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Originally Posted by Bethni:

That's ok for those who watch MiC and towie, Kaff's, but I've never been in to those kind of programmes, I've never seen any episodes of either programme. C5 have made an *rse of my favourite programme to the extent that it isn't my favourite anymore. Why, I could have been watching Towie and MiC all these years if thats what i wanted. So I come in here to vent (or lament) for what we are all missing.... not the muk they are televising now, the programme that once was

That's how I feel too Bethni . ....and I'm afraid that CBB came too hot on the heels of BB this year for my disgust at the appalling manipulation by the programme makers...and the mostly dreadful HMs have sufficiently dissipated yet. TBH the only reason I stuck with BB at all over the last couple of years was for the HL thread ....

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I shall be there for Strictly Can't wait 




The line up, so far, for this year's is......eclectic.

Although I have spotted the obvious eye candy for those that like that type of candy  


Do tell Yogi and I thought that one of the new professionals looked like he might be *good at his job*  

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Scripted reality's one thing. Disgusting people, disgusting behaviour and disgusting attitudes is quite another!

how do you know if you're not watching?

I admit I don't know about this lot on CBB, but having dragged myself through the dross of BB it's just too soon to contemplate going through it all again. No matter how it may turn out.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I am not watching the show because it's not the BB I know and love .

I make comment not on the cast but what a farce Ch5 had turned the show into ,they don't even take time for continuity on the editing, they cancel evictions without notice, they introduce twists that will "change the house forever"...but it never does ,they evict Hms without a public vote ,the list is endless.... However my point is simple,I will post about whatever the hell I want to as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, you don't need to "get it".

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I shall be there for Strictly Can't wait 




The line up, so far, for this year's is......eclectic.

Although I have spotted the obvious eye candy for those that like that type of candy  


Do tell Yogi and I thought that one of the new professionals looked like he might be *good at his job*  

 Down Baz, down!    

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I shall be there for Strictly Can't wait 




The line up, so far, for this year's is......eclectic.

Although I have spotted the obvious eye candy for those that like that type of candy  


Do tell Yogi and I thought that one of the new professionals looked like he might be *good at his job*  

 Down Baz, down!    

The only "eye-candy" i need is Ola Jordan... ... and hopefully a. she hasn't been sacked and b. she isn't partnering a muppet (Sid Owen, anyone?) that will be gone in the second week.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

The only "eye-candy" i need is Ola Jordan... ... and hopefully a. she hasn't been sacked and b. she isn't partnering a muppet (Sid Owen, anyone?) that will be gone in the second week.


Ola is definately still there CS 


her Pro partner this year is Pasha 


no details yet on the Celeb and Pro pairings 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

The only "eye-candy" i need is Ola Jordan... ... and hopefully a. she hasn't been sacked and b. she isn't partnering a muppet (Sid Owen, anyone?) that will be gone in the second week.


Ola is definately still there CS 


her Pro partner this year is Pasha 


no details yet on the Celeb and Pro pairings 

Well that's good news!


Thanks for the updates, MrsH!

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:


I think that is the right decision by C4. He went for the cash in the end. Personally I would have preferred the family on Gogglebox, but I'm sure they will fill their spot with another family.



His mum makes me laugh ,gutted she has gone .

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I shall be there for Strictly Can't wait 




The line up, so far, for this year's is......eclectic.

Although I have spotted the obvious eye candy for those that like that type of candy  


Do tell Yogi and I thought that one of the new professionals looked like he might be *good at his job*  

 Down Baz, down!    

The only "eye-candy" i need is Ola Jordan... ... and hopefully a. she hasn't been sacked and b. she isn't partnering a muppet (Sid Owen, anyone?) that will be gone in the second week.


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:


I think that is the right decision by C4. He went for the cash in the end. Personally I would have preferred the family on Gogglebox, but I'm sure they will fill their spot with another family.



His mum makes me laugh ,gutted she has gone .

