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I'm making spaghetti and meatballs tonight.  I don't faf about with lots of stuff, just a couple of cloves of garlic, some tomato puree and a couple tins of chopped tomatoes.  Add chopped fresh basil (not dried) and simmer.  Put more chopped basil in right before serving.  If you want it spicy, add a chopped chili or dried chili flakes at the beginning.  You can also add your browned off mince.  Season to taste.
I'm an idle so and so and all I do is fry my mince with a good dash of Worcestershire sauce(!), chop my peppers (green and red), mushrooms, and onion, throw them all into my slow cooker with a jar of Dolmio sauce, mix together and leave it for as long as possible.

Spaghetti, I heat a pan of water, well salted until boiling hot, throw my spaghetti in and leave for about 8 minutes, drain and serve with parmestian sprinkled on top and garlic bread on a side plate.

Strangely enough, that was our tea last night!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I've just started an Indian Head Massage course, ideally I'd like to qualify in full body massage after this and then do aromatherapy.  Then get a slot in a salon and do some therapies from's my dream! lol!
I've been thinking about the same type of thing, but doing nail art and manicures as a "from home" business.  Lots of young mums in my area who find it hard to take their kids to the many manicure shops.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I have made it for years I find this is the best way

Sweat in a little Olive Oil 2 finely chopped Onions for about 15 mins without browning.Then add 2 crushed garlic cloves (large ones)then add  the mince to seal.Sprinkle in two oxo cubes and  a good helping of Oregano,(I like it so I put in loads)A good squeeze of Tomato purree,stir then open 2 cans of chopped tomatoes stir in ,then season with salt and pepper.Now for best bit pour in some cheap red wine. no water.bring up to boiling then turn down heat and simmer for 3 hours.If you need to thicken it just add more tomato puree.I did forget stick 2 bayleaves in as well.
I've just started an Indian Head Massage course, ideally I'd like to qualify in full body massage after this and then do aromatherapy. Then get a slot in a salon and do some therapies from's my dream! lol!
Don't be embarrassed about having a dream. If I still had my salon I'd give you a slot

I want to either teach hairdressing or open a b&b.

Sorry for the major hijack btw
I always make a batch, Beef mince (lowfat)
Chop an onion or two chop and slow cook in a pan to soften, add garlic either fresh or in jars, then add mince and slow cook together.
Tin of chopped toms, stir together, add jar of pasta sauce, then add chopped pepper, couple of chopped mushrooms and lots of tom paste. Mix together. Simmer and add salt and pepper to taste.
Should be plenty for the meal and enough to freeze for later use.
The lovely thing is with that basic batch, is that you can serve as it is with pasta. Or lay in a dish and spread over a buttery mash sprinkled with grated cheese, or take the basic mix add chilli and kidney beans and serve with rice and you have chilli con carni.
You could have a weeks
 load of meals with a small amount of cooking, money and effort, or feeze it all. Simples.

Simple and basic?

Fry off some onions and crushed/chopped garlic (I like garlic so use 3 but if you just want a hint 1 is fine), I also use butter to fry them in, but olive oil is good, not the posh stuff.

Add mince, steak mince is the best or pork mince if you fancy something a bit different, add some bacon, streaky is the best for this, I think. 

When the mince has browned, add 1 tin of tomatos, you can get chopped ones with basil if you want a bit of that flavour, also add a generous 2 tablespoons full of tomato puree, and then put on a low heat, and allow enough time for the tomato puree to cook out otherwise it can be a bit bitter (usually find about 10 mins is a good amount of time), also add salt and pepper to suit your taste.

Cook the spaghetti in boiling water with a pinch of salt.

Cigarettes & Alcohol
OHH D.I.D i nearly posted the very same question the other night. I really fancied it and didnt have a clue. But i searched the web and found simple recipes that are pretty much the same as everyone here has said. The only tip i picked up that i did and it worked was....Use white wine instead of red, I have never heard that before but they said red is too strong and white does give a better flavour, so i gave it a go and they were tasted really lovely and almost sweeter?

hope it was lovley

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