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Not sure how scary this is when you read it but when it was told to me I was a bit freaked - my friend was at home on her own one night watchin practical magic on the telly... she told me a really scary bit was on and the music in the background was elvis presley 'you are always on my mind', its a bit where they're buryin that dude or somethin i dunno havent seen it in years. but anyway, just after that the radio in the room turned itself on and that same song was playin on it! scary huh?!
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by Shiver:
This thread needs Drek Ghost

darling woman! Valentine

Ello dwarling Valentine

Cinds has smuttified me thread already Roll Eyes Laugh

She beat me to it, I was about to post about my experience with the goolies aswell BBaubleBBauble Laugh

Although, my Uncle did have a dodgy experience, there were allsorts of dodgy goings on in me Nan's house...proper creepy old gaff it was..
I had a dream about 2 years ago that scared the poo out of me, and I don't usually have nightmares. Anyway, here we go:

I'm walking around a giant manor house, everything about it is pure white. White walls, floors, stairs etc.

I walk up the grand stair case and enter a long all way with windows. Outside it is dark, wet and miserable. Along the hallway I see a child, with his back to me, wearing a red hooded jumper. He has the hood up and is also looking out of one of the windows.

I walk up behind him and ask: 'What are you looking at?'

He replies: 'Them out there'

I look out the window and see no-one, I say: 'But there's nobody there'

He replies: 'Them, them, them, them, them' over and over again.

At this point I was half awake as I was aware I was in my bed and I SWEAR this next part happened. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, someone leaned into my ear and whispered: 'They are going to kill you'.

I woke up screaming, although I couldn't scream; mouth was open but no noise. I was even too afraid to look over my shoulder to see if anyone was there.

That scary enough?
Heres one for you....

Working one night on a plane, was very late, middle of the night, most people asleep.
My friend and I were in the galley on our own, a gentlemen came into the galley and asked us to take his wife a glass of water as she wasnt feeling too good.
Of course i replied, and off he went in to the loo, I took said water to lady, and asked her if she was ok as her husband has said she wasnt feeling too good.
She replied .........Couldnt of been my husband dear, his coffin is in the hold, im bringing him home Eeker
I went and told my mate and we went to the loo and no one was in there. We were like Eeker
It still make me go cold when i think about it Eeker
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
I had a dream about 2 years ago that scared the poo out of me, and I don't usually have nightmares. Anyway, here we go:

I'm walking around a giant manor house, everything about it is pure white. White walls, floors, stairs etc.

I walk up the grand stair case and enter a long all way with windows. Outside it is dark, wet and miserable. Along the hallway I see a child, with his back to me, wearing a red hooded jumper. He has the hood up and is also looking out of one of the windows.

I walk up behind him and ask: 'What are you looking at?'

He replies: 'Them out there'

I look out the window and see no-one, I say: 'But there's nobody there'

He replies: 'Them, them, them, them, them' over and over again.

At this point I was half awake as I was aware I was in my bed and I SWEAR this next part happened. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, someone leaned into my ear and whispered: 'They are going to kill you'.

I woke up screaming, although I couldn't scream; mouth was open but no noise. I was even too afraid to look over my shoulder to see if anyone was there.

That scary enough?

OMG.... that wudda scared the poop outta me too!
i had a strange dream the other night that really scared me. i wasnt dreaming that i was aware of it was just deep dark didnt know anything sleep. Then out of the blue someone in my head SCREAMED "BOO" and i woke up with my heart thumping. scared me shitless and i had to turn the telly on and watch it till i fell asleep again.
Originally posted by Gypsie:
i had a strange dream the other night that really scared me. i wasnt dreaming that i was aware of it was just deep dark didnt know anything sleep. Then out of the blue someone in my head SCREAMED "BOO" and i woke up with my heart thumping. scared me shitless and i had to turn the telly on and watch it till i fell asleep again.

If I feel scared, I just cover myself with a duvet. As everyone knows, they are totally ghost-proof Laugh
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by Cinds:

I feel so ashamed

Liar Razzer


I really wish I had some good ghost stories to redeem myself, but sadly I don't. Well apart from this one, but its more in the 'odd dream' category.

