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Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Saint:

You wouldn't just say "May i have"

Cos people wouldn't know what you wanted.


*walks away all smug and uppety*

I didn't say 'May I have?' I said 'May I have....?' The dots representing whatever it is you are asking for.

So why didn't you say a similar thing to sprout?

SPROUT you're a tit.

Fluffy told me to say it . . . ?

You've been waiting gawd knows how long to say that haven't you 


Good job it's not a problem to me. Sticks and stones and all that you know 



Peer pressure

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Very British = everyone getting excited about the first decent Spring day.  

And walking around in vest tops and shorts when It's still cold 


I'm right though, aren't I? 

You are. I've noticed it 



We refused outright. The whole point about team building carp is that it's not compulsory. A mug at my workplace went for it and took part in one of those things where people have to get across a ditch using an oil drum, rope, a plank, chewing gum and a piece of string. He injured his shoulder. No insurance and apparently he had volunteered.

Garage Joe

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