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What do people think about Sophie (apart from the irritating way she spends most of the day with her hand in her hair saying "like"?)
I mean the aspect of her talking to others.
Sometimes when a housemates passes on information we can easily see they have clear nasty intentions, or are being helpful.
But I am not at all sure about Sophie.
Is it simple gossipy fun?
Intended to be malicious and spread harm?
She always seems ready to pass on a bit of tittle tattle or gossip.
But it is naive, innocent fun?
Or it it something more?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I've always liked Sophie. I think she's mild mannered and I love her friend ship with Rodrigo. She hasn't done anything wrong apart from having a good old bitch every now and again. This forum is full of threads having a go at someone or other so none of us can talk.

What Karly said about her yesterday should put her way up in the betting stakes.
Originally posted by Tayto:
I've always liked Sophie. I think she's mild mannered and I love her friend ship with Rodrigo. She hasn't done anything wrong apart from having a good old bitch every now and again. This forum is full of threads having a go at someone or other so none of us can talk.

What Karly said about her yesterday should put her way up in the betting stakes.

What did Karly say?
I think her heart is in the right place and is a nice person. Watching her interacting with people I think she is very shy, and is lost at what to say a lot of the time. It was very obvious on live feed in the early hours this morning with Bea and Noirin, she was lost trying to have anything meaningful to say. I pity her, and its a great shame she has such little regard for any education.
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by Tayto:
I've always liked Sophie. I think she's mild mannered and I love her friend ship with Rodrigo. She hasn't done anything wrong apart from having a good old bitch every now and again. This forum is full of threads having a go at someone or other so none of us can talk.

What Karly said about her yesterday should put her way up in the betting stakes.

What did Karly say?

Davina kept going on about how Kenny was flirting with her and Karly said she that had been a real friend to her. Something like that I have a terrible memory.
I don't like Sophie at all. She joined in the pack hunting with Kris against Freddie and, for that, I will never like her. She has no manners (eating with her mouth open), very little education except that she may be able to read the leaflets regarding breast transplants, her life goal is to be in Nuts, her hair looks like a haystack, she is tactless and charmless, and she bores me to tears.
That should do it.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by brisket:
What do people think about Sophie (apart from the irritating way she spends most of the day with her hand in her hair saying "like"?)
I mean the aspect of her talking to others.
Sometimes when a housemates passes on information we can easily see they have clear nasty intentions, or are being helpful.
But I am not at all sure about Sophie.
Is it simple gossipy fun?
Intended to be malicious and spread harm?
She always seems ready to pass on a bit of tittle tattle or gossip.
But it is naive, innocent fun?
Or it it something more?

This thread contains a number of questions, yet the title is a statement - suggesting that the OP has reached a conclusion - before hearing the answers. Confused Roll Eyes Razzer

Three nights ago Noirin stated that she no longer trusted Sophie. Last night Noirin spent over an hour whispering to Sophie in the toilet... We have also seen a couple of instances this week of Marcus seeking advice from Sophie regarding his non-relationship with Noirin. I found it slightly bizarre watching a 35-year-old man entering into such discussion with a 20-year-old girl.

Having watched every available moment of Sophie on the LF recently, the biggest problem in the house seems to be that of boredom. Sophie seems like a really agreeable person and i find that she will often try to tell people what they want to hear at that time - perhaps instead of what she is really thinking. So, when we see her talking with Noirin and Marcus seperately - it doesn't always look great. However, thus far, instances of Sophie passing information on have proved to be truthful accounts.
Cold Sweat
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
This thread contains a number of questions, yet the title is a statement - suggesting that the OP has reached a conclusion - before hearing the answers. Confused Roll Eyes RazzerQUOTE]

Sorry Cold Sweat.
Perhaps you would have preferred if I had put a question mark in the thread title.
But that too would not have been accurate because I already know that she "goes between" people with messages and information and advice.
What I questioned was whether it was innocent fun or slightly more damaging?
I assure you I had not reached a conclusion, and I still haven`t.
I sincerely feel your criticism of me was a tad unwarranted.
I know of your fondness for Sophie which I respect.
I`m sorry if the title misled you.
I still have not come to a conclusion.
Best wishes.
Originally posted by paace:
I think her heart is in the right place and is a nice person. Watching her interacting with people I think she is very shy, and is lost at what to say a lot of the time. It was very obvious on live feed in the early hours this morning with Bea and Noirin, she was lost trying to have anything meaningful to say. I pity her, and its a great shame she has such little regard for any education.

I agree with this Nod

I don't think she's malicious at all.

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