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Yeah I really didn't get Sophie's behaviour last night? Am I wrong in think she deliberately dropped Noirin in it with Marcus regarding Tom? Not that I care, I thought it was good, because it set Noirin into panic mode her mask slipped, and Marcus was in full psycho mode. Sophie inadvertently Exposed both of thier true natures when they team tagged and bitched about Tom.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Yeah I really didn't get Sophie's behaviour last night? Am I wrong in think she deliberately dropped Noirin in it with Marcus regarding Tom? Not that I care, I thought it was good, because it set Noirin into panic moden her mask slipped, and Marcus was in full psycho mode. Sophie inadvertently Exposed both of thier true natures when they team tagged and bitched about Tom.

Shame Freddie and Bea's blossoming friendship had to get dragged into Sophie's brain dead gossiping though.
What a tactless, insensitive simpleton.
About the Charlie-Bea incident:
They didn`t show on the highlights that Rodrigo (who had heard the conversation) stepped in a reassured Bea. He told her not to take seriously what Charlie and Sophie had said.
Apart from being a tactless, insensitive simpleton she makes a lot of noise when she eats (usually with her mouth open.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Her and Charlie telling Bea to stop flirting so much with Freddie because he fancies her. She could have damaged a really nice genuine friendship there by deliberately planting seeds of doubt and paranoia in Bea's head.

And also Sophie telling Marcus that Noirin fancies Tom, while both Tom and Marcus were both sat together.

What the hell is her problem?

We were calling her a shit-stirrer throughout the highlights show. She was being horrid, it must have been the alcohol talking.
I was initially surprised at that but ........................actually - all this sweet lil girl stuff didn't really ring true .......she can be and will be a prize bitch in there. It's ridiculous to think of her as a sweet little thing when at twenty years old she's had her boobs done in order to secure a future in lads mags etc.

She is not as sweet and innocent as she makes out ......that was a rather nasty side we saw tonight .........i'm guessing there will be a whole lot more TBH.
Soozy Woo
Sophie is just continuing the work that Kris left unfinished regarding Freddie. Her and Charlie are his proxy Freddie-baiters now.

They are trying to destroy the only friendship Freddie has known in the house for the past seven weeks. They are an acidic pair of chavs, hell bent on turning Bea against Fred. Horrible pair of acidic little disturbers imo.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Yeah I really didn't get Sophie's behaviour last night? Am I wrong in think she deliberately dropped Noirin in it with Marcus regarding Tom? Not that I care, I thought it was good, because it set Noirin into panic moden her mask slipped, and Marcus was in full psycho mode. Sophie inadvertently Exposed both of thier true natures when they team tagged and bitched about Tom.

Shame Freddie and Bea's blossoming friendship had to get dragged into Sophie's brain dead gossiping though.

Yes I didn't like the Freddie/Bea shit stirring she did with Charlie. Mad
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by brisket:
What a tactless, insensitive simpleton.
About the Charlie-Bea incident:
They didn`t show on the highlights that Rodrigo (who had heard the conversation) stepped in a reassured Bea. He told her not to take seriously what Charlie and Sophie had said.
Apart from being a tactless, insensitive simpleton she makes a lot of noise when she eats (usually with her mouth open.

I think it's a real shame that the Rodrigo thing in the Kitchen wasn't shown. He explained to Sophie that he could expect such thoughtlessness from Charlie, but was suprised that she would do it too.

The fact is Sophie is a follower, and she follows what the "cool people" do, and in her silly little mind Charlie is cool but Freddie isn't.
For weeks Freddie was isolated and alienated from the main group by Lisa and Kris. Sophie was fully aware of what was going on. She saw them thinking it was fun to mock him and poke fun at him.

She sees him finally meet someone who would be a genuine friend and she has to try to spoil it.

I don't care if it was the drink talking. I'm tired of people using that excuse to justify spiteful behaviour.

She was nasty. Plain and simple.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
For weeks Freddie was isolated and alienated from the main group by Lisa and Kris. Sophie was fully aware of what was going on. She saw them thinking it was fun to mock him and poke fun at him.

She sees him finally meet someone who would be a genuine friend and she has to try to spoil it.

I don't care if it was the drink talking. I'm tired of people using that excuse to justify spiteful behaviour.

She was nasty. Plain and simple.
yep, bang on.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by fz:
She wants to be last girl standing.

Probably will be, was hoping it would be Noirin but that won't happen now Frowner.

I'd rather bea or hira rather than sophie....she was stirring the shit big time with tom last night about noirin fancying him....and then sat chatting to noirin and didnt mention a word. I remember her saying ages ago she only has one female friend....beginning to see why.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I was initially surprised at that but ........................actually - all this sweet lil girl stuff didn't really ring true .......she can be and will be a prize bitch in there. It's ridiculous to think of her as a sweet little thing when at twenty years old she's had her boobs done in order to secure a future in lads mags etc.

She is not as sweet and innocent as she makes out ......that was a rather nasty side we saw tonight .........i'm guessing there will be a whole lot more TBH.

Totally agree with you.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Would have been fun to watch the relationship between Freddie and Bea naturally progress, and see what happens.
That's not an option now.

I don`t despair of that yet spider.
Perhaps Bea is aware enough to see through their interference. Fingers crossed.
well both counts id say were nasty the one with Marcus wasnt just nasty it was just crual the way she did it in front of Tom to Marcus as much of a prat as he is really loves Noirin and Sophie saw her chance to put him down and to make him jelous as for the Bea Freddie thing you are right sh1t stirrering of the highest order no doubt under the instruction of Lisa to do so not that they showed that but i have no doubt she was involved some how .
Originally posted by Lister_of_Smeg:
well both counts id say were nasty the one with Marcus wasnt just nasty it was just crual the way she did it in front of Tom to Marcus as much of a prat as he is really loves Noirin and Sophie saw her chance to put him down and to make him jelous as for the Bea Freddie thing you are right sh1t stirrering of the highest order no doubt under the instruction of Lisa to do so not that they showed that but i have no doubt she was involved some how .

She humiliated Marcus.Nod

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