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Hiya Twee, thanks for that, it was excellant. I love the haunting feel to it.
Elbow are the bees knees, if you know what i mean?
Funnily enough, I posted a couple of Richard Hawley on the what are you listening to now thread last week. I wasn`t sure if many folk knew him and you come along. Why am I not surprised?
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hiya Scotty.  This Culture Show appearance was the first time I ever heard Elbow but I did know they had won Best Album at one of the awards shows.  It might have been the Mercury Prize .. not sure.  When I watched this clip, I replayed it over and over (I had taped the show) and decided I had to get the full CD.  I bought it in HMV shortly after.  It's funny how just one record can sway you with a group, isn't it?  They wrote the CD for a friend of their's who had died, and that is why it is called the Seldom Seen Kid.  

I have taped their South Bank appearance but haven't watched it yet.  Guy Garvey is such a good looking bloke imo.  He has the loveliest eyes.  Of course, Richard is a brilliant musician in his own right, but this combination ^^^ is just perfect as their two voices blend beautifully.  I love the part 'the Donoghue Sisters will meet us in France' .. being Irish it struck a chord.  Also, my dad was a bookie  

I did see your posts in the other thread and listened to RH.  Brilliant
Twee Surgeon
Hiya Twee, I first saw them when they they performed at the Mercury Prize awards and thought "who are they?!" and deservedly won.
They played, One day like this..that was the song that swayed me to them.

Yes, I knew about the title for the album. Guy Harvey talks about their friend  on The South Bank Show. It`s very moving. The SBS is excellant. You`re going to love it.
I agree, Guy has a lovely face, kind eyes. He`s a wonderful person, which shines through in his singing and performances.

I was going to say how much RH and his voice blended so well.
I get your Irish feeling there, that is a lovely line.
I`m Irish Grandad would have liked your Dad...bookies mad!

Glad you enjoyed RH on that thread Twee.

I hope you enjoy too DD and Stoory

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hiya Scotty.  Aw, this is lovely.  Thank you for posting it.  I have it playing in the background as I type.  He has such a beautiful voice.  It is quite anthemy isn't it?

I read about their friend on the CD cover and how they dedicated the CD to him.  I am looking forward to watching the SBS.  I usually watch my tapes in sequence and that's why I haven't got round to it yet.  But I might make an exception in this case

There is something about this Northern group who have been together, and friends, for 20 years, yet I had to watch the Culture Show to find out how good they are.  They are special and GG is handsome and talented. 

Twee Surgeon
Yes it is very anthemy, I like it with the BBc ochestra but tbh I prefer it when it`s just Elbow. I don`t know why I didn`t post that version?

Make an exception Twee I want to know what you think of it.

Yes, 20 years together. They`re like brothers.They`re down to earth working class guys, very political too. I like their thinking. As Stoory said above, they`re now getting the recognition they deserve.

You`re right, they are special. I just love them. I think I`m falling a wee bit in love with Guy  
I must go for a bit. My Friday night curry`s on the go...yum

It`s been great..speak soon Twee
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Yeah, me too Scotty.  I want to watch a bit of Children In Need, then I'm a Celebrity.  I will watch the SBS and post it in this thread. 

Oh a curry.  Sounds nice.  I'll be round in a bit

Yes, I agree, I prefer Elbow on their own too except of course when Richard Hawley is with them lol.  The background with big orchestras are always a bit too loud, but I really enjoyed this.  On the CD it is quieter and more Elbowey haha.

Speak soon Scotty.  It's been great chatting to you about a mutual appreciation for a brilliantly talented group of people.
Twee Surgeon

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