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machel offline 825 Forum Posts Today at 1:14 PM of why i don't enjoy bb or this forum anymore. fms can be small minded looking for trouble where none exists, lack understanding and compassion, rude for no reason and don't allow otherfms to have differing opinions! rant over, goodbye!
You get that on every forum machel.  It's best to just ignore and carry on posting your opinions and what you believe.  That's what I do
Maybe I'm missing something, - but I think this forum has been remarkably free of such things.
In particular I have been impressed how people with very different viewpoints (strongly held) showed that it is possible to differ without hurt or insult.  I have seen people be opposed, and yet they have done it with courtesy. (Indeed I said this in another thread only a couple of days ago.)
I know that you did say only "some" topics and posts machel, but I think GaGa is extremely well-moderated. I actually get a sense of reassurance from the way in which we are 'overlooked.'
It's a shame you feel disappointed in the forum these days.
fms can be small minded looking for trouble where none exists, lack understanding and compassion, rude for no reason and don't allow otherfms to have differing opinions!

 All too true....... however they can also be: funny, sympathetic, caring, very intelligent, empathetic, helpful, thoughtful and thought provoking .... and both statements could equally apply to the same fm's on the same day.

Like any group of people we have a mixture .... and in general I'd say we come up on the positive side - but it's all down to how we contribute to the community.  It's easy to criticise GaGa but if we want to make it better we can have an impact by being active and making the kind of posts/threads we want to see and getting involved.  Overall we're a good bunch who're up for a laugh ....
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
~hoochie~ 13th Cribette offline 5,271 Forum Posts Today at 2:29 PM Last Edited: Reference: fms can be small minded looking for trouble where none exists, lack understanding and compassion, rude for no reason and don't allow otherfms to have differing opinions! All too true....... however they can also be: funny, sympathetic, caring, very intelligent, empathetic, helpful, thoughtful and thought provoking .... and both statements could equally apply to the same fm's on the same day. Like any group of people we have a mixture .... and in general I'd say we come up on the positive side - but it's all down to how we contribute to the community. It's easy to criticise GaGa but if we want to make it better we can have an impact by being active and making the kind of posts/threads we want to see and getting involved. Overall we're a good bunch who're up for a laugh ....

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