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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Well, we have put the world to rights ... so you can all sleep more soundly in your beds tonight


*sighs with relief* 


Me and Hoochie do that on a regular basis and it does make sense when your drinking...I reckon we should stand for parliament.


*The Women Know Best Party* 

I shall be your chief whip!


(I will leave it to you to post the pervy smiley that that post deserves!!)

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I left work at 4 pm and met two friends in the Head of the River, we had two bottles of wine, sat outside in the sunshine, looking upriver in brilliant sunshine.


Bit decadent for midweek?

Nahhh .... I say good on you ...... You only live once Rexi ..... It's been a beautiful day, might as well make the most of it 


Hiya Rex...I'm good are great....Finn is three would you believe, same age as the forum .  So grown up now, lets you away with nothing   Simon's cute as a button, he's 6 months and if I nuzzle his cheeks much more I'm going to wear them out


How are things with you?  Besides wining and dining in the middle of the afternoon of a Wednesday of course....we really could do with a snooty smiley


Temps :hugesthuggysmiley:


My 'how's the fam' enquiry could have been translated as 'I know you were pregnant, but I haven't heard anything, and the nine months must surely be up by now, but I don't want to ask ...'


Ohhhh, Simon .... HUGEST (belated) congrats ... how absolutely wonderful. It's moments like this that make me think I ought to be on FB. I'm soooo happy for you


We're grand here ... all grown up - the boy graduates this year and I've told him he's not allowed home unless he gets a first. To put that into context for you that's like Fin painting the Mona Lisa in an art class No pressure at all really - what is all this talk of helicopter mums all about, huh?

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Actually supes ... I am but i am also Þber thrilled to hear about Simon


And ... I am posing on my iPad ... Which has a mind of its own



And ... I want to know what the nutty one has been celebrating ( cos it ai t gonna be sun in her corner of the world!)!!!!



I haven't been celebrating anything. I don't need an excuse 

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Temps :hugesthuggysmiley:


My 'how's the fam' enquiry could have been translated as 'I know you were pregnant, but I haven't heard anything, and the nine months must surely be up by now, but I don't want to ask ...'


Ohhhh, Simon .... HUGEST (belated) congrats ... how absolutely wonderful. It's moments like this that make me think I ought to be on FB. I'm soooo happy for you


We're grand here ... all grown up - the boy graduates this year and I've told him he's not allowed home unless he gets a first. To put that into context for you that's like Fin painting the Mona Lisa in an art class No pressure at all really - what is all this talk of helicopter mums all about, huh?

Haahaa Thanks Rex   be glad you're not on's 'my kids are so cute, look at this photo', central   Simon's gorgeous, he really is a funny little character.  Finn really gets on great with him.  Every once in a while when he doesn't know I'm looking I catch him giving him a wee kiss on the cheek, which in your tipsy state will probably send you over the edge


Nothing like a bit of pressure then?   Is it the end of this month he graduates then?  Didn't this academic year just fly in!

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Actually supes ... I am but i am also Þber thrilled to hear about Simon


And ... I am posing on my iPad ... Which has a mind of its own



And ... I want to know what the nutty one has been celebrating ( cos it ai t gonna be sun in her corner of the world!)!!!!

Next thing you'll be bloody meditating! Ommmmmmmm

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Hmmmmmmmmmm - two bottles between four - see - that really wouldn't be enough for me. Maybe that's why I've quit the booze!

It was between three, I think.


Although, I must admit, I was thinking that it should always be at least one bottle each!



I wonder whether Lewis has found any bodies, today.  

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Hmmmmmmmmmm - two bottles between four - see - that really wouldn't be enough for me. Maybe that's why I've quit the booze!

It was between three, I think.


Although, I must admit, I was thinking that it should always be at least one bottle each!



I wonder whether Lewis has found any bodies, today.  

At least Blizz .

Soozy Woo

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