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Sausage, bacon (cremated), black pudding, white pudding, egg, beans, tattie scone, brown sauce, toast.   Of course it's usually way too much but all the tastes are required so half of it goes in the bin.   it's just an occasional treat though.  Oh.. and I can rarely be assed making all that in morning so it's usually a brunch.. or more likely if I've defrosted all the stuff the night before "I better have that for tea, I suppose"

Issy... I'm pretty sure there's no meat in white pudding (not the stuff we get up here anyway)   Edit.... some butchers add pork meat apparently - never seen that.   some used to add 'brain matter too    - glad that stopped!  )

Last edited by Kaffs
I'm not really a 'breakfast person' so it would usually be a brunch reserved for the weekend: 'the full monty' but no beans and definitely no hash browns, would include sliced fried potatoes or potato cakes, and must have black pudding.
Also really like: french toast/eggy bread/egg dip, (whatever your regional name for it,) 'dipped' on both sides and dunked into HP sauce; kippers with chunky marmalade and nice bread; eggs benedict; smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on muffins......mmmmm this is making me hungry!

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