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Sweeping generalisation of the week.   

Plenty of middle aged people AND older people act like the world owes them a living; NOT just young folk.  I have had plenty of older folk (over 60) thinking it's OK for them to shove to the front in a queue, because they have been on the planet a few years longer than other people in the queue, AND some middle aged people who have been on the dole since they left school who screw every penny out of the system that they can, because they can, and they feel they are 'owed' it.

And to say Sov sums up young people well, ergo suggesting that ALL young people are the same (some kind of lump who feels they are hard done by,) is narrow minded and  a massive sweeping generalisation.

I am over 35 BTW, so not in the category of people you are talking about.  Most young folk I know are polite and well-mannered, and don't feel the world 'owes them a living' any more than people a generation or two older.
Video! You obviously haven't shopped in my local Asda....... plenty of incredibly rude members of the "older generation" in there!
Yes, and so have I... but they might have had a good reason for it and im sure they worked hard in their lives and didn't expect the world to do them a favour...Sov wont even do the washing up and if she was asked to she throws the toys out of the pram and acts like shes being abused by them. lol...Katia and Nicola are no better and they are the younger HM's too.  In all the years of BB it's always the younger HM's that tend to be self absorbed and selfish plus being truely lazy....I feel it sums up most of the younger generation.
Vid, I knew you would get slaughtered for that but I know where you're coming from. Demantoid wrote something very accurate about Sov in another post..which pretty much tallies with what you've said. Sov is a brat, end of
Thankyou Fairfax,  Im only going on what i've seen on BB down the years (which is a reality TV show and is a window into what the country and the modern world is like, plus just looking at the news on TV every day also show us all what youngsters get upto these days...although I know that not all young people are bad, just alot of them. lol
but they might have had a good reason for it
I'm sure some of them do......... but why should they have any more reason to be rude than someone younger? You don't have to reach a certain age to experience life's hardships.

I agree that Sov's a brat but you can't claim that she sums up the younger generation. She was thrown out of school...... that happens to only a very tiny percentage so she's hardly typical. As for the younger housemates being lazier you have witnessed a very biased sample!

Firstly the ratio of "young" to "old" in BB is never ideal to fairly judge,  secondly you have to be a certain type of person to even consider entering that house. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but many of them have an attitude to housework similar to their attitude to fame... they don't want to work for it. They are not your typical person on the street.

I work with teenagers.....most are lovely. I've met the odd "sov" of course, but the majority of the time they have very good reason to be obnoxious when you consider their background. A background provided for them by the older generation.
Reference Fairfax Today at 22:22:
 Vid, I knew you would get slaughtered for that but I know where you're coming from. Demantoid wrote something very accurate about Sov in another post..which pretty much tallies with what you've said. Sov is a brat, end of
Ah - be careful here. Demantoid was not saying that Sov "sums up the younger generation" - quite the opposite, in fact.

Demantoid's point was that the likes of Sov don't represent the majority of young people, but are perceived to do so by many because they make the most noise.
Eugene's Lair

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