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I'm bliddy livid.Angry Just got back from my long awaited physiotherapy appointment after finally being referred by my GP for SPD, only to be told that the midwife could and should have easily helped me with pain relief MONTHS ago by giving me a maternity belt. The physio told me that SPD is a common problem which can start anytime during the pregnancy and they see women all the time to help them with exercise plans and that one of the best forms of relief is the support belt given out by midwives.
I told the midwife about the pelvic pain at every appointment since I was eighteen weeks pregnant and she kept dismissing it as 'normal'. I knew it wasn't right so I looked up my symptoms on the internet and found about about SPD which fitted what I was suffering exactly. My midwife told me I couldn't have it because I wasn't heavily pregnant enough and that it was a very rare condition. After I insisted that I was in constant pain she begrudgingly wrote on my notes that I was complaining of pelvic pain and that it was probably because my arthritis had spread there. My consultant saw her notes and he said that actually arthritis usually improves in pregnancy and she was talking nonsense. She said they couldn't do anything at the midwifery dept to help with pain relief so I'd have to go to the GP for painkillers. I had to wait two weeks for an appointment with my GP who said it was more than likely to be SPD and referred me for physio and explained that the treatment would be a belt and some excerises. She has also never told me I needed to give a urine sample everytime I go because my blood pressure is very eratic and they need to find out why. I've never been weighed or measured either, despite being classed as high risk.
So now I have to go back to the crap midwife to ask for a support belt. I'm so annoyed. She could have just given me the belt or even told me to go and buy one rather than letting me carry on struggling with the pain. I didn't want to officially complain about this but I feel like I'm going to have to now in case the stupid cow does this to someone else.
On top of that I've been told I should go and have a look at the hospital where I will have to go to give birth to familiarise myself with the building etc. When I phoned to make an appointment to go, I was told that I will have to go in the next two weeks as I'm not allowed to go after I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I can't make an appointment unless I email the request, but nobody knew who I had to send the email to. Mad
I wish I didn't have to have anything else to do with midwives anymore. I've got no confidence in them whatsoever anymore and I'm dreading going into hospital now. Shake Head

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Aw...sorry to hear that QOHT.

Think you realised it wasnt rare when you got so many replies from other mums who sufferred with it.

Most midwives are lovely and I'd sooner see them rather than a junior doctor.I was a high risk pregnancy with my first two due to previous problems,so always had to wait for a consultant in any case!

Sounds like you've got one of the ignorant ones,sadly.But dont let that put you off Smiler
Appointment systems at hospitals are downright weird and annoying!You can only book an appt in the next month at mine as the computer cant cope with six monthly follow ups!
Queenie Hug

What a nightmare for you. It's bad enough to feel ill without suffering needlessly when there was something they could have done.

I would complain too. The other thing is: Are you in a system whereby the midwife who does all your ante natal is the one who will deliver you?
Because, if so, I would ask now if you can change to another midwife or another team. You will be in a right state when you are in labour if you don't have any confidence or trust in the people there.
It can make such a huge difference to how you manage the labour
Good luck hun Hug

O/T Demantoid, did you get your results this morning hun?
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
I'm bliddy livid.Angry Just got back from my long awaited physiotherapy appointment after finally being referred by my GP for SPD, only to be told that the midwife could and should have easily helped me with pain relief MONTHS ago by giving me a maternity belt. The physio told me that SPD is a common problem which can start anytime during the pregnancy and they see women all the time to help them with exercise plans and that one of the best forms of relief is the support belt given out by midwives.
I told the midwife about the pelvic pain at every appointment since I was eighteen weeks pregnant and she kept dismissing it as 'normal'. I knew it wasn't right so I looked up my symptoms on the internet and found about about SPD which fitted what I was suffering exactly. My midwife told me I couldn't have it because I wasn't heavily pregnant enough and that it was a very rare condition. After I insisted that I was in constant pain she begrudgingly wrote on my notes that I was complaining of pelvic pain and that it was probably because my arthritis had spread there. My consultant saw her notes and he said that actually arthritis usually improves in pregnancy and she was talking nonsense. She said they couldn't do anything at the midwifery dept to help with pain relief so I'd have to go to the GP for painkillers. I had to wait two weeks for an appointment with my GP who said it was more than likely to be SPD and referred me for physio and explained that the treatment would be a belt and some excerises. She has also never told me I needed to give a urine sample everytime I go because my blood pressure is very eratic and they need to find out why. I've never been weighed or measured either, despite being classed as high risk.
So now I have to go back to the crap midwife to ask for a support belt. I'm so annoyed. She could have just given me the belt or even told me to go and buy one rather than letting me carry on struggling with the pain. I didn't want to officially complain about this but I feel like I'm going to have to now in case the stupid cow does this to someone else.
On top of that I've been told I should go and have a look at the hospital where I will have to go to give birth to familiarise myself with the building etc. When I phoned to make an appointment to go, I was told that I will have to go in the next two weeks as I'm not allowed to go after I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I can't make an appointment unless I email the request, but nobody knew who I had to send the email to. Mad
I wish I didn't have to have anything else to do with midwives anymore. I've got no confidence in them whatsoever anymore and I'm dreading going into hospital now. Shake Head

Queen Hug

Your midwife is talking out of her bottom-hole. It's not that rare a condition and you need to have the support belt else you could suffer problems afterwards. If she's funny about it, go onto eBay or a sports website - they have them. There are two types, a single-strap or one known as an 'octopus' which has lots of straps.

