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LC is pretty rubbish, imo anyway.

I said this already in a thread but unable to read it as it is on page 3 which appears as blank to me.

Why change from a functioning forum to one that despite looking like it's designed for primary school kids is unecessarily complicated and to me anyway is full of bugs.

I will persist as it is the people that make a forum but.. goodness me, it's bloody awful.

Well.. Admin, I don't want to seem wholly ungrateful, thanks for all the time at the old place and for not leaving us completely homeless.

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I asked questions on the last thread but got no answer. Most probs on here are caused by IE.  This has been stated loads of times, so to call this place rubbish without listening to other FMs hints and tips on how to rectify these  seems to be giving up. Most folk have had probs on here, but asking for advice and getting it have made 100% difference in most cases. Please ask if you need help, and we will try our best, but posting these negative threads helps no one.
Real : I'm not meaning to be negative just saying in my opinion that it is far inferior to the other forum which worked on IE just fine, no messing about at the user end reqired. I am feeling quite negative at the moment so perhaps it came accross that way.
CO.  Know how you must be feeling. IE seems to have probs with everything that is not related to Microsoft. Google "Firefox " and download their  browser.  I guarantee you will have no more probs. Sorry to have sounded so harsh, but IE seems to be the root of all probs on here, and the blame seems to  be targeted at LC. IE is crap at bonding with forums. Hackers target IE coz it's a primary Browser, Please try Firefox, and see how you feel then.
Not bailing, as I said I'll persist for a bit yet but I'd be lying if I said I was impressed with the 'upgrade'
I think that's what a lot of folk haven't quite understood yet Olly. We were given a temporary home in gaga as was. But I always understood we would be integrated into LiveCloud from the beginning. As the LiveCloud system didn't have a forum already, the problems are occurring because it's a work in progress to integrate the two systems. And they are listening... it could have been very much easier to dump us after they gave us safe haven from the C4 forum closing. They chose not to.
Comrade, I have both firefox and IE7, I've just checked page 3 on Are you liking it here? Where is everyone?' thread? I can't view it, there is a sticky at the top of the page giving solutions for IE, I followed them and still couldn't view certain pages. I can only view all pages on here using Firefox, for the sake of your sanity download it. I need IE for work as I'm connected to a clients computer, but firefox is way easier honestly.
hilight the text you want to quote with the left MB and it will appear auto in the reply box when you open it. Don't forget to refresh the page after to remove the previous quote.
I'm sure that explanation helped like a hole in the head Real!  

OK to take it more simple steps.
Highlight the text on the page as you see it that you want to quote as if you were cutting and pasting.
Then open the Post Reply box at the top or bottom of the page.
You will then see the post within a lined box, but without the persons name by the way.
Type your reply underneath that box, but within the reply box.
Press Submit, and you will see it show on the page... maybe slowly if the forum is running slowly... but eventually.
I've kept IE as my default setting Essex.
I've got IE as my default setting only because I had hundreds of favorites, then found out you can export your favorites to bookmarks in firefox, but I preferred to just add certain favorites to firefox so they were easier to find. Also when I was on C4BB IE would sometimes lock me out, but I could generally get back in on Firefox, When my Firefox goes down it saves my tabs & re-instates them unlike IE. I find Firefox much better.
Reference:  Blizzie
Is it quicker too, or am I imagining it?
That was why I first started using Firefox last year on Ch4... when the whole forum used to freeze up.... or the reply boxes got stuck...  It was a nightmare if you were trying to LUT... so I started using FF and loved it.

I have to say... I DON'T like the add ons with FF... and it started to really get on my nerves, always wanting me to look at this or that it was offering me.  So I went back to IE.  Stupid... got a malware infection cos of IEs vulnerabilities

Use Chrome now... and it is the best browser I have ever had, for my tastes.  Clean, quick, simple and sturdy!
Browsers are funny buggers, my client who I'm connected to works on IE6 I click a completion date button add an invoice number and automatically get paid, except on Vista, Vista had IE7 when I got it, viewed clients pages on IE7 all the buttons I needed were not visible, firefox wouldn't work, Vista does not support IE6, had to download a load of bollix to enable my IE7 to pretend it was IE6. Pulling my hair out I was.
While I understand Firefox is probably a superior browser to IE, it still seems a bit of a shame that the site doesn't run cross platform, who knows how many running it in IE could be put off.
I think there may be some Olly. But LC is working on stuff like this. They only knew it was a problem for some when we came over. I'm convinced it's being addressed.
Browsers are funny buggers, my client who I'm connected to works on IE6 I click a completion date button add an invoice number and automatically get paid, except on Vista, Vista had IE7 when I got it, viewed clients pages on IE7 all the buttons I needed were not visible, firefox wouldn't work, Vista does not support IE6, had to download a load of bollix to enable my IE7 to pretend it was IE6. Pulling my hair out I was
I got lost somewhere in that

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