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I wanna get the house properly sorted, not half jobs done of this that and the other (no nagging, it's a curse!)

And I'd like to try and get myself sorted a bit better, I might have to start harassing me Drs a bit... coz I need to be able to get out and about by meself a bit more and get more done.  I'm GONNA BLOODY DO IT, YES I AM

 I think that is more of a winner Leccy
Lecs, I was only saying that to someone on Monday night......I'm gonna try and get myself 'generally' sorted too
Yeah, I need to.  I'm a naturally happy person, I reckon, so I'm not all doom and gloom about it...but I reckon I could have the cherry on my cake if I make a bit if fuss and put a bit of effort in
Need to get past my flight fright first though!
My best mate had never been abroad ever....she was totally and utterly panic stricken and terrified of flying, it made her vomit and shake just at the thought.  About 3 years ago she went to the US and has never looked back.

She had a real reason (she's an Elvis nut) and her OH said he would take her to Graceland if she would just conquer her she did and she's fine now.

I think if you have a real reason/goal it makes it easier?

I know she did sink a lot few cheeky Southern Comforts in the lounge first

Best of luck xx
Slinkiwitch im just like you. i hate it. it puts me off holidays i hate it so much. my palms sweat with sheer adrenalin when im flying. i am in a state of panic at every engine sound or call button pressed. its exhausting. the only way i get through it is by getting so pissed i fall asleep. i feel your pain but it doesnt stop me. but its horrilbe.
It's nasty Gyps, eh? Flew to Spain once and the only seat available by the time I'd tried to escape before boarding was beside two nuns.. poor women were stuck with this gibbering trembling sweating wreck of a thing clutching their hands the whole way, that musta been a test of their faith! (In my deranged state it made me even more scared that I had to sit by them, I was going " Ohnoooo! It's a sign!!!!!" They were going "ohnooo! It's a maniac!" )

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