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TBH, I wouldn't be that bothered by someone not knowing exactly where Chad is. I wouldn't be 100% certain myself without checking: I know it's a large, central-African country, which is enough to find it on a (labeled) map.

Private Eye do a regular feature called "Dumb Britain", and they've been criticized in the past for poking fun at people for not knowing the answers to some questions that are actually quite difficult. However, that's missing the point: the problem is not them getting the answer wrong, but getting it ridiculously wrong.

I don't mind Sophie not knowing where Chad or Kazakhstan are: what I mind is her thinking Germany and Japan are in Africa...

Seriously: how many FMs wouldn't be able to find The USA, Brazil, Iceland, Germany, Sweden, Iran and Japan on a map (or at least come pretty-darn close)?
The only one that I think might cause trouble is Iran, but anyone who watches the news should be able to manage that one too...
Eugene's Lair
Poor Sophie. Her strong point is not geography. But one of her strongest points is probably loyalty. She also has a good heart and a kind generous spirit. She is also a strong little girl, to go against the majority and stick up for Siavash.

When Sophie is older she can learn geography, and anything else that will make her academically clever. In the meantime she has the most important quality already within her, and this cannot be learnt by anyone. Her kindness and loyalty comes as part of the package. You can learn geography but you have to be born with a kind heart.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Poker Face:
Originally posted by shirehorse:
Where the hell is Chad?
Exactly Confused

I doubt all of the other HM's would have got every country right either.

I can understand her not knowing where Chad is, as it's not a well-known country. However, that wasn't the question: she was asked where Germany was - a very different matter.

I doubt all the other HMs would have got them all correct, but I think they would all have done better. I would certainly have expected their wrong answers to be closer: e.g. I doubt they all know where Iran is exactly (Iraq and Afghanistan are common mistakes), but I doubt anyone-else would have thought it was in Europe...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Poor Sophie. Her strong point is not geography. But one of her strongest points is probably loyalty. She also has a good heart and a kind generous spirit. She is also a strong little girl, to go against the majority and stick up for Siavash.

When Sophie is older she can learn geography, and anything else that will make her academically clever. In the meantime she has the most important quality already within her, and this cannot be learnt by anyone. Her kindness and loyalty comes as part of the package. You can learn geography but you have to be born with a kind heart.

She may have a kind heart, but I haven't seen it. But she did go to school and that is where she should have been taught basic geography.
Originally posted by luxor:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Poor Sophie. Her strong point is not geography. But one of her strongest points is probably loyalty. She also has a good heart and a kind generous spirit. She is also a strong little girl, to go against the majority and stick up for Siavash.

When Sophie is older she can learn geography, and anything else that will make her academically clever. In the meantime she has the most important quality already within her, and this cannot be learnt by anyone. Her kindness and loyalty comes as part of the package. You can learn geography but you have to be born with a kind heart.

She may have a kind heart, but I haven't seen it. But she did go to school and that is where she should have been taught basic geography.

Basic geography is probably not even on the curriculum today for young people. I may have struggled finding some of the countries mentioned when I was twenty one years old, and I have had the benefit of a very good education where geography was part of my day even in Primary School. I may even have struggled with pointing out Sweden today, as I'm never sure which side of the 'boot' is Sweden and which is Norway Laugh

The kind heart reference is purely my own conclusion about Sophie, and it need not necessarily be your opinion. Vive la difference! Big Grin
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Basic geography is probably not even on the curriculum today for young people. I may have struggled finding some of the countries mentioned when I was twenty one years old, and I have had the benefit of a very good education where geography was part of my day even in Primary School. I may even have struggled with pointing out Sweden today, as I'm never sure which side of the 'boot' is Sweden and which is Norway Laugh

If you're correct there, then that's very sad.
With the possible exception of Iran, I would have been able to identify all the countries Sophie was asked to place when I was at Primary School, and I would have expected most of my classmates to at least have a rough idea where they were. (Well OK: technically "Germany" didn't exist when I was at school, but you get my point...Wink)

This is my main issue here: it's not that Sophie didn't know exactly where those countries were; it's that she wasn't even close. If she'd been asked to identify Burundi, Qatar or Micronesia I'd sympathize, but she was asked to identify Germany and Japan: two of the most important countries in the world and frequently mentioned on news and travel shows, and yet she thought they were in Africa.

