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What a load of incompetent crap this government really is! 


It really takes an incompetent government to deliver a double dip recession.  Double dip recessions are very rare and only really BAD governments return double dip recessions.


It's hard to picture a more pathetic self serving government filled with a bigger bunch of venal and incompetent mediocrities than this one.


"Cleaning up the mess the last lot made" what a bunch of useless wankers they really are!

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Originally Posted by Carnelian:

What a load of incompetent crap this government really is! 


It really takes an incompetent government to deliver a double dip recession.  Double dip recessions are very rare and only really BAD governments return double dip recessions.


It's hard to picture a more pathetic self serving government filled with a bigger bunch of venal and incompetent mediocrities than this one.


"Cleaning up the mess the last lot made" what a bunch of useless wankers they really are!


I did that ^^^ because that post deserved more than one great smiley!  That is the post of the week for me.    I would be on here til midnight and would probably get banned for my foul language if I put what I truly think  of those idiots.


The only thing that confuses me Carnelian, is that they say we are 'back in recession;' but I didn't actually realise that we had ever been out of it.    Maybe I am just thick.  I also agree, that everything that comes out of callmedave's gob and (Judas Clegg's) is bile and bullshit.  Make me  the lot of them.

Originally Posted by sparkles:


The only thing that confuses me Carnelian, is that they say we are 'back in recession;' but I didn't actually realise that we had ever been out of it.   


I have been told off by son (who studies Economics) for this soooooo many times! If I dare utter the words "recession" I get an hour long lecture on what the bloody word means, and why we're not in one! I've resorted to using the phrase "current economic climate"   


I'm sooooo gonna use the word RECESSION in capital letters when I talk to him tonight  



(oh and yeah.....load of useless wankers   ) 

Originally Posted by Avalon:

Yes, smug, arrogant, toxic wankers the lot of them


I still think they will win the next election, though, (with or without Nick.)

It's all down to who Murdoch wants to win. (He is still bossing everything and don't kid yerselves) The only reason Labour (sic) got kicked out is because Brown stood up to the Murdochs and suffered from their spin.

I would hate Milliband to get in just because he favoured them.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Avalon:
 I just have a feeling that people won't turn out to vote for a party that's led by Ed Milliband a 


You make a strong point!


I'm a life long (and dedicated) labour supporter.....and even I will find that hard to swallow  


He looks like a little boy on work experience. 

I think he's got an idea of where he wants to take the party and it's in a far better direction than it would have been under his Blairite brother.  His boyish looks and accent do him no favours I must admit.  I think he's improving and I do think he's the best man for the job.  He seems to be growing into the job and often gets the better of Cameron.


politicians these days all seem to be in pursuit of  celebrity and wealth.


I can't think of one that I would call a politician that is committed to his principles, except possibly  for George Galloway, and the recently departed Jack Ashley.


It's all run as a private club, whether they be tory/lib or labour, all in it for themselves, the only choice we have to make  is whether  the encumbent  ones in power, pursuing their own gains, will inadvertently benefit the  rest of us as a by product.



All the cuts the tories have done is not helping growth in fact the very opposite,they are making cuts in the wrong places cuts for the sake of we are in a double dip reccession,I know a few people who were always  labour supporters who did vote for them who are now saying never again.. I cant see them winning the next election way


it doesn't really matter who wins the next election , marg, democracy doesn't really exist, it's become a concept to make us think we have some kind of choice or influence, and  in reality we have neither.we can all vote until the cows come home, and nothing will change.


the world is stitched up and we are stitched up by the  corporations, banks, media and politicians, we need to understand that  they have it all worked out, they will all continue to get wealthy and we will continue to pay for it.they get greedier and greedier and they are aided and abetted by the politicians, the tax loop holes  will never be  closed, the  mp's expenses will never be transparent and strightforward, there will always be one law  for the wealthy and  another for the oi poloi.the greedy buggers at the top of the heap will always avoid paying nay tax, and yet bleat and  whine about Joe Bloggs, claiming ÂĢ70 on incapacity benefit, when he's perfectly able to work,if he get,s off his arse and put some effort into ignoring his afflictions.


and  now we know that when they get out of their  depth in their scrabble for  even more wealth and they cock it up, we will end  up footing the bill for their incompetence, we are only useful to them  as the worker ants creating the wealth  for them to grab and hold onto.


Bit of a scatter gun approach from me, busy busy busy..................


GG is a very interesting individual and IMHYCO is totally self serving. Luckily, and as a by product, his views are spot on. Last week on QT he was able to demolish most arguments but of course he doesn't serve anyone but himself, so that's a luxury he has.

For a variety of reasons the public kicked out two economic experts, Brown and Darling and we ended up with an inappropriate government including Osbourne and Alexander, neither of whom I would let tie my shoe. The only Tory (sort of) who has any idea is Cable, and he annoyed Murdoch and is thus a gonner

We must get away from this attitude that politics is something that happens to us. I have met people who can discuss at length last week's Jeremy Kyle (the subjects are all RADA trained actors btw) but couldn't name all of the post WW2 prime mimisters and home secretaries. They know who Samantha Brick is but wouldn't have recognised Joan Maynard.

There is a huge crisis of hegemony. I do wish that more people would take more interest in the running of the two major parties. We need more activists.


I'll leave that with you.



Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by sparkles:


The only thing that confuses me Carnelian, is that they say we are 'back in recession;' but I didn't actually realise that we had ever been out of it.   


I have been told off by son (who studies Economics) for this soooooo many times! If I dare utter the words "recession" I get an hour long lecture on what the bloody word means, and why we're not in one! I've resorted to using the phrase "current economic climate"   


I'm sooooo gonna use the word RECESSION in capital letters when I talk to him tonight  



(oh and yeah.....load of useless wankers   ) 

Thanks Ducky  And Carnelian... Don't apologise.  


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