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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I watched the footie.


TBH i put TOO MUCH into BB15 and i feel not just deflated at the outcome but rather drained. I don't like the back-to-back summer format and i can live without the celeb version.

Yes, that's the feeling I have too  

And me Its not as if they are proper celebs

They really haven't had proper celebs in BB for many years, C4's weren't so bad just washed up ones,no one who is currently a proper celeb is going to be doing CBB on C5.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I watched the footie.


TBH i put TOO MUCH into BB15 and i feel not just deflated at the outcome but rather drained. I don't like the back-to-back summer format and i can live without the celeb version.

Yes, that's the feeling I have too  

And me Its not as if they are proper celebs



I find the celebrity version is full of vacuous types from shows I never watch. After that silly cow won last year I can't in all honesty give it any of my time. The more I think about it I can use the time a lot more productively, to be honest it really is a waste of time and there is precious little entertainment.



I agree ...tbh the only reason I watched this year was cos I like the thread ....but  even that wasn't enough to make the pain any less


Even the lure of the thread and it's banter is not enough for me. I think there is a reason why the celebrities careers are in decline, CBB feels like a last ditch attempt to resurrect a flagging career.


Yes ....although there is sometimes the odd decent one ....but when they resort putting one in whose only claim to fame is as a benefit cheat they are really, really scraping the bottom of the barrel ...but no doubt she will win :laugh : 

I find myself looking forward to seeing the juxtaposition of  White Dee and  the likes of Gary Busey and Leslie(I count those two as proper celebs).Be interesting to see how they all interact when there is no history as a point of reference.


I did watch the launch and while most of the 'celebs' entering the house caused me to gag a bit and roll my eyes, I was thrilled when I saw Leslie Jordan, I had no idea he was even rumoured.  I hope he doesn't disappoint.  Sometimes one line can make the whole show for me, like Julian Clary 'lets pretend to kiss'.  Leslie and his 'I fell out of my mothers womb & in to her high heels' was brilliant.


As I've mentioned elsewhere I won't be following CBB this year, however I took the opportunity to have it on in the background while I pottered around doing other things. I normally miss the CBB launch anyway due to holidays, so for once I was able to play the "How many 'celebs' do i recognize?" game live, I managed 5 in the end, which wasn't as bad as I expected...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

As I've mentioned elsewhere I won't be following CBB this year, however I took the opportunity to have it on in the background while I pottered around doing other things. I normally miss the CBB launch anyway due to holidays, so for once I was able to play the "How many 'celebs' do i recognize?" game live, I managed 5 in the end, which wasn't as bad as I expected...


Originally Posted by Ells:

I didn't watch it  


I did read the thread though and my partner DID try to watch it but when I told him we're boycotting it because of too much manipulation he laughed at me but turned it off.  I did see the end of Gary's entrance though.....geez, poor man doesn't seem mentally fit for BB but I'm sure that's perfect for BB.


Yes I was told about that Ells. It would seem C5/CBB are exploiting a vulnerable person for entertainment which is just what I expect from them, if I was going to watch I would certainly have not wanted to participate in something like this and wouldmost probably have raised concerns with the television watchdog. C5/CBB really are the pits.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I didn't watch it  


I did read the thread though and my partner DID try to watch it but when I told him we're boycotting it because of too much manipulation he laughed at me but turned it off.  I did see the end of Gary's entrance though.....geez, poor man doesn't seem mentally fit for BB but I'm sure that's perfect for BB.


Yes I was told about that Ells. It would seem C5/CBB are exploiting a vulnerable person for entertainment which is just what I expect from them, if I was going to watch I would certainly have not wanted to participate in something like this and wouldmost probably have raised concerns with the television watchdog. C5/CBB really are the pits.



I agree EC ....and judging by the number of people liking and commenting on the BB FB site , people really have switched off ! 


Less than 2.5million viewers tuned in for the return of Celebrity Big Brother last night, making it the show’s lowest rated launch ever.

An overnight average of 2.24million viewers (11.9%) tuned in to Channel 5 to see the likes of Gary Busey and Claire King enter the house.

An additional 115,000 (1.0%) caught the opener an hour later on +1, giving it a total of 2.36million viewers (12.6%).

The live show – which was scheduled between 9.05pm and 11.20pm, but finished at least seven minutes early – was the least watched CBB launch to date, coming in below the 2012 summer series, which begun with 2.71million (13.1%).

However, it did well enough to come third in the 9pm hour, beating BBC Two’s Horizon (1.83million/7.9%) and Channel 4â€ēs Royal Marines Commando School (1.68million/7.2% inc +1).

CBB also dominated the TV chatter on Twitter last night, with users posting over 336,000 tweets about the show, according to data from SecondSync.

