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the only thing that gets me is that the Sun could have printed this story at the start like they did about Heidi's brother..
I was about to say that whilst I feel very sorry for her mom and it probably in some way goes towards explaining Sov's behaviour, why is this story coming out now?  

It seems as if it's been used as a way of making people have sympathy for Sov so they won't vote her out (which is not Sov's fault) but I think this is very insensitive to Sov's mother given her condition
some could criticise her choice of going in while her mother is ill but if her mother is happy about it then who are we to criticise?
If her mother is stable then I see no reason why she shouldn't go in and you're right it is her decision.  However, I really dislike people using an illness like this for their own means and if her mother allows it then is says a lot about both mother and daughter
I don't think Sov has even mentioned anything about it in the house
To be fair no she hasn't mentioned it as far as we know but we also can't be sure it wasn't arranged before hand with her family to let it slip should she not be doing too well.   Stranger things have happened at sea as the saying goes.   Having said that we can't be sure what has or hasn't been said as we don't have the benefit of live feed and twitter announcements are text of what's going on and being said according to BB.
seems like she's keeping quiet about it to me.
good for her .... I respect her so much more for that

the year of the sob story has long gone ..... and btw, before anyone jumps down my throat: I have all the sympathy in the world for anyone in that predicament .... I just dont think it should be used to gain the sympathy vote.
Fair enough but I think that most who disliked Katia are blinkered by her behaviour outside the house and were not prepared to give her a chance as soon as she stepped onto that stage. No she's not a celebrity but some of the flack she's got makes it sound like she's this really awful person when there is much more worse people out there for sure.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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