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What is it? I think he's arrogant and a bit self obsessed but there's something else I can't put my finger on. You've got to question the mentality of someone who comes all the way from Australia to audition for a British BB knowing he had next to no chance of being selected.

There's definitely something strange going on as far as he's concerned. He's quite nasty too and finds it hard to hide it. It wouldn't surprise me if BB planted him in the house to stir things up. The fekker never shuts up, ever, and usually his favourite subject is himself. Hmm...

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Perfect time for you to post this thread Prometheus! I was just looking him up on the C4 site. This is his bio on it... says it all, imo. 

'24-year-old John still lives at home with his mum but has his own independence after his dad built him his own granny flat. John hasn't worked since his father was killed in an industrial accident and he inherited some money.

He claims to be laid back but very opinionated and can be single minded when pushed on certain topics and morals. He says he is very likeable and chatty and loyal to his friends. 

At the age of 20 he changed his name to Achilles, Chills to his friends, but he soon changed it back. John believes he's very persuasive and good with words which means he can convince people to come round to his way of thinking. He likes to think he looks like David Beckham because he's a good looking bloke and he takes care of his appearance, using an anti-aging light to stop wrinkles so he can keep hold of his looks. 

He is single - mainly because he thinks all girls are too much work. He doesn't mind that he's single and doesn't have a problem getting with the ladies but he knows looks only get you so far and you need a personality as well. To him, sex means 'making myself feel better'.

John admits he will do anything it takes to win the show and believes he'll be a good asset to the house as he'd be funny and argumentative. His dream would be to have daring people and hot girls in the house with him.'

So... where is Achilles' heel, if it wasn't already so obvious!  
Reference: Prom
There's definitely something strange going on as far as he's concerned. He's quite nasty too and finds it hard to hide it. It wouldn't surprise me if BB planted him in the house to stir things up. The fekker never shuts up, ever, and usually his favourite subject is himself. Hmm
I wondered that too because his behaviour tonight was so off the wall. He was behaving like a complete nut job. I can't stand him
It is too early to feel like this about a housemate but I'd like to locate his gonads with a pointy stiletto.
Triggers! I just thought you'd love to know your use of stilettos prompted a google banner ad for the 'Shoe Studio' at the top of the page, featuring fashionable footwear! If only they knew the reason it was a prompt! 
JJ has an anger management problem, I would love to meet the psychologists who said he was stable enough to appear on BB. Rachel like a few people I know probably cannot deal with that level of aggression or confrontation. No one has said so I am going to say it...JJ is a BULLEH!
I wouldn't go that far. I hate that word being thrown around so frivolously it could almost apply to any HM who takes a disliking to another. He's not a bully he's just a nasty piece of work. It's not the same thing.
Triggers! I just thought you'd love to know your use of stilettos prompted a google banner ad for the 'Shoe Studio' at the top of the page, featuring fashionable footwear! If only they knew the reason it was a prompt!
Ooooh, now that I know that happens the "prompting" possibilities are endless!  
I should work for them..."The Shoe Studio, footwear that's tailor-made for a kick in the balls..."
The story he told Josie about when he was at school was very telling. He said he fancied the really fit girls but they all thought he was a dork, until he blossomed  then they all wanted to date him but he taught them a lesson by not going with them. The man's got issues and like's to punish pretty girls because they wouldn't date him when he was younger.

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