I found the single-strap one better when I has severe SPD in my last pregnancy.

Your MW is being negelctful if she is not testing your urine for protein + glucose etc. It's not as if it's a hard test to do - you just stick a little stick into the urine and it tells you in five seconds.

There are so many good MWs out there but there's some really bad ones and it really does make my blood boil when I see people treated like this.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.
QOTHT, no wonder your blood pressure is erratic - you may have "white coat syndrome" caused by the bliddy midwife's incompetence!!!
You do need to put on the record the poor quality of service you have received, not just to prevent it happening to others but to protect yourself and your unborn child. The stress the midwife is causing you and the baby cannot and should not be tolerated.
SPD's not something I'd heard of before I got pregnant tbh, but as soon as I checked out the symptoms online and heard from people on here that had suffered with it I knew it wasn't rare. I'm just really mad that she made me feel like a hypochondriac about it. I've been in agony for months, it feels like I've been stuck on a bicycle saddle for three days and then got kicked between the legs when I got off. Frowner It's not like I've complained about anything else or it's a condition that's difficult or expensive to treat. It just feels as though I've been made to suffer when she could have helped so quickly and easily. It's not just her that's rubbish either, all three of them at our practice have been rubbish. It still says on my notes that I have mental health issues following the birth of my first child, despite the fact this isn't true at all as it's my first baby and I've asked them to remove that note. Confused Roll Eyes I just hope that doesn't get passed on to the health visitor when the baby is here. Disappointed
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

I also had it in the sacro iliac joint with all my pregnancies...tho the first was by far and away the worst.I was working in a hospital at the time, Was lucky enough just to be able to turn up in my white coat at ANC and ask for a maternity belt.

I've never known pain like it,not even labour Queen,I could barely walk.The pain eased off in the third trimester and was completely gone after I had the babies
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

I also had it in the sacro iliac joint with all my pregnancies...tho the first was by far and away the worst.I was working in a hospital at the time, Was lucky enough just to be able to turn up in my white coat at ANC and ask for a maternity belt.

I've never known pain like it,not even labour Queen,I could barely walk.The pain eased off in the third trimester and was completely gone after I had the babies

O/T but Mazz Valentine

I've had to be referred back to physio though - a year after the birth and I'm still having rather large problems and am a rather large dose of codeine Frowner This is why I said you really need to wear the belt!

edited for spelling!
It's not just her that's rubbish either, all three of them at our practice have been rubbish. It still says on my notes that I have mental health issues following the birth of my first child, despite the fact this isn't true at all as it's my first baby and I've asked them to remove that note. Confused Roll Eyes I just hope that doesn't get passed on to the health visitor when the baby is here.

Have you asked them to show you when you gave birth to this "first baby"?
They should have all your records for this "pregnancy" and a health visitor should be able to see them.
Have you spoken to your Practice Manager at your GP surgery? He/she should be able to ensure that the note is removed.
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

I also had it in the sacro iliac joint with all my pregnancies...tho the first was by far and away the worst.I was working in a hospital at the time, Was lucky enough just to be able to turn up in my white coat at ANC and ask for a maternity belt.

I've never known pain like it,not even labour Queen,I could barely walk.The pain eased off in the third trimester and was completely gone after I had the babies

Hug That sounds awful Maz. Luckily my pain is mainly manageable although I've had a few times when it's been so bad it's reduced me to full on tears. Horrible.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

Ah thank you,my cousin suffered from that,her second child practically "fell out" during birth,she was barely on the trolley to the delivery room.Her pelvis was so wide.She now has nerve problems in her spine,she has numbness in her legs on the inner sides and is waiting on an op at the neurology specialist hospital.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
O/T Demantoid, did you get your results this morning hun?

Nope - I have to ring them later to see whether they've got them all. Then I have to ring separately to make an appointment - what a rigmarole! Crazy

The bureaucracy is astounding isn't it? Just ridiculous when people aren't feeling well anyway.
Hope they have sorted what is wrong and can get on with either curing you or managing the condition
Good Luck matey Hug
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
It's not just her that's rubbish either, all three of them at our practice have been rubbish. It still says on my notes that I have mental health issues following the birth of my first child, despite the fact this isn't true at all as it's my first baby and I've asked them to remove that note. Confused Roll Eyes I just hope that doesn't get passed on to the health visitor when the baby is here.

