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Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

She didn't make a comment, she wrote a lecture, and there wasn't much I could disagree with, tbh.


The Daily Fail either didn't read it properly, or deliberately misled its readers.


The Mantel Piece -

Christ - she likes to go on and on and on . . . .

I generally find Blousey to be brief and succinct in her contributions and I generally concur.


Oh, you meant Mantell! 


hello to you all on here 


probably the article went straight over my head I just like Kate Middleton or


the Duchess of Cambridge is she too slim am I too fat ,just another talking point and the lady in question is being controversial ,never heard of her so perhaps I need to get a grip on authors


                      someone called Mantel ..I go by your judgement  is she is good

 I really love reading never heard of her sorry

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Bore - no

Not this time


See - succinct is easy. Mantell waffles

*out succincts Saint* 

Stroll away laughing with a sandwich so big I nearly choked made up of homemade breadcake chicken tomatoes lettuce and horse raddish sauce ,with mayo ,because you can't get a rational answer 


         so bye for now



bye the way its meant in fun as I'm sure the other posts are  



Last edited by Former Member

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