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the problem is if you're unhappy with your weight and it gives you confidence issues/self esteem issues then become embroiled in the vicious circle of comfort're unhappy so you know you shouldn't but it's your comfort's hard to break the circle........i think josie was aware that the other girls in there were alot slimmer than her from the beginning......she kept saying 'i'm doing it for the big girls'..........then dave made the massive man mistake of guessing her dress size wrong.......and i think that knocked her even she ate for comfort cos in her head it would 'make her feel better'.......then she feels then she eats again......

i personally don't think there's anything wrong with her size.....its a bit sad i think when you see pics in the paper or magazines of celebs ...particularly women with the caption of ....'so and so balloons to a size 14' followed by some other wonder  so many girls have eating disorders when they're constantly told that anything over a size 10-12 is huge and unattractive

oooo i had my serious head on there!!
why fankooooo leccy xxxx.....

a mate of mine had a gastric band fitted a while ago........she'd tried every diet going......she'd be inspired....someone would call her fat on a night out or insult her.....and she'd be comfort eating in no's really hard to get out of's not as easy as some people think to just 'eat less and exercise more'......for some people it's a whole different is an before you can even start a 'eat less/exercise' gotta get past the mental addiction to food
i personally don't think there's anything wrong with her size.....its a bit sad i think when you see pics in the paper or magazines of celebs ...particularly women with the caption of ....'so and so balloons to a size 14' followed by some other wonder so many girls have eating disorders when they're constantly told that anything over a size 10-12 is huge and unattractive
Like when Sophie (last year's winner) had "ballooned from a size 6 to a size 10" She's still only size 10 FFS
Great post Cockney Chick, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and feelings on that as someone who has been a larger Lady...

A point you made got me thinking. You mentioned that larger people get fed up about their weight and then comfort eat even though they know it will make them feel worse in the long run, but it's a kind of cycle....

...I'm not ashamed to say, that for many years, from my teens to my late twenties I went the other way. I was anoroxic, although at the time I would never have admitted's only now I can. I am 5ft 7 and weighed 5st 6 at my lowest weight....

Anorexia is more mental than about the weight, it's hard to explain as I really didn't realise at the time what I was doing, not was probably the only thing I could control in my life at the time (looking back I can see this now) and I was very unhappy for various reasons......i don't want to bore folks, but whenever anyone asks me what my biggest achievement it life has been so far...that's easy...beating anorexia all by myself

I am now a healthy size 10/12 and folks who haven't seen me for years comment on how well & healthy I look 'now you've put weight on'...I won't lie and say that comment doesn't stab slightly at me BUT, I know I AM healthy and eat healthy food (and junk food), and cannot believe I wasted all those years of my life doing what I did as this is probably my natural weight anyway.....I don't think it ever completely goes away, but now I have learned to be happy with what I've got, wobbly bits, cellulite, the lot....

I hope I've not bored you all to death, lol, I know it's different than losing lots of weight, but it' is about body image and low self-esteem and the love/ hate cycle it can create....
The Devil In Diamante

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