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Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Got rid of the best character I thought... I suppose that's why it was one of their most moving, how long has Pat been in EE for?

20 odd years i should think  i read somewhere that Barbara Windsor said *pat* had got over them killing her off, so it sounds like she didn't want them too end her character 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Got rid of the best character I thought... I suppose that's why it was one of their most moving, how long has Pat been in EE for?

20 odd years i should think  i read somewhere that Barbara Windsor said *pat* had got over them killing her off, so it sounds like she didn't want them too end her character 

There we are - 25 1/2 years!


First appearance: 12.06.1986

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Got rid of the best character I thought... I suppose that's why it was one of their most moving, how long has Pat been in EE for?

20 odd years i should think  i read somewhere that Barbara Windsor said *pat* had got over them killing her off, so it sounds like she didn't want them too end her character 

There we are - 25 1/2 years!


First appearance: 12.06.1986

i was going too say the eighties 

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

.never expected the return of David Wicks!

Me either ... although, like Aimes, I did expect him to know what to do, given that he's a doctor in real life!!


Wasn't Simon her son too? How come she wasn't desperate to see him as well?

He was probably in panto

Originally Posted by machel:

just watched ee (daugter sky+ and wanted to watch)  and it is too far for him to visit,  didn't he emigrate to oz or nz?  and isn't that where one of ian's kids are - with simon? 

Ooh your post reminded me (I think) aren't they in South Africa?  That's where Ian's mum died and Ian sometimes visits there.


I think Simon is mean't too be in OZ and wasn't Ians eldest lad really Simons and after he stabbed Jane didn't he go too live with Simon 


This is as bad as last night with my daughter asking me how everyone was related to each other, ricky is Pats stepson and Bianca is her grandchild and Carol is her ex daughter in law  i was getting confused myself by the end


I very rarely watch EE as it's been a pile of shite for several years now. Unfortunately my husband has a thing about watching it sometimes, especially at Crimbo!  So it's on sometimes when I am there.  I'm not about to leave my own living room, just coz I don't want to watch it!  He actually agrees that it's not that good, but he watches it sometimes 'out of habit' and in the hope it may get better...

It just grates on me...  The laughable unbelievable  characters, the far fetched storylines and everyone being related and so on.  I watched it for years from the start to about 2007/2008, and never ever knew that Bianca was David's daughter.  Like I didn't know until the year before last that Carol was Max and Jack Branning's sister, when Carol came back into it again.  Sorry, but EE is categorically the most stupid soap on the box.  EVERYone is related to someone/everyone: it's just ludicrous.  It's a borough of the biggest, most populated city in the country, so how the hell can they virtually all be related? Moreover, how come people suddenly come in as relatives, when they have never been mentioned before?!

It's not like the east end is an obscure little island 1000 miles from any land, this is in a major city!  I mean, when bloody Hevva went to the seaside several hours drive from the east end, she met a man there who just HAPPENED to be Dot's sisters son!  The sister I am pretty sure she NEVER mentioned until she came in to the programme: just like nobody ever mentioned that fat greasy branning brother who EVERYbody is shit scared of for some reason.  Him and fat-boy Phil are as scary as the teletubbies!


Pam St Clement (Pat,) is a good actress, and that is probably why she got out... like Babs Windsor, she probably realised what a pile of steaming hot dung this joke of a programme is now. HOW the HELL does it keep going... re Pat's exit ... I really found the way she suddenly had chest pains and then was diagnosed with cancer, and then died, all practically within the twelve days of Christmas, the same kind of ludicrous  storyline that I have come to expect from this laughable excuse for a soap.





i am so confused,


ians eldest was simons ( he had an affair with cindy?)  but that isn't one of the twins? and he left years ago??


didn't kathy go to SA? story not connected to simon?

had to wonder why the brannings were there, then realised the connection between carol/david/bianca


i'm sticking to emmerdale - and i still think it is moira...or amy and a sneaky suspicion of zak

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by machel:


ians eldest was simons ( he had an affair with cindy?)  but that isn't one of the twins? and he left years ago??



machel ... Ian's eldest was Steven ... the twins are Peter and Lucy (and I can't remember where they have gone, or why!!)

OMG.    Yes you're right, Peter and Lucy have just disappeared and nobody ever talks about them!  How weird!  Maybe those 2 young actors realised what a shite programme this is now too!  What makes me laugh is how the programmes supporters say 'well it DOES keep winning awards.....' So WHAT?!  Just because it wins the BEST SOAP award, doesn't mean it's the best.  There's probably only a million people voting for the best soap, out of the estimated 25 million that watch them  ...  so that is not concrete evidence that people like EE more than any other soap.


Peter and Lucy have gone to stay with relatives in Cornwall. Basically, Ian sent Lucy away for being a prime biatch (her mother's child) and Peter got so disgusted with the way that Ian treated Jane that he went to join Lucy.


I'd just like to say that I do appreciate that not many here like EE, but is there any reason to attack it so vehemently in every single thread that's written about it? Can't those of us who do enjoy it just have some peace to express that? If you don't like EE, just don't come in the thread. I think Corrie is a big pile of poo, but I don't go scribbling that all over every thread that's posted about it.

Originally Posted by PeterCat:

Peter and Lucy have gone to stay with relatives in Cornwall. Basically, Ian sent Lucy away for being a prime biatch (her mother's child) and Peter got so disgusted with the way that Ian treated Jane that he went to join Lucy.


I'd just like to say that I do appreciate that not many here like EE, but is there any reason to attack it so vehemently in every single thread that's written about it? Can't those of us who do enjoy it just have some peace to express that? If you don't like EE, just don't come in the thread. I think Corrie is a big pile of poo, but I don't go scribbling that all over every thread that's posted about it.

JMHO, but I don't understand why you would take peoples opinions so seriously...   This is just my honest opinion.... I think EE is a terrible excuse for a programme, and it's a joke that it keeps getting best soap award.  I hate it, and am expressing my views.  I think people should be allowed to express their opinions on a tv programme they hate: this is an internet forum after all, and it's  going to have a vast array of views... 

No offence intended Peter...And I know you are also entitled to your views, but  don't take the comments of random people on an internet forum so seriously... Many people on here do seem to really dislike EE, as I see many many negative comments written about it... and I think we should be allowed to express ourselves.  As long as we are not attacking fellow forum members, we're not breaking any rules.    Moreover this wasn't an EE support thread, we were asked what we thought of it.

Like I said: no offence intended...  

Last edited by Former Member

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