Have you asked them to show you when you gave birth to this "first baby"?
They should have all your records for this "pregnancy" and a health visitor should be able to see them.
Have you spoken to your Practice Manager at your GP surgery? He/she should be able to ensure that the note is removed.

They acknowledged that it was a mistake - another midwife put a tick in the wrong box. Roll Eyes I'll remind them that it's still on my records next time I go, this time I'll insist it's rectfied there and then. I'm not going to put up with anymore nonsense, if I'm unhappy then I will be letting them know about it from now on.
Queen of the High Teas
with my 2nd pregnancy I had high blood pressure & was told that I had pre-eclampsia (sp?). They immediately admitted me & the midwives were so mean to my husband & kept saying such nasty things. I was in such a state that they gave me a male midwife & none of the females were allowed near me (except matron). He was brilliant, he even took a polaroid of my son once he was born because I was too sick to see him & he was in a baking pod (humidy crib) still.

I always say to friends when they are pregnant 'ask if they have a male midwife, cause they are so much better'.

Midwives in general are b!tches cause they think they know & have seen everything. Have a stern word with her when you see her next. And write a letter of complaint.
Koala Brother
aww hun WHAT a cowbag Mad

i had SPD too, not as bad as some of the women i've seen but bad enough to not be able to do much...i ended up just having to struggle on with it..there isn't much support out there for it (excuse the pun). was in bloody agony doing things like rolling over in bed, getting in and out of cars, going up stairs. always told 'thats normal' well it wasn't with my first baby cos i walked for MILES when i was pregnant with him and had no pain at all ...till i went into slow labour Laugh

make a complaint! i did about mine lol!
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

thought i'd see you in here Big Grin Valentine
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

thought i'd see you in here Big Grin Valentine


Of course - dropping sprogs is practically the only real skill I've got left! Crazy Laugh
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

thought i'd see you in here Big Grin Valentine


Of course - dropping sprogs is practically the only real skill I've got left! Crazy Laugh

it's cos of your parenting forum modding innit Big Grin
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
What is SPD?excuse my ignorance.

SPD is symphysis pubis disfunction - it's where the relaxin in the blood causes the ligaments in the pelvis to soften and so instead of keeping the pelvis rigid as it normally is it begins to mobilise and move around. It's normally the front joint that causes the problems but my main problem was the sacro-iliac joint.

thought i'd see you in here Big Grin Valentine


Of course - dropping sprogs is practically the only real skill I've got left! Crazy Laugh

it's cos of your parenting forum modding innit Big Grin

Subverting from the inside, me :lol:
I don't bloody well believe this.Mad Just phoned the midwife to arrange to get a belt and was told that the physio should have given it to me because the midwives don't supply them after all. I now have to arrange to go to the physio dept at the main hospital in Huddersfield in order to have a belt fitted and the referal could take up to 2 weeks. Mad
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
I don't bloody well believe this.Mad Just phoned the midwife to arrange to get a belt and was told that the physio should have given it to me because the midwives don't supply them after all. I now have to arrange to go to the physio dept at the main hospital in Huddersfield in order to have a belt fitted and the referal could take up to 2 weeks. Mad
I'd definately being making a big complaint now
Koala Brother
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
I don't bloody well believe this.Mad Just phoned the midwife to arrange to get a belt and was told that the physio should have given it to me because the midwives don't supply them after all. I now have to arrange to go to the physio dept at the main hospital in Huddersfield in order to have a belt fitted and the referal could take up to 2 weeks. Mad

I'd definately being making a big complaint now

I am blazing for you, QOTHT. Mad
I should put it in writing and send a copy to my MP. They need to know how the system is failing.
Midwife just called me to tell me that she is requesting I get an earlier appointment. She said she'll phone me on Friday to check if I've got one. It's one of the midwives that I've not met yet, she seemed ok but I had a bit of a rant at her about what's happened. No apologies or anything though, just a 'well, what's important is that we get you sorted out now'. I was too upset to tell her that it was important that it should have been sorted properly in the first place. Oh well, keep your fingers crossed I can get in earlier.
Queen of the High Teas
Midwife just called me to tell me that she is requesting I get an earlier appointment. She said she'll phone me on Friday to check if I've got one. It's one of the midwives that I've not met yet, she seemed ok but I had a bit of a rant at her about what's happened. No apologies or anything though, just a 'well, what's important is that we get you sorted out now'. I was too upset to tell her that it was important that it should have been sorted properly in the first place. Oh well, keep your fingers crossed I can get in earlier.

Hopefully this midwife will be more professional and you will get the treatment you are entitled to and deserve. I have my fingers well and truly crossed for you QOTHT. With any luck you will get a phone call tomorrow and you will be well & truly sorted and out of pain very soon.
I have a bit of a theory that many of these nightmare midwives have never had children and are working from a text book.

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