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I joined the C4 forum during the Shilpa Shetty Celeb one. Every single BB since then has had an element of vicious posting. I really can't see how this one is any different. Even when there is no BB on, there's the odd witch hunt with FMs being singled out (photoshopped pics, piss taking threads, yada yada yada). May be everyone has got a little sensitive all of a sudden.
I've gone off Josie completely, but I've never commented on her weight. I know how difficult it is to lose weight and how low it makes you feel... being in that position once, I would never take the p*ss out of her figure. She really can look quite lovely, shame she hides herself in the duvet and just can't seem to be bothered to make an effort with anything at the moment.
I was watching video's of Josie before she went into the house yesterday and she looked great and healthy at about a size 12 to 14, I don't think its low self esteem thats she's put weight on but eating, laying in bed all day and being all round lazy that has piled the pounds on her..I could'nt give two farts if she's fat or thin but watching someone lazing and grazing all day is pretty boring....Plus she moaned about her weight and when Dave offered her to exercise with him, went off on one as though he's outright called her fat, which he did'nt he just guessed her dress size right....
I haven't seen anything even approaching the nastiness that's on DS on here, or that was on Ch4.
Me neither! I can remember being turned on several times for disagreeing with the likes of Flippy Flops (or whatever she was called). I honestly can't see the nastiness at the moment, I find a lot of what is said is tongue in cheek.

Actually I have been impressed by the lack of nastiness on here.
It has been much more comfortable and less nerve-wracking to post a viewpoint, even a slightly controversial one.
I think this place deserves great credit for its control and tolerance.
People have found a grown-up way of coping with their differences.
I am not suggesting there has not been the odd glitch, but we are well watched over, and by and large I am felt very comfortable this year.
As for Big Brother, we are here to judge them, we vote them out if we don't like them.
We enjoy criticising and moaning - all part of the fun.
But I think personal insults aimed at an individual poster have been remarkably few this year.
I am very pleased.

Reference: Blizzie
It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the 'sexiest fat guy' in the world had come in.
We'd have acknowledged the fact that he is indeed fat, but would have debated the 'sexy' aspect, then given him a different nickname like 'lardarse' and people would have got upset about that etc etc
I did say that of one of the housemates, their birth hospital should be contacted to see if the placenta was still hanging around as it would have a better personality. It was probably Dave

Re Josie, she can't sit there moaning about her weight and then do bugger all but lounge around and graze like a goat. I think she's really insecure about it, but in all fairness she does nothing to try and help herself, she's really let herself go in terms of appearance, there's different ways she could dress that would help to balance things out for her.  Remember though, the tele can add up to 10lbs (or summat like that).

Saying all that though, she's not THAT big!

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