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I'm a mixed up sort of character, whilst I am still trying to shoot my film, about 3/4, of the way through, I have taken upon myself to sort out a backup plan.  That back up plan is to study a TESOL course, so that i can bugger off to far away countries and teach the locals some Devonshire.


I had an interview, and test, yesterday to see if i was eligible to be accepted onto the course, and i was....oddly.


It is an INTENSIVE 4 week course, so intense that literally any aspects of a social life will be non-existant.  I also have to live with a family, who are farmers, for 4 nights a week, each week.  At the moment I have an assignment and a lot of reading to do before the course officially starts on Monday.


So i must bid farewell to you all, for a short time, maybe I will update my progress on Facebook, but i doubt I will even have time to do that.  So if you don't hear from me for a while, do not fret young ones for I am still there... in your 'Bea loving hearts'.


Ta-ra for now 


P.S Oh and I didn't hear anything about that job in Germany.



P.P.S This is all just a bit of dramatics as I reckon I will be posting in the BB thread for the final 2 nights 





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Best of luck Rawky!


TESOL courses can be real endurance tests: I've got a few friends who've done them. One went teaching English in Russia, and it didn't work out very well (although he's now got a Ukranian fiance! ), while another is still working in Malta and has essentially made it his career.


I hope it goes well and you get all you want from it.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Rawks!   How can you leave us?           (pssssttt... how easy is it to move a forum, can we vanish without trace in four weeks?)


Seriously - good luck with it

We don't have to move it...we can just change the locks. 


Kidding, of course! We'll miss you, and I can't wait to see the feature-length film about your adventures when you return.  

My sis has a PhD in teaching English as a second language after SHE got started this way. Now she teaches English teachers how to teach..or something like that. 


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