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Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ offline 7,728 Forum Posts Today at 6:19 PM Last Edited: The reality is, don't post ANYTHING about Makosi, if you want a simple forum life.
I remember when she was in BB last time and people posted on C4 that they didn't like her and the people who thought she walked on water were getting hysterical and their knickers in a right old twist.

Nothing has changed
Reference: LL
I remember when she was in BB last time and people posted on C4 that they didn't like her and the people who thought she walked on water were getting hysterical and their knickers in a right old twist

Yes those were good times.  Not as intense as the Aislyene fans v Nikki fans, though.  BBGF become an out and out battle field!!
It became like if you loved a certain HM , some worshipped them You couldn't have a thing said about them, and the very thought of someone slagging them off and they took it as a very personal slight.
Also on the flip side, if you didn't like a forum member you made sure you needled their hm choice heheee ... not that i ever would.
Ev (Peachy)
Its like some cant believe she has fans, I can imagine them thinking "How dare you like Makosi? she is everything bad" lol

That was what it was like being a Josie supporter!    
Yep and John James and in the past Ulrika and dare I admit it Noirin......................I fully accept that others have their own opinions but believe me when you back a minority - you come in for some stick!

if the stick that you took was all related to your fave HM fair dues. When it becomes personal - it's not nice.

Soozy Woo
Oh, crap.
No-one in here has been persecuted for supporting Josie. Blizzie loves her, I don't like her, but we always agreed to disagree amicably.
Same with Makosi - we can all agree that some like her and some don't. It hasn't descended to anything like a war, and why should it?

But I do  remember that any of us who liked Aisleyne were called the worst kind of trash for doing so, which is why the Fakers started up, for safety in numbers.
Dirtyprettygirlthing offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 15,949 Forum Posts Today at 11:21 AM Last Edited: Reference: LL Can you imagine the flack I got for being the only one who liked Sezer I liked him too!! But I didn't come on the forums til the back end of that BB... If I'd have got here earlier we could have faced it together!
  I thought I was all alone  

Glad that I wasn't the only Sezer supporter though
That was what it was like being a Josie supporter!
Worse if you supported JJ.
I admired Blizzie for her devotion to the Josie cause, she took some flack for that, but I hope that it was good humoured and nobody got personal. I don't like any HMs enough to attack people personally over their choice of HM, they're here today and gone tomorrow and as Nick says *It's only a game-show*.....full of desperate wannabes and never will bes
becomes personal - it's not nice.
I found this year was the worse on the forum and I am an Aisleyne fan and Darnell fan  some posters did get personal,but the majority of on here are lovely and that is what keeps me here,as Kaytee above said.. Its only a game show they will be long gone and we will still be here
[Karma_] Karma_ offline 8,469 Forum Posts Today at 1:28 PM Last Edited: Some of the ignorance I've seen is shocking, tbh, especially when people are talking about their personal stuff or asking for help or advice. I've seen cancer and depression both scoffed at (along with other things). There's a time to have a laugh and a time when a little bit of tact and maturity wouldn't go amiss.

People need to think before they post sometimes.
~hoochie~ 13th Cribette
All too true....... however they can also be: funny, sympathetic, caring, very intelligent, empathetic, helpful, thoughtful and thought provoking .... and both statements could equally apply to the same fm's on the same day. Like any group of people we have a mixture .... and in general I'd say we come up on the positive side - but it's all down to how we contribute to the community. It's easy to criticise GaGa but if we want to make it better we can have an impact by being active and making the kind of posts/threads we want to see and getting involved. Overall we're a good bunch who're up for a laugh ...
Good post hoochie,

We all have our moments and I'd say this forum is pretty non-confrontational and friendly, although we all can get the wrong end of the stick either by accident or design at times. 

I post a lot on a current affairs forum similar to the old C4 forum and as my views tend to go against the consensus, I often get it in the neck but don't mind as Ican always walk away or carry on fighting.  Either way, no one's really hurt. 

One of the things to be weary of on a forum is not to give the trolls too much ammunition by divulging too many personal feelings and details that may be used as a stick to beat you with.
Last edited by Carnelian

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