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worse for the forum and the show, there won't be a thread on here in two days time that isn't about Sov.
I wouldn't worry about that Strike...........I think if Sov were to stay there'd be plenty to say about Vinnie et al takes a dissident to bring out the worse in people as we're already beginning to find out
The HM's and BB editing will find someone else to focus on if she goes, they always move on to someone else

My point is tho' Yellow Rose is that every single HM in there bar Sov is under the dictatorship of Vinnie and if Sov goes then Vinnie has won
I understand what you're saying, I don't want Vinnie to win, just wish the HM's would wake up to his manipulating ways. If/when Sov goes, maybe, just maybe, one or more HM's will see through him, if they do though he'll start on them and others will follow him. Vinnie bashing is worse than Stephen Bible bashing, it's having more impact lol. Hard to see atm who or what can stop Vinnie
Yellow Rose
Vinnie not nominating her was strange or was it he knows she won't win so is concentrating on getting others out.
My thoughts exactly. Have lost the will to argue about this lot this year-- Don't give a toss who goes now.... All the run up to this was to make their lives Hell--- Yeah right--- Wish my hell and others on here was as bad as theirs.
I know she has been up a couple of times but thats not much out of 14 days in the house. Everytime live feed starts they have all been in bed... with the exception of Friday when Sov and Sisqo were up a bit later.
No its not much I agree Feebs.......I guess its probably not much fun tho' being up on your own especially with no telly or books to read etc............also BB sets the alarm quite early in the morning.....imo thats because they want the HMs in bed at night by the time LF comes on..........they don't want us to see much unedited footage

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