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I have a mini dilemma...


OK, the girl next door (Caroline) is OK and we get on OK with her and her hubby Lee: they are both mid 20s with a daughter just 2. We have lived next door for 2.5 years, and we always buy her daughter a gift for her birthday and Christmas AND the kids of the girl the other side of me, because we get on too and because I like buying gifts..... (I have 2 late teens children.)

Well, it's Caroline's daughter's 2nd birthday today, (her name is Laila,) and I went around yesterday evening and gave her Laila's gift for her birthday. She said thank you and we had a chat and she said. 'me and Laila went to the playbarn with Lisa and her 2 kids and my 3 nephews yesterday, and I said 'oh I hope you had a good time,' and she said yes. Lisa is our other neighbour on the other side who we buy gifts for too, and we get on with her too...

Then she said 'tomorrow' (that is today: tuesday,) me and Lee are having a few family members and a few close pals around for a barbecue from about 5 til 8, depending when people have finished work... THEN she said 'I apologise in advance if we make a noise..and disturb you.' and I said 'oh that's OK, I expect we will just be watching the news and clearing up the dinner dishes. She said 'we will try to not make much noise, and if we think about it; we'll bring a bit of birthday cake around when everyone's gone. I have said that Laila goes to bed at 9, so hopefully everyone will buggar off by then. And I said 'ok I will leave you in peace; have a nice day tomorrow, and I hope Laila has a nice birthday and you all enjoy your barbecue. 

At half five today, I was in the garden, and Lee (her hubby,) came out and said 'STEVE isn't coming now'; and she said 'ANOTHER one not coming!' and he said 'yes!' and then five minutes later, her mom came, and she said where's Pete and Dave (her stepdad and step brother) and she said 'they can't come...Caroline said 'oh God! not even for an hour or something?!' her mom said no.

Then ten minutes ago... the door went. I was washing up the dinner things, and my husband answered, and it was Caroline.. she said 'we're having a barbecue next door if you wanna pop round for a bit ... An HOUR AND A HALF into it .. ! He said, oh we have just had tea and I have work at 8 tonight (he is on an 8 til 8 shift, so that is true...and my 2 daughters are going out with their pals to the cinema at 7.30.)

So the thing is: I feel this is an afterthought. When I took the gift around yesterday, at no point did she ask me to come, and actually said 'I hope we don't disturb you with all our noise and music and so on, and we may bring you a bit of cake later on...' and I said 'enjoy your party tomorrow evening...'

I feel it's because at least 4 or 5 people haven't turned up, and she said she was inviting 9 or 10. She is vexed not many are there.

What are peoples views? And if you were me, would you go? It's 7pm now and its apparently going on til 9 to 9.30pm. I really feel peeved as she could have asked yesterday (and SHOULD have if she was wanting us to go) PLUS, I would have to go alone and don't know anyone except her and her hubby. 

I like going to parties and only get invited to things 4 or 5 times a year times at the most (my other neighbour invited us to 2 parties last year,) but this has pissed me off as why did she not ask yesterday and only asked an hour and a half into it.? after it seems that 4 or 5 people haven't turned up?

Would you go? And would you consider it rude for me to not go? After all, it was a bit of an afterthought!  And do you think it will piss HER off if I don't go?  It shouldn't seeing as how never asked me in the first place when she obviously asked everyone else!  And she did have the chance yesterday.

Thanks in advance.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Don't go!!!


Definitely an afterthough...   and, how hurtful!!   and rude!!


I know your kids are older than the little girl..   but they still should have invited you initially (even if they tagged a "there's not much for your girls to do here though, they might find it a bit boring" type thing on the end of it)



Don't make up an excuse either.    Just say you've just cleared up the dinner things and are about to put your feet up and watch some telly, but thank you for the offer.. 



Thank you, you guys... I do appreciate the answers...  I asked on another forum I go on and 3 peeps I speak to said the same, what an afterthought!!!  and only ONE said, well at least she invited you.. go and have a good time... but it was an hour and a half in FFS!

Ditty, it was my hubby who answered the door, so I didn't even see her... and actually DO feel a bit peeved at being asked ninety minutes in!


Thanks again peeps.  I just looked over the fence out of the bedroom window and there is her mom and  hubby and hubby's brother and 2 neighbours incl Lisa, and about 3 kids as well as Laila, so not many.  And it does strike me that she only decided to ask because at least 4 or 5 people didn't come!  I mean, if it had been an hour before it started, at least my hubby would have come for an hour, but FFS, it was half six: he had just finished tea and was getting ready for work!  I feel quite annoyed. 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Dont let them get to you sparkles 

Aww, it's OK, I won't.    We get on OK, and she is all right and all, and so is the girl on the other side of me.  They knew each other for five years before I moved in and were friends before I knew them.  Lisa - the other girl, has invited us to a few things; kids party, new years and her 40th; all at her house.  But Caroline never has... but that is ok: she is my neighbour, not a BFF, and I don't expect anything.  And I have 3 close friends who live 5 to 10 miles away....  But to not invite me (yesterday) and then come round an hour and a half into it, seemed like pretty bad etiquette to me.  