When I was 13 my eldest sisters husband was killed in a car accident. A few weeks after he died I had a dream that he was sat on my bed talking to me and telling me things that made no sense to me. When I got up the next morning I told my mother about the dream, and it freaked her out because most of the things he had told me in my dream were actually true, but things I knew nothing about until then. Ghost
My aunts and uncles heard stuff like growling in the house (it was really higgeldy piggedly and had rooms off short stair cases and that, loads of dark corners), and there's a story about knives and forks flying around the kitchen...

My Uncle was in the house alone while my Nan and Grandad had gone away for the Dad got a call late that night, it was my uncle, a gibbering wreck, the could barely understand what he was saying...when my Dad picked him up he had messed himself with fright...turns out he'd seen something on the stairs...just hovvering and staring at him, saying ' get you' or something like that, it was a woman I think..(at this point I MUST point out that my Dad's family are a blunt Eastend family and dont 'do' ghosties or fantasy or anything like that)...anyway, he was absolutely petrified and had to come and stay at our house, I can remember it, my Uncle would have been in his twenties at the time...

A short time after that he had a terrible accident and fell out of a massive tree and landed on his head...he's never been the same since, was left brain damaged, profoundly deaf and blind in one eye (My Mum, who loves a bit of spook, insists this is how he was 'got')...

All I can say is, having been in that house, it had a definite that made you tingle down the spine as you walked down the stairs with your back to the dark...
Originally posted by Cinds:

When I was 13 my eldest sisters husband was killed in a car accident. A few weeks after he died I had a dream that he was sat on my bed talking to me and telling me things that made no sense to me. When I got up the next morning I told my mother about the dream, and it freaked her out because most of the things he had told me in my dream were actually true, but things I knew nothing about until then. Ghost


Shortly after my bro died Crying I woke up to smell him (reeked of patchouli Big Grin) and I felt myself get dragged to the bottom of my bed by my feet, like when I was little and he was messing around Eeker
When I was a little girl (about 5, my brother was 8) me and my brother were sent upstairs to my big brother's bedroom to get the Sunday papers he had left there. We went in and the room was pitch black, so my brother flicked the light switch and nothing happened,no light at all. So we started into the room anyway and suddenly someone started whistling softly. My brother was out and there was no-one in the room. Well we got down those stairs so fast, I fell and came down bump bump on me bum and my brother just jumped over me and left me. Turns out my brother had plugged the radio into the overhead light and the radio came on with someone whistling. It was really scary and I have never forgotten.
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by Cinds:

When I was 13 my eldest sisters husband was killed in a car accident. A few weeks after he died I had a dream that he was sat on my bed talking to me and telling me things that made no sense to me. When I got up the next morning I told my mother about the dream, and it freaked her out because most of the things he had told me in my dream were actually true, but things I knew nothing about until then. Ghost


Shortly after my bro died Crying I woke up to smell him (reeked of patchouli Big Grin) and I felt myself get dragged to the bottom of my bed by my feet, like when I was little and he was messing around Eeker

Originally posted by Shiver:

A short time after that he had a terrible accident and fell out of a massive tree and landed on his head...he's never been the same since, was left brain damaged, profoundly deaf and blind in one eye (My Mum, who loves a bit of spook, insists this is how he was 'got')...


Oh my god, that's awful Hug
Originally posted by Gypsie:
All I can say is, having been in that house, it had a definite that made you tingle down the spine as you walked down the stairs with your back to the dark...

ohhh that is spooky *shiver*

It was horrible Gyps, an old Victorian house just opposite West Ham football was the growling that did me, I shat meself when me Mum told me that Laugh
I can suffer with ashtma sometimes, not a lot these days, but the odd day.

I was laying in bed one afternoon having a kip after an early start, and all of a sudden i was shoved really hard in the arm.

I was all wrapped up under the duvet and my head was being smothered and i was breathing funny.
Im sure i was shoved to wake me up.
No one else lives with me, so who could of it have been ? Im sure i was asleep as well.

Im not scared as im very into this sort of thing
but it does put you off sometimes i admit

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