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I've done a marathon of episodes this weekend because I hadn't been watching so I don't know who likes/hates/loves/loathes who and for what reasons.  So who's your fav so far?


I'm liking Mario, Charlotte, Courtney, Dustin and surprisingly I kinda like Louis!!

Vicky is alright and I like that Carol and Sophie are there because they create a bit of drama.


I really really don't like Lauren at all.  Bruce and Abz are just 'there'.


Have I missed anyone?  I'm loving this series so far.  

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Originally Posted by Aimee:

I think it was shaping up to be a good series but now they all seem to want to leave, BB need to give them more tasks. We also need to see more of abz and Dustin 



a typical day  


1.33pm: Dustin and Abz discuss today's plan. "Do some breathing - that's important. Staring. Contemplate things.

Gonna be busy"




I liked Dustin most - very chilled and mature but former appearances in US reality shows claimed he was confrontational with all other cast members!! And even challenged one to fight!!


Abz is an odd but likable character - on The Big Reunion (only saw small bits) he is very upbeat. On BB he's very withdrawn. Like his chilled nature.


Charlotte - if this is the future of TV and the UK we need to emigrate.

At least she is social and wanting everyone to have fun. Seldom bitchy but its small recompense for acting like a 5yr old.


Louie - huge disappointment. I was waiting for him to be bitchy but hoping he wouldn't. Sell himself on being happy/daft but underneath he's bitter and angry. How boring ... as Louie would say.


Vicky - another odd character for me. Kinda quiet until annoyed.

Chatting to herself in the garden is a bit scary.


Bruce - what is he on?

Explosive and unpredictable - I thought he was unstable.


Carol - horrible woman. Bitter, bitchy, intolerant and probably a bully towards Sophie.


Courtney - began as my fave but has descended into 'tartdom' with Mario.


Mario - seems a nice guy. Relaxed and mature but his constant 'liking' of almost any woman makes me


Lauren - can't work her out. I think she hides too much. Is she sedated?


WINNER? Probably will be Louie for sheer entertainment value.

Prefer ... erm - Abz


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