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I've had a good read around elsewhere and one of the main reasons some not all Sov dislikers keep using is the word ''chav''?, if some don't find her interesting or haven't warmed to her fair enough but gosh some people can be stereotypical I guess they are disappointed because she is miles apart of what their expectations of her would be due to her rap background and image.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Just so you're all aware, I'm almost certain that Big Brother will want Sov to be evicted out of those 3. I think they'll want to keep Heidi and I think because of the potential romance, they'll want to keep Katia. So all I'm saying is be prepared for Big Brother to try to manipulate the voting public by badly portraying Sov this week.
Crunchy  Nuts
17:38 Heidi said she didn't think for a million years that SOV would be up for eviction

16:47 Vinnie says if SOV goes there will be a fight over her bed and he is going to get in there quick
  • 16:44 Vinnie says SOV and Katia should count themselves lucky that they are up for eviction
  • 16:42 SOV thinks part of the reason she and Katia are up is because they are the two youngest in the house

    16:38 SOV is talking to Katia about evictions and wonders why she has been nominated

darloboy (Play The Game!)

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