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..ok, so i'm no domestic godess in the kitchen and I'm hoping one of you lovely FMs can give me a very simple recipe for Spaghetti Bolognaise, something with abit of kick that won't cost me a fortune for ingredients...

..I want to treat Him Indoors on Saturday as he's had a shite time of it lately and Spag Bol is his favourite meal...

I've looked on loads of websites but they all seem a little extravagant, I don't want to have to buy loads of stuff I may not use again like Oregano, Bay Leaves etc...

Bear in mind the Oven is on the blink So, I need something that i can cook on the hob...a dummys guide please....boiling eggs is a challenge for me

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Fry mince with one chopped onion (no oil needed).
Add tin of chopped tomatoes and good squirt of tomato puree.
Add crushed clove of garlic, black pepper and good few pinches of dried basil.
(You can also - if you have them - add a dash of chilli oil, or other herbs like oregano or coriander)
Stir, stir, stir (to break up any lumpy bits of mince or tomato) then simmer on VERY low heat for a good half-hour, to let it cook through slowly.
You need a small container of mixed 'erb. Fry 1/2 mince in it's own juice, ie dry. Pour off stuff into a different pan. Fry chopped onions in the fat/water. Add chopped pepper, add 'erb and pepper (no salt) Stir about, add tinned tomatoes, leave to simmer, add chopped garlic.
That's more or less how I would do it, but would add mushrooms with the onion and peppers and then a good slosh of red wine at the end....Would never, ever use the stuff out of a jar, but then I v v rarely use any convenience foods
MysTerry....Is Dolmio ok to use? I was going to make it from sctratch but if that's ok? Should I still add a few bits, like onion and stuff? ....
of course !     I don't see why not..

My kiddies don't like herbs, but they don't really notice them in the Dolmio sauce, nor do they like to chew the meat, so I have to use a very good quality lean minced beef   (my butcher does it for me as he knows my kiddies well .. 
Just fry the beef, onion and add some peppers and maybe some mushrooms as well, when that's all done nicely,  transfer it from frying pan to a heavy bottomed saucepan with a good fitting lid, Add some tinned tom's with all the hard bits removed ( ! ) Add the sauce till it's all well covered and simmer gently for as long as you want. 

Simple.... lol
Fry mince with one chopped onion (no oil needed). Add tin of chopped tomatoes and good squirt of tomato puree. Add crushed clove of garlic, black pepper and good few pinches of dried basil. (You can also - if you have them - add a dash of chilli oil, or other herbs like oregano or coriander) Stir, stir, stir (to break up any lumpy bits of mince or tomato) then simmer on VERY low heat for a good half-hour, to let it cook through slowly. Simples.
Thats pretty much what I do too, except I glug in a bit of red wine at the same time as the tinned tomatoes + tomato puree
Yep... pretty much agree with the above.   I add red wine to mine too if I have a bottle open at the time.  Oh, and we use half a bulb of garlic LOL!  But thats cos we love it.

I tend to use the value mixed herbs.... and some parsley (only to counteract the side effects of the garlic)

Sometimes I will add a jar of co-op pasta sauce (the red wine one) or the Lloyd wotsit one.

Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms!  (my lot like loads in theirs).

I also add some faux parmesan cheese (the ground hard cheese you get in the plastic tubs) to it whilst its cooking.

My friend sticks a dollop of Branston Pickle in her spag bol... that works too.
House is clean and I don't have any appointments today. You?
I'm taking 3 months out after being made redundant well sort of being made redundant!!  So have some me time for the first time ever!

Applying for jobs but am looking to do something I want to do that's interesting now!

I'm volunteering 2 days a week from next week at the British Heart Foundation shop in town which will be nice.
Put  little oil in large saucepan add onions fry until transparent dont let them brown when they are soft add mincemeat and brown until it seperates
Add salt and black ground pepper
Garlic to your taste I use a lot
Tin of plum tomatoes
Two small tins of tomato puree
Two or three basil leaves
Add water let it simmer
keep adding water when needed
I cook it for three hours leave it until the next day add water let it boil down leaving it to simmer for an hour .. the art of spagetti bolognais is cooking it the night before thats the proper Italian way... delicious
if you want to surprise him again the following week. ..

 do pretty much the same recipes as what's been said in here but add more chilli (powder  or fresh), paprika  and a tin of kidney beans. . et viola!  Chilli con Carne

or you could use the spag bol basic recipe to make lasagne too. . just need to make a cheese sauce [if you aren't confident makng that buy a packet one. ]  and buy some dried lasagne sheets and make the spag sauce a bit more liquidy so the lasagne has some juice to soak up and cook it..   You just need to layer the meat sauce, cheese sauce and lasagne  a few times then shove it in the oven to finish it off..

3  meals from the same basic recipe
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Lacey
I'm taking 3 months out after being made redundant well sort of being made redundant!! So have some me time for the first time ever! Applying for jobs but am looking to do something I want to do that's interesting now! I'm volunteering 2 days a week from next week at the British Heart Foundation shop in town which will be nice.

What sort of stuff you looking at? Volunteering sounds good too. Something I've always said I'd do but never have
if you want to surprise him again the following week. .. do pretty much the same recipes as what's been said in here but add more chilli (powder or fresh), paprika and a tin of kidney beans. . et viola! Chilli con Carne or you could use the spag bol basic recipe to make lasagne too. . just need to make a cheese sauce [if you aren't confident makng that buy a packet one. ] and buy some dried lasagne sheets and make the spag sauce a bit more liquidy so the lasagne has some juice to soak up and cook it.. You just need to layer the meat sauce, cheese sauce and lasagne a few times then shove it in the oven to finish it off.. 3 meals from the same basic recipe
Thanks for that If the Spag Bol turns out ok I'll do the Chilli next time, I prefer chilli to Spag Bol as well
The Devil In Diamante

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