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Not sure what happened to my earlier post, Hiya LGS. Is it any different than any other year Jen, I'm at a lost at the treatment of quite a few house mates on here, I've still to work out how John James became a bigger villan than Raoul Moat.
No RZB, and hiya matey it isn't, I am completely baffled by some of the posting on here with FMs just as well I don't come here much anymore <<<this would be me, some of it is way too personal imo.

thought you'd gawn
knowing that she would be under the public gaze 
I'm in the public gaze every time I walk outta the door, don't expect to be constantly referred to as Miss Piggy, lard arse, fat slag, tart etc. though. I  rather hope that if people are going to judge me it'll be because of who I am rather than my dress size!
I don't see her as a little girl lost Tiddy, but she does have some issues that may have come to the surface of seeing the other girls in the house...comparing herself an all that, I don't doubt she is no shrinking violet, but when she has her mates around her maybe it gives her more confidence to be loud. That is the point I'm making,
I rather hope that if people are going to judge me it'll be because of who I am rather than my dress size!
Its a pretty lame put down really, 'shes fat' How or what thats got to do with the price of fish is beyond me. If it were a thread on peoples preference on what they find attractive there might be an argument for discussing her weight there, but other than that its just lazy put downs.
Don't go on BB if you don't want to be shredded by the public...I think all the HMs have come in for their fair share of character and appearance assassinations, part of the game.
As for Josie, she's very lazy and slovenly and coupled with the food hoovering, it's no wonder that people are commenting on her appearance, she's let her own standards drop
I'm in the public gaze every time I walk outta the door, don't expect to be constantly referred to as Miss Piggy, lard arse, fat slag, tart etc. though. I  rather hope that if people are going to judge me it'll be because of who I am rather than my dress size!
Ah there a forum or discussion board dedicated to watching and commenting on you 24/7, that you have agreed to, whilst being paid for it?  
I think tbh that even if she had been a really big girl, if she had been sweet and supportive, which she hasn't been, then people would have really liked her.  I liked her on first glance, and it would be nice to think that 'she's doing if for the bigger girl' but she has shown, just my opinion, a really spiteful nature.  Now who was the girl who danced on the table and broke it, forget her name.  But she was so lovely, yes she was big but everyone liked her, on here as far as I can recall.  She still has a career in TV and is very popular.  So I don't think its so much an issue of Josie's size as her nature.

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