I cannot fathom WHY she came at that point and asked us.  As I said, she spoke to my hubby anyway and not me.  I was in the kitchen and didn't answer the door.  I didn't know it was her til he came back from the hall.  

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Dont let them get to you sparkles 

Aww, it's OK, I won't.    We get on OK, and she is all right and all, and so is the girl on the other side of me.  They knew each other for five years before I moved in and were friends before I knew them.  Lisa - the other girl, has invited us to a few things; kids party, new years and her 40th; all at her house.  But Caroline never has... but that is ok: she is my neighbour, not a BFF, and I don't expect anything.  And I have 3 close friends who live 5 to 10 miles away....  But to not invite me (yesterday) and then come round an hour and a half into it, seemed like pretty bad etiquette to me.  

I cannot fathom WHY she came at that point and asked us.  As I said, she spoke to my hubby anyway and not me.  I was in the kitchen and didn't answer the door.  I didn't know it was her til he came back from the hall.  

Yes it was a bit bad mannered if nothing else. I try not to fall out with neighbours if i can help it, dont like the bad atmosphere it brings. But that doesnt mean that they can treat you badly, and think its ok. x

Originally Posted by Sezit:

Barbeques are rubbish anyway Sparkles.

Well for me they are AND our 2 daughters; we don't eat meat!  


OK, this is moderately amusing...  two people left a few minutes ago, with their kiddie (a neighbour,) and I just went upstairs for the loo, and looked out of the bedroom window (slyly) and the OTHERS are getting up and saying 'anyway, thanks for the grub, and happy birthday Laila... Bye all'  And most of the few who are there didn't come til between six fifteen and to quarter to seven. So it's 8.30pm, and they're all leaving!  Oh dear.    See if she had invited me and my hubby and kids, we would have stayed til the end.  


I saw Lisa (who she went to the playbarn with the other day with their kids,) go round at 6.15 to drop Laila's pressie off and then she came back after about 20 minutes.  Not sure if she was invited or not.  I would've thought if she was, that she would have gone at 5 when it started, and not at a quarter past six for 20 minutes.  It's all very puzzling!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:


Yes it was a bit bad mannered if nothing else. I try not to fall out with neighbours if i can help it, dont like the bad atmosphere it brings. But that doesnt mean that they can treat you badly, and think its ok. x

Oh yes, I would hate to fall out with anyone, and quite honestly, I don't think this has the potential to turn into a fall out, because she literally didn't invite me/my family anyway.  She came around at half six, when the 'party' started at five, and saw my husband and said 'do you fancy popping around for an hour, we're having a barbecue?'  And he said 'sorry we have just had tea and I have work soon and all that..but I will tell the missus.'


SO I would have thought she shouldn't be surprised that we didn't go.  I won't hold it against her, but at the same time; I am not going to make any excuse for not going.  I won't mention it, as she didn't ask me at any point.  If she DOES bring some cake around, I will say thank you and did you have a nice get together and if she says she came and asked, I will say... oh yes, hubby said you came at about 25 minutes to seven, but we were just finishing tea and he had work at 8 and the girls were going out and before I knew it, it was after 8 o clock. 


Thank you so much everyone.  I really really did appreciate all the input and all the help you gave me.  Everybody thought the same as me, that we should not have felt obliged to go, and that it was bad etiquette and quite rude, to ask us an hour and a half in, when she COULD have invited us yesterday when I took Laila's gift around!.....  But as I said, there is no reason why it would cause an issue, because we are not going to hold it against her, and she didn't invite us in the first place anyway!  


Night night.  Gotta go now.  Ta-ta..  And thank you all again!  


I know I'm too late but just for the record....


She was insensitive but probably not being intentionally rude; she should know better though.

You have a valid enough reason for not attending.  Also, your reasons are easy enough to gloss over without causing an argument or fall out (should she ask why you didn't attend).


She's a silly girl for not appreciating your kindness towards her child by inviting you from the start.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

I know I'm too late but just for the record....


She was insensitive but probably not being intentionally rude; she should know better though.

You have a valid enough reason for not attending.  Also, your reasons are easy enough to gloss over without causing an argument or fall out (should she ask why you didn't attend).


She's a silly girl for not appreciating your kindness towards her child by inviting you from the start.



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