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I think this whole "john james wouldnt fancy me" is down to her size. I
Sorry I can't double quote is this bitching though? She is aware that she's larger than a size 12 ..................she has commented on it ......haven't heard her bitching about smaller women ..........and the whole JJ not fancying her ............even if it is because of her size ........I still haven't heard her bitch about slimmer HM's. I moan about my size all the time ..........i think most women do don't they? Is that bitching?
Soozy Woo
well ok she may not have directly bitched but she does seem insecure compared to the other women in the house and gets jealous of them.
I disagree to an extent, I think she is insecure and does feel...I guess wistful is the word (I think) about the other women's figures but not actually downright jealous.

As in she looks and thinks "I wish I was slimmer, like she is" rather than "I hate her because she's slim"...if that makes any sense?  I'm not articulating myself well here.
As in she looks and thinks "I wish I was slimmer, like she is" rather than "I hate her because she's slim"...if that makes any sense? I'm not articulating myself well here.
She has put on weight since she went in and am sure she realises this. Its up to her at the end of the day how she feels about it.
ill get me coat now.
he has put on weight since she went in and am sure she realises this. Its up to her at the end of the day how she feels about it. ill get me coat now.
Se has expressed that she isn't happy with the weight she's put on, yeah...I agree.  But she has NOT expressed any vindictiveness towards the others based on their size.

I'm not about to start being a mind reader, I can only go on what she says.
and I dont care what anyone says - she IS lazy, she DOES eat too much and she IS clinically obese
To be clinically obese she would have to have a BMI of over 30 and I seriously doubt that she does.
I don't judge people on how much they do and don't eat. I also don't condemn people for over eating. For some it is like a stress reliever, similar to smoking.
Why is no one having a go at Keeva about wanting tobacco?

Same thing, except that smoking is considered acceptable to relieve stress - over eating isn't.
Josie as I have suspected all along, is a selfish and manipulative woman. Her weekend demonisation of Keever, shows a true manipulator at work. She's playing the unrequited love thing a bit too far, and I can't help feeling every situation she orchestrates only serves to increase her standing and power in the house. I don't think she is a jovial person, in reality I think she's miserable and kind of bitter. Josie is getting on my last nerve with this JJ nonsense, and she is too far the other side of twenty, to be behaving like a 15 year old with a crush. I don't know if she likes him that much or if she is working it, to keep her storyline going and for airtime. One thing I do know, is at times she can be funny, usually when JJ is not around
You exactly expressed how I see it too Senora
I was unsure about Josie until earlier this week - thought she was fun but annoyed me at times

Now I really am not fond at all - like the OP says, she has too much control in the house - this was pointed out on BBLB last night - Lucy Benjamin was saying that if Josie doesnt like someone, the whole house seems to dislike them and if Josie likes them - the whole house does

I do think she is playing up to gain fans, but the last couple of days it has gone against her and even BBLB have made negative comments about their "golden girl"
If she was happy about her size she wouldnt have got upset by Dave's comments.
Yes....she would happily gone of to the fridge and had another little graze and thought no more about it.....but she went on and on and on, dripping bits of poison into various ears. Now I don't blame her if that's her gameplan, because it is a game and the object is to get mitts on cash. On the other hand,it's all getting a bit tedious and that is down to the BB edit as much as anything,this silly going on about fancying JJ is wearing thin and could end up being her downfall

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