Me too Erin - loved the three of them. 

Originally Posted by erinp:

I am not watching the show because it's not the BB I know and love .

I make comment not on the cast but what a farce Ch5 had turned the show into ,they don't even take time for continuity on the editing, they cancel evictions without notice, they introduce twists that will "change the house forever"...but it never does ,they evict Hms without a public vote ,the list is endless.... However my point is simple,I will post about whatever the hell I want to as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, you don't need to "get it".

Which is exactly as it should be.   Me too. 

Originally Posted by Baz:

In fact , does this mean we non watchers aren't supposed to read any CBB related threads on the forum ? Or are we just not supposed to comment on them ? 

We can comment on whatever we like, Baz, just as the watchers are doing.


I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 

Now, I'm aware plenty of people enjoy such shows and I am in NO WAY inferring "moral or intellectual superiority" over those who do, but they simply don't float my boat, therefore I won't be watching BB again.

If a foul-mouthed, crude, crass, nasty witch like Helen is the viewers choice as their winner, then I am obviously out of synch and I'm not CH5's target audience.

This doesn't mean I won't be commenting on the things I loved about the show in the early years, or criticising the things I hate about the way it is now.


*Carp, in my opinion, of course.



Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I shall be there for Strictly Can't wait 




The line up, so far, for this year's is......eclectic.

Although I have spotted the obvious eye candy for those that like that type of candy  


Do tell Yogi and I thought that one of the new professionals looked like he might be *good at his job*  

We are ace at "talent" spotting, Baz.



I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 

Now, I'm aware plenty of people enjoy such shows and I am in NO WAY inferring "moral or intellectual superiority" over those who do, but they simply don't float my boat, therefore I won't be watching BB again.




You know.. I don't really want to fall out with people about this - and I know you probably don't mean it that way Yogi, but can you see why it seems that the watchers might feel that they're seen as idiots?    I do appreciate that it's not the show it was  - and I'm as disappointed as the next person about that, but I don't believe I'm an idiot for still watching.  


roll on Strictly.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Baz:

In fact , does this mean we non watchers aren't supposed to read any CBB related threads on the forum ? Or are we just not supposed to comment on them ? 

We can comment on whatever we like, Baz, just as the watchers are doing.


I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 


I think you only have to look at last years winner of CBB to see proof positive that you assertion is on the money.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Kaffs:


I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 

Now, I'm aware plenty of people enjoy such shows and I am in NO WAY inferring "moral or intellectual superiority" over those who do, but they simply don't float my boat, therefore I won't be watching BB again.




You know.. I don't really want to fall out with people about this - and I know you probably don't mean it that way Yogi, but can you see why it seems that the watchers might feel that they're seen as idiots?    I do appreciate that it's not the show it was  - and I'm as disappointed as the next person about that, but I don't believe I'm an idiot for still watching.  


roll on Strictly.

I don't think you are an idiot for continuing to watch, and as long as you are happy watching even with the changes to the format, then that's fine.

I'm not, and I hate all the dodgy editing, manipulation of nominations and evictions and stupid twists. It's not BB any more but the planks at CH5 are still trying to convince us that it is - and that's where I felt they were treating me like an idiot.

I hate when I feel someone is trying to dupe me and I truly believe that's what the producers (the real idiots imo) are trying to do. 

I still lubs you though.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:


I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 

Now, I'm aware plenty of people enjoy such shows and I am in NO WAY inferring "moral or intellectual superiority" over those who do, but they simply don't float my boat, therefore I won't be watching BB again.




You know.. I don't really want to fall out with people about this - and I know you probably don't mean it that way Yogi, but can you see why it seems that the watchers might feel that they're seen as idiots?    I do appreciate that it's not the show it was  - and I'm as disappointed as the next person about that, but I don't believe I'm an idiot for still watching.  


roll on Strictly.

