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I've had two people telling me that I've put on weight, recently. I just thank goodness that they pointed it out to me. I've been trying to figure out why those jeans don't do up on me, anymore, and now I have the answer!
They are the same type of helpful souls who point to your lip/face and say "you've got a cold sore/spot"  Oh have I? I hadn't noticed  *wanders off mumbling to lamp posts and shouting at strangers*
Yes it is bloody horrid when folk point out you have put weight on, and like I said, I would never ever ever comment, even though I have had people say stuff to me in the past.  Karma has sorted that, by making them fatter than me now!  I don't know WHY people feel they HAVE to tell you you are putting on weight... do they think they're doing you a favour???  Thing is, as i mentioned earlier, people do comment a lot on how I have LOST weight now, so I guess you do have to take the rough with the smooth in life...
Karma has sorted that, by making them fatter than me now!
Ohhhhh you can always count on Karma to right them wrongs no matter how long it takes 

Cockney Chick - I think I love you! Brilliant post from you my dear And well bloody done on losing the weight, I know you dont want congrats but you're gonna get em so put up and shuddup

My weight goes up and down like a whore's draws, losing weight at the mo but the lils are getting bigger and I hate it. Thank feck I didn't get a tattoo of a swallow on my boob when I was younger cos it would look like a nuclear missile by now .
I'm banned from exercise right now but even if I was allowed you would NOT see me pounding the pavements doing marathons at 6am for the good of my health. There are just some things I wouldn't even do for charity.

The thing to remember is size 8 and perfect doesn't suit everyone. Look at the state of Victoria Beckham ffs. I've seen Jordan a few times and the only reason her top half looks ok is cos of her fake lils. The bottom half of her looks anorexic. I'd rather have my footballers legs ta very much!
Thanks Karma, I was afraid that someone would say 'oh you pious cow, all smart and 'up-yerself,' coz you lost weight..' as I have mentioned this on forums a couple of times before and gotten some really rude remarks...from people who can't lose weight and say they don't over-eat or anything...  saying stuff like 'you are SOOOOO superior aren't you???  with your AMAZING weight loss!!!  just be careful you don't END UP FAT AGAIN!!!!' and other rants

I did actually put on the end of the post when I first put it...'if people have a problem with my views, that's their problem, because they're just my views' as I was expecting some snotty remarks .. then I thought that sounded a bit rude and I was inviting conflict before anyone had even read the post!  LOL!  So I changed it after 5 minutes or so, and I actually do mean it, (what I edited it to...) I really don't mean offence...I am just giving my views and thoughts.
CC, are you telling me people were having a go at you cos you managed to achieve something that by all accounts, is bloody hard to do?!  My God, there really are some sick, envious people out there. Obviously not at all comfortable in their own skin, they need help

I can't think of anyone on here who would put you down for that tbh. F**k the jealous lot who wanna knock your mojo, don't even give them headspace cos clearly they aint very well
Reference:Cockney Chick
So I know it's not nice for people to comment on Josie's size, but she has gotten lazy and slovenly, and is always stuffing her face as if food is going out of fashion, and people ARE going to comment and judge: that's life. (unfortunately...) I'm sure someone will accuse me of being pious, judgemental, full-of-myself or whatever (for mentioning my weight loss and saying I notice fat people and greediness more now,) but I'm just putting my honest views and aren't setting out to upset anyone or piss anyone off...
Cockney Chick, I love what you've written.  Well said and anyone who would consider you pious, needs their bumps feeling. You have eloquently put how I feel about Joise, for me its not even her weight, but her slovenly ways. It's just off-putting and in fact, sad to see how she has let her self go (IMO) I congratulate you on loosing your weight, I'm sure it wasn't easy, but you have done it and I genuinely hope you're enjoying life at your personal best Well done
Thanks Karma.    Yes, I did get people having a go because of an achievement I was quite proud of.  Most seem quite supportive and pleased, but there have been a few who are quite nasty, and try and put me down and tried to make me feel I was 'full of myself' when i was just sharing my story.  I know people who have lost weight can be annoying 'diet-bores,' but I only mention it, if the subject of weight comes up.  Going back to the original post; I do think that naturally, people who are fat will get upset by fat comments aimed at others...but as I said, I have had lots of comments about 'losing' weight, so I can't complain, but then again, I wish people wouldn't comment when you put weight on, because they must know it's offensive.
but then again, I wish people wouldn't comment when you put weight on, because they must know it's offensive.
I suppose it depends on what the individual who is doing the name-calling has been through themselves. We all have something we don't like about ourselves, and/ or a situation we've been through that is sensitive. Every one of us has something that will push that button. And quite often, what we hate about ourselves is what some others desire to have. Like the thing about my lils (sorry it's the best example I can think of) I was talking to my very tall, very pretty, very slim friend about it and she's telling me to stop moaning cos she would love not to look like an ironing board and wishes her feet weren't like paddles! I then went on to remind her she's got legs like a giraffe but she doesn't see what I and others see. Sure, she knows how to 'sell' her good points, but her brain emphasies on the negatives she feels about herself. And she also finds it difficult to gain weight and hates it, whereas if she loses more than 7lbs she feels she starts to look anorexic and gaunt, so it can be very much a 2 way street.
great post Cockney chick .. and well done on your personal  achievement... 

That's what I like about this place, over C4,   people can post lengthy and excellent observations without some troll coming in and saying 'too long to read'  . .that used to really get my goat on the C4 forums. .normally was when school was on hols but not always.. .     and being more a reader than a poster I like the longer well thought out stuff.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I do think that naturally, people who are fat will get upset by fat comments aimed at others
CC, I really do think that I'd have the same reaction if I was fat or thin, and believe me I've been both on several occasions... the upside being if any of my friends put on or lose weight I've got good wardrobes of clothes ranging from a size 10-18

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