 3 tasks they've refused now, because they couldn't be apart for 5 mins/have anyone else near the other, accompanied with suggestions that it would be disrespectful/threatening to their marriage, (mainly at Heidis's insistence tbf.) Talk about a seriously symbiotic and unhealthy 'relationship' 

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Load of shoite..Speidi's weirdo relationship is doing my head in its creepy, why the feck can't they have a relationship and be individual, they are not sorry for pain caused, they're sorry that they came across as arse holes..


 Couldn't agree more Stonks and really hope the others don't fall for their bullshine. And is that 3 tasks they've refused now, because they couldn't be apart for 5 mins/have anyone else near the other, accompanied with suggestions that it would be disrespectful/threatening to their marriage, (mainly at Heidis's insistence tbf.) Talk about a seriously symbiotic and unhealthy 'relationship' 

He's done a right job on her supes, when its always her that says no you know it was born of him in private and she's well and truly brain washed, at anytime he could lets do it our marriage is strong enough to be apart for 2 hours but no its suits him not to let anyone near..I've seen her go the DR on her own so its all twaddle..

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

When are they going to apologise to us?


And me in particular - the cretins?    

Do you want me to beat them up?....

Now I don't condone violence as you well know stonksy  


I'll sponsor you a pound a stitch on Spencer though 


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