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Originally posted by fabienne:
It's sad to think that some girls have the attitude 'why bother with education when I can just buy a pair of big tits.'

AYE and a FAT lot of use they will be to her once she turns 30, still, in that time she will probably make 10 times the money I have made in 40 years of working in factories and mines and steelworks, and ALL because she is blond female and has a fake pair of tits, the world is MAD, MAD I tell ya, Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Original housemate IQ scores.

Karly 79

Rodrigo 89

Noirin 80

Sree 74

Cairon 92

Siavash 99

Charlie 97

Kris 92

Angel 94

Lisa 55

Saffia 69

Sophie 60

Marcus 122

Sophia 128

Freddie 125

Those can't be right, surely.

I heard a truly shocking statistic the other day. Apparently, half the population is below average intelligence now!! Eeker
oH I have a couple of sisters who have done "better" than me in life,(if you rate having more money and a big house and a flash car as "doing well")
they fly off a couple of times a year to hot places for hollidays, but ask them to point at the coutry they have just visited on a map or ask them ANYTHING ABOUT that country or its history, and they just go blank, "it was hot, they had a great bar, and you could get English food, we didnt go out of the complex though"
OH and they BOTH got A and O levels at school so that makes them more intelligent than me,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Original housemate IQ scores.

Those can't be right, surely.

I didn't see the episode of BBLB where these results were announced, but I read about it on DS, and apparently George Lamb listed a few provisos:
- The tests were not taken in controlled conditions;
- Some test papers were spoiled or incomplete;
- Some of the HMs do not have English as a first language (IQ tests are meant to be "culturally fair", but often aren't in practise.)

In other words: the results are pretty meaningless. (In particular, IMO, the bit about some tests being incomplete probably explains the very low scores.)

There is another thing about BB's IQ tests that always annoys me, but I don't think George addressed: they never state which test they use.
Different tests have different scoring scales. They are all centred around 100 (which would therefore be an average score), but the scaling either side varies from test to test. For example, to get into Mensa, you must score in the top 2%: on one standard test, that would mean scoring 132, but on another (Cattell) you'd need to score 148. Without knowing which test BB uses, we can't compare scores, e.g. Sophia's score of 128 may have been close to Mensa-entry level, but we can't say for sure...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by ~*Lauren*~:
I was cringing while she did the geography task on highlights last night Eeker Just embarrassing.

So was I when I saw what she was wearing. I thought it in rather poor taste that she was made to dress up like a schoolgirl, with those plastic over-inflated breasts sticking out and the high heels.

What kind of school uniform is that?

One a porn actress might wear?

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