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Did anyone see the DAILY STAR today?  I never buy it, but was gobsmacked to see the headline on the front page from JORDAN.


I read it over and over and coulnd not believe my eyes! 


Can anyone shed any light on what she means by this?

I cannot fathom her comments at all.  Forget it?  Why?  The comments have stunned me.

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Well it is the STAR Karma, so it could well be poop ordinarily.  But with it being Jordan, I actually believe it was her that said it, as she will say anything to get herself on the front page.  If she 'did' say it, then what the hell does she mean by 'forget my rape..'  Does that mean she was making it up, or she now has something new to try and make us all feel sorry for her?  Whatever it is, the woman is putrid and she needs some serious psychlogical help..
Because she's landed herself in it.  She thought she'd get buckets of sympathy, instead she's got people questioning her motives, people speculating on who the attacker could be, the police wanting to question her (or not, depending on which site/paper you read) and a whole flurry of other gossip.  Some people believing her and some not...and some others believing her but still upset with the way she's handled it.  She wants it all to go away.
I've worked in press for years, and I honestly dont believe she actually said it, I would say it is more a suggestive title by the journo who wrote it to imply she doesn't care about her claims last week, this week is summat else. The Star is a piece of trash, not even worth wiping your arse with tbh, not respected in any shape or form and they will write anything to sell.
What are his sleazy bedroom habits?
Apparently he asked for a threesome.

She's been waffling about how good this Alex fella is...I know I'm speculating massively here but I get the impression Pwicey doesn't enjoy sex as much as she makes out she does.  I dunno why but I always get the feeling that everything she says about it comes off as what she thinks men want to hear.  She's a cold fish.  I imagine she's all about what she thinks looks good rather than just enjoying herself   I can't believe I've just sat and thought about Jordan's sex life *goes to bleach brain*
Apparently he asked for a threesome. She's been waffling about how good this Alex fella is...I know I'm speculating massively here but I get the impression Pwicey doesn't enjoy sex as much as she makes out she does. I dunno why but I always get the feeling that everything she says about it comes off as what she thinks men want to hear. She's a cold fish. I imagine she's all about what she thinks looks good rather than just enjoying herself I can't believe I've just sat and thought about Jordan's sex life *goes to bleach brain*
Oooh er

I have to agree , frigid cowbag
Did it quote a name? All papers use the term 'a source said' or 'a friend said' without actually naming anyone specific. They stretch the the truth all the time to sell. I cant categorically state she didn't say it of course, but it's no secret that the press do this. As for sueing them, don't think it would hold any water in court as the Editor can say it was a suggestive headline, not a factually true one. Meh, if she's that bothered she can complain to the PCC and they can write an apology IF it's true.
It was her being interviewed Karma, so it came from her lips, as far as I can see.  As someone suggested above, I don't think they would say it as if it came from her and put her pic and everything, if she didn't say it.  I am just totally disgusted and shocked that she said 'forget my rape.....' if he said it LOL.  Who knows eh?!    Like I said, it's JORDAN, and I can definately believe that she said it.  But that is just my opinion of course. 
Pixie Am I the only one who is fed up seeing this woman in most of the red tops and listening to her attention seeking drivel? She should be on meds.....summat to keep her quiet preferably.

Hi Aquarius.    No I don't think you are alone at ALL.  I am so heartily sick of this chuffing woman!  Someone should really stop her.  Her mom, her friends (if she has any) SOMEone!  If this was my daughter, I would be dragging her away from the gutter press and chaining her up in a room! 

YAY, I quoted again!  There's no stopping me now. 

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