You make my point perfectly yourself when you say that you often get Norway and Sweden mixed-up. That's a common mistake, and fair-enough. Sophie, however, wasn't even that close: she thought Sweden was in Central Asia...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Basic geography is probably not even on the curriculum today for young people. I may have struggled finding some of the countries mentioned when I was twenty one years old, and I have had the benefit of a very good education where geography was part of my day even in Primary School. I may even have struggled with pointing out Sweden today, as I'm never sure which side of the 'boot' is Sweden and which is Norway Laugh

If you're correct there, then that's very sad.
With the possible exception of Iran, I would have been able to identify all the countries Sophie was asked to place when I was at Primary School, and I would have expected most of my classmates to at least have a rough idea where they were. (Well OK: technically "Germany" didn't exist when I was at school, but you get my point...Wink)

This is my main issue here: it's not that Sophie didn't know exactly where those countries were; it's that she wasn't even close. If she'd been asked to identify Burundi, Qatar or Micronesia I'd sympathize, but she was asked to identify Germany and Japan: two of the most important countries in the world and frequently mentioned on news and travel shows, and yet she thought they were in Africa.

You make my point perfectly yourself when you say that you often get Norway and Sweden mixed-up. That's a common mistake, and fair-enough. Sophie, however, wasn't even that close: she thought Sweden was in Central Asia...

I would have the same difficulty as you with Iran because when I was at school it was still being referred to as Persia, even though the country's name change took place in 1935! The same applies to Chad, it was not known as Chad when I was at school so I would have had difficulty finding it on a map had I not known about the country's name change.

Don't feel sad about my lack of knowledge with geography after Primary School. I feel I make up for it with other things Wink and I can sure find my way around a map of the world now. At twenty one I wasn't so interested in knowing where Sweden was, I was more interested in what was Number One in the pop charts, or how short I could wear my mini skirt and still maintain decency lol.

Germany was a divided country when I was at school, Israel was in its infancy, Yugoslavia was a united country, Russia was known as the USSR, etc. So many things have changed geographically that unless you keep ahead of the changes, you could lose your way around a map these days Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Basic geography is probably not even on the curriculum today for young people.

If you're correct there, then that's very sad.

Don't feel sad about my lack of knowledge with geography after Primary School. I feel I make up for it with other things Wink and I can sure find my way around a map of the world now.

Sorry - sloppy editing on my part.

I wasn't suggesting that your knowledge of Geography was sad. (Well, I'll sympathize if you want, but I'm guessing you don't...Wink)

What I thought was sad was your (very plausible) suggestion that knowledge of basic Geography is not considered important nowadays...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Basic geography is probably not even on the curriculum today for young people.

If you're correct there, then that's very sad.

Don't feel sad about my lack of knowledge with geography after Primary School. I feel I make up for it with other things Wink and I can sure find my way around a map of the world now.

Sorry - sloppy editing on my part.

I wasn't suggesting that your knowledge of Geography was sad. (Well, I'll sympathize if you want, but I'm guessing you don't...Wink)

What I thought was sad was your (very plausible) suggestion that knowledge of basic Geography is not considered important nowadays...

Sometimes our words on here can be misinterpreted EL and I didn't really wish to imply that you were being personal with your reply. I agree with you about the lack of basic knowledge in geography with the schoolkids today. It was drummed into our skulls where most places were in the world, back in the day. I remember one lesson very clearly where the teacher asked us where 'The Wash' was. None of us knew of course but I remember her pointing it out on the map. I know now! Memories, eh?

Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Sometimes our words on here can be misinterpreted EL and I didn't really wish to imply that you were being personal with your reply. I agree with you about the lack of basic knowledge in geography with the schoolkids today. It was drummed into our skulls where most places were in the world, back in the day. I remember one lesson very clearly where the teacher asked us where 'The Wash' was. None of us knew of course but I remember her pointing it out on the map. I know now! Memories, eh?


Right enough... Hug
Eugene's Lair

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