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Now this may be boring for some..but it is one of my big bug bearers in life. I have spent a lot of time in my sons room today and found socks everywhere, but very little pairs   So have got a bin bag and put them all in. Going out tomorrow to buy socks all the same colour,with no patterns . I hate socks ! How much wasted time do we do, matching up socks? End of rant. Off to take my meds

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Oh I am so with you on the socks rant! My son's the same. He has 2 feet but somehow I always end up with odd socks in the washing machine and some have never been seen again. It's like a sock abyss  I've tried buying ones with patterns on but that's no good either. When I lived with my ex I had the same problem, is it a male thing??
Socks breed in my house    stick a pair in the washing machine and 12 come out 

Island of Lost Socks:

Where's my other sock?

If you look down in your washing machine
you'll probably see a trap door.
It's actually always been there.
You just never saw it before.

It's easy to find your way through.
You just open it with three knocks.
And behind it you'll find a river that leads
to the Island of Lost Socks.

The natives of this island
are the socks that got away
from the awful, terrible life
of smelling feet all day.

Now they run around in the sunshine
enjoying magnificent views,
and knowing they'll never again
have to fill anybody's shoes.

They never get holes, runs or snags.
They never get sold at half price.
They always are warm and fresh smelling,
'Cause this is sock paradise.

So the next time you notice a few of your socks
have vanished without a trace,
don't bother to look in the laundry,
'cause they're in a much happier place.

(C) 1998, Arden Davidson
My son is 16 and I have exactly the same problem Skylark!!

He favours black socks (for school) and though they're all black they're different blacks if you know what I mean.  I just end up with a basket load of differently shaded black socks. Oh ... and let's not forget the trainer socks - they tease me. I think I have a pair then realise they are ever so slightly differently patterned around the heel. 

I'm sure they're in a crusty pile under his bed somewhere but he's 16. I'm a forward thinking mother but there are some places I'd really not go.

I learned my lesson when trying to watch Sherlock on iPlayer on his pooter and accidentally hit the website history list.  

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