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So I think women look awkward playing football. Apparently that's sexist. The ways in which you can refer to people of ethnic origin are now so diminished that you actually have to STOP and think before you say anything at all lest you should be accused of being racist. Four people sit in a room. One of them's a bore/idiot/doesn't like the other three or the other three don't like them. In both cases the 'other three' are ganged up on as being vile jellus bullehs there is no such thing as disagreement anymore or disliking people anymore if you are in a majority you must like the minority or you are a bully.

World. Gone. Mad.

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if you've got a problem with my views be an adult and contact me by a dialogue instead of starting a thread trying too intice trouble with the people that disagree with you

No Aimee it wasn't directed at you and I'm sorry if you felt it was. That was just one point this problem is everywhere not just on this forum and not just the internet in all facets of life and all walks of life. It seems impossible to have an opinion anymore without some clown jumping on you claiming it's 'unacceptable' in the modern political climate. I'm tired of tippy toeing round debates and having to carefully word what I say lest I cause offense to some delicate soul somewhere that's all I'm saying.
Oh please don't fight guys.    Everyone is entitled to a view and I am sorry that people have been offended by things.  I am sure the people who offended didnt mean to, but I am sorry that people are offended.   I don't think women look butch playing football; I actually like watching them!  But don't tell the missus! 

No offence Prom but I think it's a bit unfair to say female footballers have no skill; I think they play really well some of them, but I do respect your opinion that you will always think of it as a man's game.  I think most men always will to be honest.    It's nothing personal; it's just how we've been conditioned.  It's like most people think of the main caregiver as the mother, but it's nothing against men or the dad, it's just the general view from many.  I don't think there's any malice or offence intended by anyone.  So let's all agree to differ, and not fight.  PEACE. 

Sorry, I put this on two threads to make sure y'all saw it 

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