Yogi said she didn't want to be treated like an idiot, she didn't say the viewers still watching were idiots. It's how she feels she's been treated as a voter of the show. I understand her views, underlining that bit of her conversation without noting the rest of it was a bit picky. I can see die hard BB fans will stick to the show and enjoy it, it's just not the kind of programme we want to watch. I'm not being superior or more intellectual than anyone else, I'm just using my prerogative to watch what i want. I probably watch a lot of rubbish programmes that most on here wouldn't be caught dead watching.... Like True Blood, Continuum, Vampire Diaries  ( you can see what I mean about my level of intelect)  


Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:


I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 

Now, I'm aware plenty of people enjoy such shows and I am in NO WAY inferring "moral or intellectual superiority" over those who do, but they simply don't float my boat, therefore I won't be watching BB again.




You know.. I don't really want to fall out with people about this - and I know you probably don't mean it that way Yogi, but can you see why it seems that the watchers might feel that they're seen as idiots?    I do appreciate that it's not the show it was  - and I'm as disappointed as the next person about that, but I don't believe I'm an idiot for still watching.  


roll on Strictly.

Yogi said she didn't want to be treated like an idiot, she didn't say the viewers still watching were idiots. It's how she feels she's been treated as a voter of the show. I understand her views, underlining that bit of her conversation without noting the rest of it was a bit picky. I can see die hard BB fans will stick to the show and enjoy it, it's just not the kind of programme we want to watch. I'm not being superior or more intellectual than anyone else, I'm just using my prerogative to watch what i want. I probably watch a lot of rubbish programmes that most on here wouldn't be caught dead watching.... Like True Blood, Continuum, Vampire Diaries  ( you can see what I mean about my level of intelect)  


 Bethni Me too! I'm fick as a brick!  I watch fluffeh kittehs and puppies on Youtube   That's about all my brain can cope with a.t.m.


I couldn't keep track of all the plot twists on House of Cards for example 


My heart's not in BB right now  truth be told.


Roger, I wait up til the early hours of monday morning to watch the biggest load of tripe on American TV, then walk around like a zombie all Monday. I can't even wait for the programmes to be released on British TV 

I'm counting the hours til The Walking Dead comes back on  I'm a sad individual, but I'm certain I didn't like this Ch5 carp that just finished 

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:


I'm glad for those who are still able to watch and enjoy the show which purports to be BB, but I can't stand being treated like an idiot (imo) by a production team who seem intent on turning it into Geordie Shore/Towie carp*. 

Now, I'm aware plenty of people enjoy such shows and I am in NO WAY inferring "moral or intellectual superiority" over those who do, but they simply don't float my boat, therefore I won't be watching BB again.




You know.. I don't really want to fall out with people about this - and I know you probably don't mean it that way Yogi, but can you see why it seems that the watchers might feel that they're seen as idiots?    I do appreciate that it's not the show it was  - and I'm as disappointed as the next person about that, but I don't believe I'm an idiot for still watching.  


roll on Strictly.

Yogi said she didn't want to be treated like an idiot, she didn't say the viewers still watching were idiots. It's how she feels she's been treated as a voter of the show. I understand her views, underlining that bit of her conversation without noting the rest of it was a bit picky. I can see die hard BB fans will stick to the show and enjoy it, it's just not the kind of programme we want to watch. I'm not being superior or more intellectual than anyone else, I'm just using my prerogative to watch what i want. I probably watch a lot of rubbish programmes that most on here wouldn't be caught dead watching.... Like True Blood, Continuum, Vampire Diaries  ( you can see what I mean about my level of intelect)  


I know that's not what Yogi meant, Bethni - I simply highlighted that bit to try to explain how some of the comments (not yogi's in particular) are coming across at times - and I know that they're probably largely not aimed at people on here who are watching because I guess we don't fall into the 'target audience' either.   I'm not going to go through the threads to pick out all the comments about how thick the producers think the audience must be, but it does get a bit wearing at times.. I could have just got offended and buggered off, but I thought I'd just point out how I feel.   


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