Busey, Stephanie Pratt and the ‘#CBBDUCHESS’ launch twist hashtag trended worldwide, while terms such as ‘Frenchy’, ‘Point Break’ and ‘#celebritybigbrother’ trended in the UK.

Elsewhere, spin-off show Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side begun with 795,000 viewers (10.7%) from 11.20pm, excluding +1.

The first highlights show airs tonight at 10.00pm on C5.


I know BB was  beyond awful,I know C5 messed it up and they have been messing it up ever since they  got it,I know all the outrage regarding Helen, but CBB, is looking to be much more what we would want BB to be.


I have no clue as to why C5 are so shit at civilian BB and yet almost by accident, seem to get it right  for CBB.


Maybe it's because 'slebs' aren't so malleable and desperate, most probs want to just make a few quid before they shuffle off....


Anyways, I think you boycotters may enjoy this one.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I know BB was  beyond awful,I know C5 messed it up and they have been messing it up ever since they  got it,I know all the outrage regarding Helen, but CBB, is looking to be much more what we would want BB to be.


I have no clue as to why C5 are so shit at civilian BB and yet almost by accident, seem to get it right  for CBB.


Maybe it's because 'slebs' aren't so malleable and desperate, most probs want to just make a few quid before they shuffle off....


Anyways, I think you boycotters may enjoy this one.

See , I see it the other way round JB ......I always feel that the Celeb one is even more scripted and open to manipulation , cos the HMs are all used to being directed ....and able to carry off any deception better than those in the *civilian * one ....although it's hardly a * civilian* one any more  

Originally Posted by Baz:

I agree EC ....and judging by the number of people liking and commenting on the BB FB site , people really have switched off ! 

Baz, I know this might be a daft question but.... isn't it counter productive to be reading BB FB if you're boycotting it?  Surely the least interaction with the show, the better (from a protest pov).


As it is, I think you're all missing the makings of a good CBB  

There's enough horrors to moan about, some nice people to hopefully enjoy, and the most horrific trout pout attached to a ridiculous pair of silicone baps evahhhhhhhh..!  

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Baz:

I agree EC ....and judging by the number of people liking and commenting on the BB FB site , people really have switched off ! 

Baz, I know this might be a daft question but.... isn't it counter productive to be reading BB FB if you're boycotting it?  Surely the least interaction with the show, the better (from a protest pov).


As it is, I think you're all missing the makings of a good CBB  

There's enough horrors to moan about, some nice people to hopefully enjoy, and the most horrific trout pout attached to a ridiculous pair of silicone baps evahhhhhhhh..!  

I'm not really reading it Cosmo ....I've unliked the page ....I just dipped in out of curiosity last night to see * the lay of the land * As for the rest of it , I'm glad you're enjoying it ....although don't expect the nice people to win ....but to quote Dragon's Den ....I'm out  

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

I'm sure you'll manage And it's much better for my BP , cos I detest White Dee with a passion .....have had my fill of Towie  types ....and only really know the Emmerdale woman Plus it's so predictable's like there is a template for the mix of HMs these days

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

All my mates and family are saying the same, they can't believe I am not watching it!! I have told them if it was BB I would be watching but it's scripted reality that I have no desire to watch . . .

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

I've just been laughed at with "I thought you were boycotting it?!"

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

I'm not even tempted Yogi....I think I'm cured  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

 We can do it Yogi  one day at a time 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

All my mates and family are saying the same, they can't believe I am not watching it!! I have told them if it was BB I would be watching but it's scripted reality that I have no desire to watch . . .

 I'm with you on that.

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

 We can do it Yogi  one day at a time 

 If you see me wavering, give me a slap!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

All my mates and family are saying the same, they can't believe I am not watching it!! I have told them if it was BB I would be watching but it's scripted reality that I have no desire to watch . . .

Well said Erin 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

All my mates and family are saying the same, they can't believe I am not watching it!! I have told them if it was BB I would be watching but it's scripted reality that I have no desire to watch . . .

 I'm with you on that.

So am I

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

 We can do it Yogi  one day at a time 

 If you see me wavering, give me a slap!

 Lets make a pact - you do the same to me 

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

I've just been laughed at with "I thought you were boycotting it?!"

 Get back on the wagon, Jen.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Awww, but I miss your epic Grrrrrr's.  Now I'll have to type them for myself!  

Oi Cosi! We're in BB rehab  Go away, you temptress!

 Hubby keeps saying I'll fall off the wagon. He knows the extent of my BB addiction - but I'm staying strong.

I'm not even tempted Yogi....I think I'm cured  

 I wouldn't say I'm cured, more stubborn.


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